Sorry, but I hope you realize you just confirmed rather explicitly that the Church DOES try to push its views on non-members. You go so far as to claim a Catholic politician who doesn’t do this is “no longer Christian let alone Catholic”.
I understand very clearly. What you are saying is that the American political system is set up for citizen groups (including Catholics) to exert influence commensurate with their numbers and influence. I have not disputed that in any of my posts.
Whether it’s legal or not is not the point. I’m not saying Catholics should not be able to vote their beliefs. you can’t say Catholics have to impose their beliefs politically and in the same breath say Catholics don’t try to impose their beliefs on non-Catholics. Why don’t you just admit you feel that Catholics have a democratic and legal basis for attempting to impose their beliefs on non-Catholics. and by your way of thinking every politician who votes is forcing his beliefs on everyone else. You show how Catholic politicians have forced you to submit to their faith. You were a Catholic but claim no more. Obviously you are not forced to do anything by the Catholic Church. Get realistic, everyone politician or otherwise is voting their personal agenda in hopes the majority agrees with their vote. Thats fact, thats democracy, thats life. To say otherwise is ridiculous and not very truthful. Just because a catholic happens to vote for something that makes it forcing their faith on you? you have a major splinter in your eye and see only what you choose to see.
Under current law, no one is forcing Catholics to have abortions. Obviously you are free to propagate as much as you’re able. I do agree, however, that forcing Catholic hospitals and/or medical professionals to participate in abortions is wrong. I believe it should be clearly legally stated that no one, regardless of religious affiliation, should be forced to commit actions that are contrary to their conscience.No, many places just martyr the faithful if they don’t renounce Jesus. In this country, a person can be fired for saying Merry Christmas and a young boy or girl can be suspended from some schools for hugging a friend, its an outward sign of affection and not permitted. And yes, Catholic business owners can be sued or put out of business if they refuse to provide certain services against their beliefs. Is that the way you think it should be?
It is foolish and a display of a lack of knowledge to state the claims you have here. You have no idea what went on within the Church in regard to this issue but you make all kinds of judgments on everyone in the Catholic Church in trying to belittle that which you do not know or understand. Of course the Church should take care of the sinful within her. 1) DO you not believe in the covenant Jesus made in regard to His Church? 2) Do you belittle Jesus for allowing one like Judas within His apostles? 3) Or do you believe Jesus failed to handle things correctly by not “excommunicating” Him before the passion could occur? 4) I bet you you have.
Shuffling pedophiles around to various parishes is public knowledge. The $2 BILLION in payoffs to victims is fact, not rumor and innuendo.
Tell me, if you were abused as a youth, would you accept the fact that according to “statistics” you are likely to be a pedophile in which case you should be watched closely especially around youth and children?
Because I don’t believe what you believe, don’t be so arrogant as to presume I’m the one who doesn’t understand. Arrogant, no, direct, yes. You research (if you do) with full bios which limits the ability to accept all factors and make a rational assertion.
And as I posted previously: “And quit taking it personally. I’m not claiming all Catholics are evil. I’m saying that being Catholic doesn’t guarantee holiness - there have been, and currently are, plenty of evil people in the Catholic Church - from laity all the way up to Popes. If you truly care for your religion and your soul, you will want to cut out the evil where it crops up instead of blindly defending the organization as a whole and pretending there are no problems or that the problems don’t count.” To your credit, you agree that the Church should be handling the sinful. My argument is all about those “holier than thou” Catholics who try to deny the cancers in the Church while simultaneously trying to tell non-Catholics how to live their lives. I have respect for Catholics who demonstrate their faith through their actions. I will never respect Catholics (from laity all the way up to whoever happens to be Pope at the time) who voice their faith in a “do as I say, not as I do” manner while not acting consistently with their preaching. So your way of caring for your faith as a Catholic was to quit and go the other way when things got difficult? There are many of us very devoted to strengthening the Faith and working toward rightousness. what are the staistics on other Christian denominations, can you rattle those off also?
Regarding your questions at the end: 1) I do not believe that Jesus wrote anything down personally that has survived. Therefore, as a fact, everything is second hand at best. Therefore, I do not believe the detailed accuracy of every line in the Bible has or can ever be proven. Therefore, the Church’s detailed interpretations can never be proven “infallible”. 2) No. 3) No 4) You’re making assumptions that go far beyond the text I’ve posted - a mistake many Church leaders and theologians have been making regarding Jesus for 2,000 years.