Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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This is another reason, among others, that had me leave Catholicism.
One time some Protestant lady told my aunt that her Protestant group left the Church because there was a “bad Pope”.

My aunt said, “Well, we have a new Pope now, so why don’t you all come back?”

Blaming it on the Pope is silly. It’s just people finding yet another excuse for their own doubts and lack of faith.
I disagree. All the pope said was, “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered, I stood up for that.” Most of the discussion here is about the sexual relationship.
Here is the entirety of what he said:

“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it”
“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered,” the pope said. “I stood up for that.”

His remark encompasses a “right to a family“, do you believe that it is OK for same-sex couples to be raising children?

Furthermore do you think that there is any such thing as a ”right to a family”?
I am a married man and I would be a liar to say that I haven’t been tempted many, many, many times with sexual desires…
And for those not married how many have been tempted with fornication? Pornography?

I talked to someone years ago in a christian chat room. Guy said he was in love with his sister but he knew it was wrong.

It’s not always easy to do the right thing.

And if anyone says to me something to me about not shoving our beliefs down others throat: everyone who believes there should be moral laws does this. If you believe there should be laws against murder, rape, ect you’re shoving your morals on those who want to do those acts.
“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family . Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it”
Absolutely. I know if I had a son or daughter with this, I would hope I could still give them the love of Christ along with moral instruction.

But I thought we were discussing the civil union part.

The whole children thing (he did not mention children) Pope Francis has covered before:

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A ”right to a family“ under the discussion of same sex civil unions suggests that same sex couples should have the right to raise children.
So yes I’m still talking about same sex civil unions.
The whole children thing (he did not mention children)
Not directly he said they have ”a right to a family” what does that mean in the context of the same sex civil union?
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There’s one of those words again. “Suggests”

Anyone with eyes to read can see that what the Pope said is not being discussed as much as what people think he said, meant, suggested, implied, etc.
If by family he means a spouse and children, then they absolutely have no right to that. If he means parents and siblings then yes, I guess that’s true.
Anyone with eyes to read can see that what the Pope said is not being discussed as much as what people think he said, meant, suggested, implied, etc.
Well it’s already sending out a bad message, even if it’s not full blown marriage, it’s a giant step in that direction by your Church. This is what the Anglicans started doing before they went full blown LGBTQ+ marriage. This is not going to look good for you guys in the rest of the Christian world, and frankly I am quite upset for your Church right now. This is going to make reunion between East and West a lot harder now. A LOT harder.
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There’s one of those words again. “Suggests”

Anyone with eyes to read can see that what the Pope said is not being discussed as much as what people think he said, meant, suggested, implied, etc.
Yes the word “suggests”, we have to look at the quote in its context, and the context is same sex civil union what does that have anything to do with any other type of family?

You don’t enter into a same sex civil union to be recognized by your parents as a child or by your siblings as a sibling, so what ”right to a family” are we talking about here?

And again I’m sure we can ask for clarification…

…however if the past is an indicator I doubt we will get any clarification.
If by family he means a spouse and children, then they absolutely have no right to that. If he means parents and siblings then yes, I guess that’s true.
Yes but he’s talking about a ”right to a family”in the context of same sex civil unions, in what world do you enter into a same-sex civil union to be recognized by your parents or your siblings?
Well it’s already sending out a bad message, even if it’s not full blown marriage, it’s a giant step in that direction by your Church. This is what the Anglicans started doing before they went full blown LGBTQ+ marriage. This is not going to look good for you guys in the rest of the Christian world, and frankly I am quite upset for your Church right now. This is going to make reunion between East and West a lot harder now. A LOT harder.
100% agree
Have faith! The Church will hold fast.
Have faith - Francis will not be the Pope forever.
Are you saying you want him to die?
What a ridiculous assumption
Have faith! The Church will hold fast.
Have faith - Francis will not be the Pope forever.
Are you saying you want him to die?
What a ridiculous assumption
In any event, the Pope will not be Pope forever, but he will have another successor who will hold the chair.
Neither will we be here forever and I would imagine that as part of my judgment God will scrutinize the docility and good faith in which I held the Pope, whoever he might be.
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Aquinas’s idea was that if men didn’t have prostitutes to go to, they would go to unsullied women and try to corrupt them (Or maybe even force them to do things). He considered women who engage in prostitution as being already dirty and so perhaps it would be “better” for men to go to them instead of making ‘clean’ women ‘dirty.’

I wonder what the greater evil is in this situation of same sex civil unions? Also, I don’t think Aquinas supported legalization of prostitution. Only toleration. There’s a difference between legal recognition and protection versus toleration
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Personally I don’t think the Pope at all is endorsing same sex attraction, I believe he was taken out of context HOWEVER in a time of great confusion where many in the Church are promoting the lbgtqi+ ideology they are using this with the mainstream media to posion the minds of millions of Catholics in an attempt to decieve and normalize this ideology. His comments have created confusion and allowed this interpretation to take place angering many Catholics who are trying to evangelize and teach a world confused about it’s own identity. I hope he quickly clarifies his comments here as it’s disheartening to witness this. We need to Pray for the Pope and Church
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Then they’re homosexual and should be opposed.
Do we not have a duty to oppose even civil recognition for homosexual relationships, though, as Catholics? I’m not sure, just wondering…
Insofar as they are homosexual, yes.
Look, I don’t care for what he said. Even with my best interpretation of his words, I don’t like it. It’s confusing, divisive, and ammo for his enemies. But all we have right now are a couple sentences from a movie. We have no idea what he said before and after those words. We also don’t know how the Vatican will respond to international reactions to his words. The best we can do right now is look to the Vatican for clarification and pray. There are a lot of people who are going to try to take advantage of this, both on the extreme secular side of things, and sedevacantists.
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Well, you see Gov… The point he’s trying to make… If only you could see…

Know what? Never mind! Even I can’t explain this. :roll_eyes:
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Prayers and major Props again to Francis. A true living saint full of compassion and empathy!
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