Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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yeah how dare he say this:

“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They are children of God and have a right to a family,” the pope said in an interview in the documentary Francesco , which premiered Wednesday at the Rome Film Festival. “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered.”
This is going to make reunion between East and West a lot harder now. A LOT harder.
Not at all. There was precisely zero chance before, and there is precisely zero chance now. That comes to … let me add that up for you … precisely zero change.
Basically the reporting is using Pope Francis to endorse mortal sim .All over the world.
While Pope Francis uses ambiguity and obscurity there is much reason to be alarmed and wary.
… and I think that Cardinal Reinhard Marx would make a FAAAAABULOUS pope.
I would only talk about behaviors and ideas instead of organizations which are more complex and not every has the same view.
As I stated, I have a number of reasons I leave Catholicism decades ago. Too extensive and long to state here.
I would stop bringing it up since it would save a lot of time.
tolerance, acceptance,
Christians shouldn’t tolerate or accept sin period.

Christ forgave sins and said “sin no more”, He didn’t say “hey keep on sinning and you know what we’re going to change things around here so you can feel more comfortable in your sin”.
No prob, here.

You do know that by far most polygamists are very conservative, religiously and socially. For me, I’m against it as there is practically always a substantial disparity in power and freedom among the parties involved. It lends itself far too easily to exploitation, which can get savage, as we see with polygamist cults here in the States.
It makes a nice headline but nothing will actually change. The media is just trying to twist the Pope’s words again and I would turn to something more productive.
No doubt this Pope will issue a clarification decrying how his words in support of gay unions (and all its implications) have been taken out of context.
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Given the past history of Pope Francis when asked for clarification, I seriously doubt it…

… however I pray you are right.
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