Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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Here, here - well said! He should be urging people to turn from their sinful ways, instead he is encouraging them. Go and sin no more is what Jesus would say. When these people meet their maker and are brought to judgement what are they going to say - Pope Francis gave us the go ahead so therefore it was okay? Good grief - what is happening here?
The Church has been through bigger crises than this. It was reated by our Lord for us. Like Peter, we must hold fast, to whom would we go but to the bearer of Truth, of the Words of Eternal Life.
Why is the Holy Father endorsing same same unions? It appears to me that has been a view of his prior to becoming pope, going back to his time as a archbishop. Does he still stand for marriage between a man and woman? This is another reason, among others, that had me leave Catholicism
It is unreasonable to judge the Church according to the personal opinion of a Pope.
I’d rather not comment on the documentary since this news came out less than 24 hours ago and I want to see what happens in the next 2 weeks or so, but to reiterate the basics: Church doctrine on marriage, the family, and immoral sexual acts isn’t going to change and there’s nothing to be worried about in that respect.

No doubt this Pope will issue a clarification decrying how is words in support of gay unions (and all it’s implications) have been taken out of context.
Don’t count on it. He doesn’t have much of a history of doing so. You should know by now he isn’t much of a fan of “clarity” and ready-made black and white answers. He has a technicolor vision. Only the colorblind are “confused”.
My understanding is, the Church infallibly declared that women will never be ordained as priests, in which case, that is the end of the matter.
yes, of course I was being sarcastic. My point, for all those saying he was being taken out of context, is that we can assume the worst if no such clarification is forthcoming.
Sorry, but is insulting to imply that anyone who disagrees with your personal opinion or private interpretation of the Faith must be some kind of amoral libertine that wants to introduce a free for all.

As for the rest of your post, it’s so packed with logical fallacies I would know where to start.
Marriage is not the same as a civil union. There’s no reason why the Pope can’t say same sex unions are ok. That literally has nothing to do with the covenant of marriage. The mystery here is why he’s speaking out at all on a subject that doesn’t concern Catholicsm.
The Pope’s message has went viral.
It is not his message. It is a totally out of context quote, the person who has released it has not even released the question Pope Francis was responding too.
It is not so. … The Pope is not an absolute sovereign whose thoughts and will are law. Quite the contrary, the ministry of the Pope is a guarantee of obedience to Christ and to His Word.”

“He must not proclaim his own ideas,” Benedict added, “but constantly bind himself and the Church in obedience to God’s Word in the face of all attempts to adapt that Word or to water it down

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