Why is the Tridentine Mass popular?

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Myself, I don’t find anything wrong with people who prefer to attend the TLM. I would love to see a wider application of the Indult.

There is, however, a feeling that sometimes exists in Traditional Mass Communities and in some Traditional publications. It is a climate that seems to breed conspiracy theories and often openly encourages disobedience.

As beautiful as the TLM is, I personally find that constant exposure to the community is not healthy for my faith. I realize that there are many, many people who have opposite experiences. There are some wonderful TLM parishes, but not all are. I know some very Traditional Catholics that don’t attend the one TLM offered in our diocese because of the open bashing of the Pope, the Vatican and the Church that they encounter there. (not from the priest, by the way - he is wonderful).
Well feelings are not a part of the Faith.[but that’s not what charismatics tink} Why would a TLM breed disobedience? Why should one stay away from her? The liberal parishes[which are supposedly in union with the Pope] are not reprimanded as strongly as the sspx is here. Why the bias exist there?
I guess the anti-Trads (perhaps because so many are “Latin-loathers” :whistle: ) want it both ways.

First, the Pope says the NO is a valid Mass, so that is all we should be happy with. But when the Pope says the TLM is fully acceptable, and we should return to a wider use of it and the Gregorian music etc, well, then they say the Trads are jeopordizing the faith.

As for the fruits of Vatican II.,… how can we not include the bad fruits of the abuses of Vatican II?? I guess the fluff-off would be that the Index of Leading Catholic Indicators - the Church Since Vatican II, by Ken Jones, is just putting a spin on the numbers.:banghead: *** I agree, the fruits of the ABUSES are bad. The fruits of the Council itself? History will judge, I suppose.***

Thank God that more and more Catholics (especially younger ones) are in awe of the level of reverence in the TLM and aware of the decrease in reverence and prayer that is the “bad fruits” of VatII abuses.
Well feelings are not a part of the Faith.[but that’s not what charismatics tink} Why would a TLM breed disobedience? Why should one stay away from her? The liberal parishes[which are supposedly in union with the Pope] are not reprimanded as strongly as the sspx is here. Why the bias exist there?
A) Katolik, I’m not Charismatic, but the Pope, the Bishops, have said that it’s a valid devotion/discipline (that’s how NOT charismatic I am…I don’t even know what to call it!). Should we disparge what they have said is valid? I just don’t say anything at all, other than that I don’t worship like that and am uncomfortable being made to feel I should.

B) A TLM breeds disobedience if it’s SSPX because they are schismatic, their bishops excommunicated. If it’s an Indult, it breeds disobedience if it disparages the Mass of Paul VI (I thought, though I may be mistaken, that was one of the conditions for it to be allowed). If it’s an Indult in submission to the Magisterium and in charity with the Catholics who worship at the Mass of Paul VI, I don’t see how it could breed disobedience! If it’s an Indult in submission to the Magisterium and in charity with the Catholics who worship at the Mass of Paul VI and its people denounce abuses, I’ll pass out doughnuts and coffee to them while they’re doing it!!!

C) ***The liberal parishes[which are supposedly in union with the Pope] are not reprimanded as strongly as the sspx is here. Why the bias exist there? ***By their bishops? No, you are quite right, they aren’t reprimanded as strongly. That is wrong. Hopefully, that will change as bishops retire and more orthodox men move into the ranks of the episcopate. The next generation of bishops will not have known any pope, but John Paul II. But do you mean that liberal parishes are not reprimanded by the readers of these forums? I have to disagree. The overwhelming majority of people here denounce them right and left (did you see the whole St. Joan of Arc/Minneapolis and Rainbow Sashes threads?). Why does the bias against SSPX exist(and it doesn’t for all…it does for me, though)? Because claiming to be orthodox, they’re in schism! You’re right, though, the other heterodox should be dealt with just as strongly…I’ve heard it suggested that St. Joan’s in MN be torn down and the ground sown with salt and holy water! I can’t speak for anyone else, but my bias against the Mass in Latin has nothing to do with the Mass itself. It has to do with some of its proponents in these forums. They take the tone that they know better than the Pope, they make disparaging comments about the Mass of Paul VI, which is all some of us have ever known, and they make themselves out to be more orthodox that the rest of us who thought that orthodoxy meant humble obedience and submission to the Holy Father and the Magisterium. There is a world of difference between orthodox and conservative, orthodox and traditional. I hope the Indult is more widely and generously applied, because I know that it is precious and loved by many good people. I hope SSPX humbly submits to the Successor of Saint Peter and then gets to keep the TLM. I just don’t want the Mass I love (valid in the eyes of the Pope and the Magisterium) degraded and demeaned. Can you understand what I mean?
A) Katolik, I’m not Charismatic, but the Pope, the Bishops, have said that it’s a valid devotion/discipline (that’s how NOT charismatic I am…I don’t even know what to call it!). Should we disparge what they have said is valid? I just don’t say anything at all, other than that I don’t worship like that and am uncomfortable being made to feel I should.

