Ask my friend Brad about that. When I raised that issue he posted that I was raising a red herring because no Catholic would ever call for such a thing. Never have my right wing friends rallied so quickly to prove me correct. Thank you all.
It remains a red herring because the issue at hand is not criminalizing sodomy, it is whether to change the definition of marriage. These are 2 entirely separate issues.
When I raised my objection to your changing of the topic, it was prior to anyone suggesting criminalization for sodomy - hindsight is great when it can be used to win an argument against the “evil right wingers”. However, my point remains that you are still using “fear and smear” tactics - making sodomy illegal is not on the table of Congressional review at this time and you know this as much as I do.
If you want my opinion, homosexual acts are gravely sinful, lead to physical damage and severe spiritual damage. Anyone addicted to this depravity or under the influence of a persuasive propositioner should be psychologically and spiritually assisted by people of good conscience. Should these acts be illegal? I’m not really in favor of such legislation. I think more solid enforcement of laws against pornography and rape (especially involving children), prostitution, willing transfer of disease etc., along with proper school education (i.e. abstinence before marriage) would be a better way to generally prevent harm to society without overburdening criminal defense departments with very specific immoral acts which could lead to excessive goverment intrusion into families and abuse of such priviledge.
To Fix and Brendan’s points - they have a right to their opinion in matters of civil law although I am unconvinced they have a general attitude of “throw them all in jail” just because they think the acts should be illegal. Most illegal acts are not punishable by being thrown in jail.
However, as I said, this is not the argument. You have thrown “fear and smear” at us in an effort to say that being against the re-definition of marriage is akin to wanting to throw anyone in jail that does not agree with the moral code of Catholicism. This is an attempt to paint orothodox believers in the faith as uncaring and unsympathetic (contrary to Gospel imperatives), at minimum put us on the defensive, and at best case keep us quiet. Why would you want to do that as a follower of the Catholic Faith that has appropriately shown us the sacramental nature of marriage in it’s compatibility of spouses and possibility of bearing new life and new souls for all of eternity? Marriage is the most basic foundation of society and the first covenant instituted by God in a series of covenants that culminate in the New Covenant that frees us the gates of eternal damnation in our sin.
Your pulling of the fire alarm in the crowded theatre of good-willed Christ followers is comparable to me shouting that affirmative action should be eliminated because, if it is not, soon all white people will no longer be allowed in colleges or given government jobs. Rather than pull the fire alarm when in severe doubt, I suggest a better act of charity would be to volunteer for the local fire deparment.