Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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The pope in his wisdom and grace is UNITING more people by preaching tolerance, acceptance, compassion and EMPATHY towards our LGBT brothers and sisters
Sin is sin. Btw, condoning sin is also sin. The most loving thing we can do for our LGBT brethren is pray and urge that they repent.

I can’t imagine Jesus condoning any kind of same-sex union - UNTHINKABLE.
I can’t imagine Jesus condoning any kind of same-sex union - UNTHINKABLE.
I can imagine him attending a same-sex wedding, turning the water into wine, having the time of his life and making sure that everyone else was having the best time ever.
Marriage is not the same as a civil union. There’s no reason why the Pope can’t say same sex unions are ok. That literally has nothing to do with the covenant of marriage. The mystery here is why he’s speaking out at all on a subject that doesn’t concern Catholicsm.
My wife and I were joined together in a civil union. We called it ‘getting married’. I hope nobody minds.
It angers me that the LBGT cult has hi-jacked God’s beautiful rainbow and turned it into a universal emblem for their depravity and sin. Demonic.
This thread give new meaning to the saying “Holier than the Pope.”

What’s wrong with civil unions? Why not make a legal framework, not just for homosexuals, but anyone who wants to make a partnership with another person so that each of them has legal rights to support each other? What’s wrong with that? Nothing sexual in there at all.
I can imagine him attending a same-sex wedding, turning the water into wine, having the time of his life and making sure that everyone else was having the best time ever.
All I can say is,

Remember Sodom amd Gomorrah.
Seriously, I can’t recall ever having interacted with you or even seeing your nick until today. I don’t respond to posters, only posts, unless they try to make things personal, as you did. In which case I wish them a nice day.

Soooo… Have a nice day!
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But getting married at City Hall is not considered a covenant marriage according to Catholic teaching. That’s all I’m saying.
I can imagine him attending a same-sex wedding, turning the water into wine, having the time of his life and making sure that everyone else was having the best time ever
So your “Jesus” approves of depravity and grave sin.

This thread give new meaning to the saying “Holier than the Pope.”
Actually, it’s quite mild here compared to other places on the Alt-Cath web. I should have invested in torches and pitchforks because they must be selling like hotcakes now.

And in “Torquemada” name badges. The job just got immensely popular.
I can imagine him attending a same-sex wedding, turning the water into wine, having the time of his life and making sure that everyone else was having the best time ever.
Then you are far beyond the veil separating right from wrong. Jesus did not condone homosexual acts. The Church, His church, teaches that from now until forever, homosexual acts are wrong. Period. Jesus would not celebrate the sin of others.
I think a lot of these responses are for the express purpose of inciting outrage from faithful Catholics.🤨
Claiming that someone believes he is “holier than the pope” for criticizing the Pope’s words is pure clericalism. Not everything the pope says is perfect.

What’s wrong with civil unions? In regards to same sex unions, there are clear sexual implications.

Laws in favour of homosexual unions are contrary to right reason because they confer legal guarantees, analogous to those granted to marriage, to unions between persons of the same sex. Given the values at stake in this question, the State could not grant legal standing to such unions without failing in its duty to promote and defend marriage as an institution essential to the common good.
It might be asked how a law can be contrary to the common good if it does not impose any particular kind of behaviour, but simply gives legal recognition to a de facto reality which does not seem to cause injustice to anyone. In this area, one needs first to reflect on the difference between homosexual behaviour as a private phenomenon and the same behaviour as a relationship in society, foreseen and approved by the law, to the point where it becomes one of the institutions in the legal structure. This second phenomenon is not only more serious, but also assumes a more wide-reaching and profound influence, and would result in changes to the entire organization of society, contrary to the common good. Civil laws are structuring principles of man’s life in society, for good or for ill. They “play a very important and sometimes decisive role in influencing patterns of thought and behaviour”
Nor is the argument valid according to which legal recognition of homosexual unions is necessary to avoid situations in which cohabiting homosexual persons, simply because they live together, might be deprived of real recognition of their rights as persons and citizens. In reality, they can always make use of the provisions of law – like all citizens from the standpoint of their private autonomy – to protect their rights in matters of common interest. It would be gravely unjust to sacrifice the common good and just laws on the family in order to protect personal goods that can and must be guaranteed in ways that do not harm the body of society.
These are all from the 2003 instruction CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING PROPOSALS
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