B) A TLM breeds disobedience if it’s SSPX because they are schismatic, their bishops excommunicated. If it’s an Indult, it breeds disobedience if it disparages the Mass of Paul VI (I thought, though I may be mistaken, that was one of the conditions for it to be allowed). If it’s an Indult in submission to the Magisterium and in charity with the Catholics who worship at the Mass of Paul VI, I don’t see how it could breed disobedience! If it’s an Indult in submission to the Magisterium and in charity with the Catholics who worship at the Mass of Paul VI and its people denounce abuses, I’ll pass out doughnuts and coffee to them while they’re doing it!!!

C) ***The liberal parishes[which are supposedly in union with the Pope] are not reprimanded as strongly as the sspx is here. Why the bias exist there? ***By their bishops? No, you are quite right, they aren’t reprimanded as strongly. That is wrong. Hopefully, that will change as bishops retire and more orthodox men move into the ranks of the episcopate. The next generation of bishops will not have known any pope, but John Paul II. But do you mean that liberal parishes are not reprimanded by the readers of these forums? I have to disagree. The overwhelming majority of people here denounce them right and left (did you see the whole St. Joan of Arc/Minneapolis and Rainbow Sashes threads?). Why does the bias against SSPX exist(and it doesn’t for all…it does for me, though)? Because claiming to be orthodox, they’re in schism! You’re right, though, the other heterodox should be dealt with just as strongly…I’ve heard it suggested that St. Joan’s in MN be torn down and the ground sown with salt and holy water! I can’t speak for anyone else, but my bias against the Mass in Latin has nothing to do with the Mass itself. It has to do with some of its proponents in these forums. They take the tone that they know better than the Pope, they make disparaging comments about the Mass of Paul VI, which is all some of us have ever known, and they make themselves out to be more orthodox that the rest of us who thought that orthodoxy meant humble obedience and submission to the Holy Father and the Magisterium. There is a world of difference between orthodox and conservative, orthodox and traditional. I hope the Indult is more widely and generously applied, because I know that it is precious and loved by many good people. I hope SSPX humbly submits to the Successor of Saint Peter and then gets to keep the TLM. I just don’t want the Mass I love (valid in the eyes of the Pope and the Magisterium) degraded and demeaned. Can you understand what I mean?
The SSPX has tried to regularize its status in the Vatican. The French and German bishops said they would go into schism if the SSPX schism was declared ended. Then some bishops in the Curia followed up on this. Now since the Pope has not been willing to punish these bishops, the SSPX" schism" still exists. Also the Pope made up a commission to see if it was canonical to suppress the TLM. This commision said that it is uncanonical to prohibit the TLM to be said by any priest of the Latin Rite and that if a priest is prosecuted for saying the TLM without his bishop’s permission,that this is uncanonical. This commission compromised of 9-10 cardinals and many more archbishops and bishops.
The Pope hasn’t said an Armenian Rite Mass to my knowldege. Does that mean it is a novelty? Or what about the Lyonese rite? Or the Maronite rite? Ambrosian rite? Braga use? Are they all wrong because the Pope doesn’t say them?
The Pope is not Patriarch of these rites.

God Bless
The Pope is not Patriarch of these rites.

God Bless
Nope, the Braga Use,Lyonese rite, and Ambrosian Rite are of the Latin Rite. They are Latin rites. THe Pope has authority over all the rites in the Church. He is the Pope, not just the "Roman Patriarch " as schismatics see him.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but my bias against the Mass in Latin has nothing to do with the Mass itself. It has to do with some of its proponents in these forums. They take the tone that they know better than the Pope, they make disparaging comments about the Mass of Paul VI, which is all some of us have ever known, and they make themselves out to be more orthodox that the rest of us who thought that orthodoxy meant humble obedience and submission to the Holy Father and the Magisterium.

