Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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Honestly this is so interesting. Imagine anyone else but Pope Francis saying this. They would not get defended at all. Imagine poster posting a question whether he can be Catholic and hold this opinion. He would be told he can’t by everyone.

But when Pope Francis does it, everything is fine. Suddenly God has changed His mind or actually Pope didn’t explicitly say it’s about children … he just heavily implied it so it’s fine…

Every Pastor’s job is to teach and not be ambiguous. Heavily implying heretical idea was done by one Pope before … ( well, not acting against heresy in the very least was) and you can read about how he ended up. Ecumenical Council even mentions him by name and anathemizes him posthumously. I am not saying similar thing will or should be done with Pope Francis but perhaps we should think more critically and not excuse confusion just because someone is Pope.
It’s clear that people, even bishops, misunderstand the difference between a Catholic marriage and a civil union.

We have no civil, legal right to determine who is allowed to “marry” whom.

I call “baloney sandwich”. I don’t know where you are a citizen, but I live in a republic where I get to vote for my elected representatives, and therefore I do have a say in the laws that my government makes.
What’s next? How else will this Pope degrade the credibility of the Church? The Church is supposed to be the light of the world, against sin, not endorsing it. I know the excuse will be its a civil union and not a marriage, but in reality a civil union between homosexuals IS their marriage. If he wants to be a good pastor then he should ONLY promote Christ’s teaching.
The Pope wasn’t endorsing same-sex civil unions but laws that uphold non-discrimination. They have a right to their family and shouldn’t be thrown out of their family by parents or siblings just because they are homosexual. Any Catholic can and should be for that. Unfortunately, the documentary (and news media) puts a spin on what the Pope said which is inaccurate. The documentary shouldn’t have said “civil unions” as that is different than “civil coexistence”.
The Church recognizes that, in order to protect civil and property rights, divorce is not a moral offense (CCC, #2383). This does not mean that the Church is denying or is attempting to change its teaching on the indissolubility of a valid marriage.

Permitting civil unions to protect civil and property rights does not mean the Church is denying or attempting to change its teaching on marriage as between a single man and a single woman.
Go back and read his words. He does in fact endorse civil unions.
He said “civil coexistence” a term he has used in other contexts which doesn’t mean “civil unions”.

Talking about artificial intelligence in 2017, he said, "AI may be used “to circulate tendentious opinions and false data that could poison public debates and even manipulate the opinions of millions of people, to the point of endangering the very institutions that guarantee peaceful civil coexistence”.

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This faithful Catholic to true Catholicism isn’t upset or perturbed in the least, and applauds the Pope’s wisdom and Christ-like charity.
Apparently gay couples are very pleased. My local channel interviewed an x priest with his “husband”. He saw it as a beginning to someday be fully accepted back into the church, but still far from it. But definitely a bridge to discussion to that end, and an easing I would say of consciousness of guilt.
He said “civil coexistence” a term he has used in other contexts which doesn’t mean “civil unions”.
Please explain what it means then. What is “civil coexistence” and how does it actually differ from a civil union? They seem to be essentially the same thing to me.
Permitting civil unions to protect civil and property rights does not mean the Church is denying or attempting to change its teaching on marriage as between a single man and a single woman.
But that’s not at all what we’re talking about here Pope Francis specifically mentions ”a right to a family“, what kind of family do you imagine he is talking about?
Or perhaps more aptly phrased, what kind of family does one who enters a civil union intend to start?
Please explain what it means then. What is “civil coexistence” and how does it actually differ from a civil union? They seem to be essentially the same thing to me.
We need to coexist and there needs to be laws that protect homosexuals from discrimination.
Permitting civil unions to protect civil and property rights does not mean the Church is denying or attempting to change its teaching on marriage as between a single man and a single woman.
Understand but reminds me of Pilate dilemma. He knew Jesus was innocent yet for the sake of the people and peace he crucified Him anyways. It is an appeasement thru apparent good of what is otherwise deemed missing the mark (sin).

The road to hell is bathed with light and good intentions.

If the church is going to have a hand on civil matters at least do it righteously, as if it were your own domain/ kingdom/household.

Is a country blessed by co habitation laws being equal to marriage laws?
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We need to coexist and there needs to be laws that protect homosexuals from discrimination.
I agree there absolutely needs to be laws that protect the LGBTQ persons/community, however supporting laws that protect people and supporting same sex civil unions are two completely separate issues.
I agree there absolutely needs to be laws that protect the LGBTQ persons/community, however supporting laws that protect people and supporting same sex civil unions are two completely separate issues.
Pope Francis said civil coexistence, not civil unions. For instance, if someone is dying in the hospital of COVID-19, only family members are allowed to be in the room with them. A person’s “partner” isn’t allowed. They should be allowed as a matter of non-discrimination and charity. However, that doesn’t mean that they have a “civil union”. Change the law in the hospital.

This was helpful:
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Pope Francis said civil coexistence, not civil unions.
Civil union and civil coexistence can be used interchangeably in this context, which gets back to my earlier point, the Pope talks about entering a civil coexistence (union) and having a ”right to a family”, so I ask?

What kind of family does a same sex couple who enter into a civil coexistence (union) seek?
What kind of family does a same sex couple who enter into a civil coexistence (union) seek?
The Church often speaks of children as having a “right to know their parents”. Homosexuals have a right to their parents and to their siblings. Just because they are homosexual, they shouldn’t be cast out as is too often the case.
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