Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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But if you don’t agree with every teaching of the Magisterium, what’s the point of being Catholic? Part of being a good Catholic is agreeing with every teaching. You aren’t any better off following 99% of teachings if you obstinately deny the last 1%
Matthew 7:1-3, that’s why.
God can do anything.
Yes God can do anything, however the way you state this seems to suggest that God has changed His mind on what is good and what is not good, however God does not need to change His mind on such matters because His judgment is perfect.
he never once mentioned sex, he’s talking about unions
The word union is traditionally defined as joining together, in this sense cohabitation and joining together of same-sex couples suggests that they indeed would be having sex.
I don’t think anyone is talking about the movie, they are talking about the exact words spoken by the Pope. Regardless of who filmed it, they are his words.
Then they are not talking about his actual words about civil unions, which were
“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered, I stood up for that.”
What I reading instead seems more about sex and sin; opposition to same-sex marriage, which the Pope also opposes.
“God is not capable of changing his perfect, all powerful, all knowing nature.”
I still don’t understand your point. Are you saying it’s ok for the Pope to endorse homosexuality because he’s a human??
Is this what you believe or has someone taught this to you???

For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath,

These are just scratching the surface that refute your idea completely
how long before we have a woman priesthood … Holy Orthodoxy
Not to oversimplify it (as it’s a complex topic), but many Hellenophone patriarchates have erected female diaconates, which are supposed to be non-sacerdotal and distinct from the male diaconate but they nonetheless use the male diaconate’s order for ordination. It’s very controversial amongst many parts of the EO Communion.

I think we’re tempted to always perceive that the grass in greener elsewhere (and sometimes it may be), but often we exchange our previous problems for a whole new set of challenges for which we’re unprepared. As an example, exchange sedevacantists for (Greek) Old Calendarists who might inform you your ‘New Calendarist’ hierarch is an apostate from ‘True Orthodoxy’ due to using the Gregorian calendar, a caeseropapist tool.
I still don’t understand your point. Are you saying it’s ok for the Pope to endorse homosexuality because he’s a human??
I am saying science and modern study have taught us more about human beings and sexual development than people who were bleeding the sick to balance their humors knew or understood, and that the Church is wise to follow these developments and consider that science is, in fact, part of God’s revelation to human beings.
If you think civil unions don’t imply sex between the partners…
The issue is not what I think, or what I think the Pope thinks. What was said was a short quote. All the accusations made against the pope must include an expansion of what he said, an implication, or an assumption.

This is why I do not use movies to get my news.
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I am saying science and modern study have taught us more about human beings and sexual development than people who were bleeding the sick to balance their humors knew or understood, and that the Church is wise to follow these developments and consider that science is, in fact, part of God’s revelation to human beings.
I put not my faith in Science nor the wisdom of mankind. Science didn’t create the universe nor did it establish its laws. You put your faith in man over God and that is your error.
I think the difference might be that the policies of business are not bound to recognize such agreements. A power of attorney does not, for example, make one eligible for insurance. The question comes up, since this is part is not sexual, is this unjust discrimination? I can see no moral reason why such a person should not be eligible to be on a partner’s insurance. Maybe some do. But it is not like this is a contradiction of Church teaching on this one point.
The Pope’s message has went viral. So if he thinks that we should not get our news from movies you are mistaken.
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