This is exactly the point I was trying to make. In all fairness, the people that I was speaking of were not from the CA forums, but from other traditionalist associations that I have. The CA folks are pretty calm comparatively. But this thread already has one conspiracy theory in it (Cardinal Ottiviani).

As soon as I voiced a concern, I was branded a liberal even though I am a real fan of the TLM itself. I wish that the Indult was more freely granted. With more Masses available, more people would be able to go (duh?). Many of those people would go often or occasionally, not evey Sunday. This would add some diversity to the TLM communities and blur the idea that the two Masses are for two completely seperate groups of people - a distinction that I think is bad for the Church.

This is exactly the point I was trying to make. In all fairness, the people that I was speaking of were not from the CA forums, but from other traditionalist associations that I have. The CA folks are pretty calm comparatively. But this thread already has one conspiracy theory in it (Cardinal Ottiviani).

As soon as I voiced a concern, I was branded a liberal even though I am a real fan of the TLM itself. I wish that the Indult was more freely granted. With more Masses available, more people would be able to go (duh?). Many of those people would go often or occasionally, not evey Sunday. This would add some diversity to the TLM communities and blur the idea that the two Masses are for two completely seperate groups of people - a distinction that I think is bad for the Church.
I don’t think anyone can say the TLM breeds schism. This would be the same thing as saying Vatican II breeds schism. You cannot blame the mass, the council, etc. for the downfall of those who would go against the Church. However, some (not all) in the TLM community do try and breed schism (although they don’t agree that they are) as much as some in the normative community (who also don’t think they are doing anything wrong.) We can go on and on all day saying that “they aren’t as tough on the liberals” but, according to what most people say, the Traditionalists should know better than the liberals! Besides that, what kind of argument is that? The topic at hand is the TLM not the liberal community. I’m sure if a thread was started about that the same people who are worried about schism being spread in or TLM communities would jump and and take on the liberals.
The SSPX has tried to regularize its status in the Vatican. The French and German bishops said they would go into schism if the SSPX schism was declared ended. Then some bishops in the Curia followed up on this. Now since the Pope has not been willing to punish these bishops, the SSPX" schism" still exists. Also the Pope made up a commission to see if it was canonical to suppress the TLM. This commision said that it is uncanonical to prohibit the TLM to be said by any priest of the Latin Rite and that if a priest is prosecuted for saying the TLM without his bishop’s permission,that this is uncanonical. This commission compromised of 9-10 cardinals and many more archbishops and bishops.
If what you say is true, I only have this response: There is only one Vicar of Christ on this earth. We must, in conscience, submit to his authority. If SSPX is in schism, then it is their choice as a society to remain in schism, regardless of what might motivate the Holy Father to not bend to their demands/requests/humble petitions. They should leave the Society as individuals and return as individuals, if they cannot come as a society. You say that the Holy Father’s commission found that TLM was a right of all Latin Rite priests. That seems good enough. Let them return and celebrate that rite. I do not mean to sound uncharitible. I do not see why both rites cannot be celebrated. As you said, there are several “rites” within the Latin “Rite.” God bless.
I guess the anti-Trads (perhaps because so many are “Latin-loathers”)
The problem that I perceive is not the Latin language, although there are certain fallacious concepts of Latin that contribute to the problem that I do perceive. I often pray the Rosary in Latin, and the western rites, and possibly others as well, can all be said in Latin without diminishment. Traditionalists often quote papal writings that warn against the vernacular, but the vernacular is enormously beneficial in many respects. It is irrational to believe that one will be as familiar with a language that does not even qualify as a second language; virtually no “traditionalist” would be able to communicate in Latin in any plausible way. Without linguistic familiarity, the Scriptures and liturgical contents will be far less effective. The use of the vernacular in no way harms the validity of the consecration: so what we are left with is a schismatic tendency that takes root, when a person begins to believe that ‘the mass should be in Latin’. Traditionalists are forever glancing from their missals to the altar and back again, perhaps to follow each phase of the mass: why should all of that be necessary? I don’t think Church history demonstrates a necessity to have the language be recondite. Our Lord did not use a recondite language with the disciples. The early Church did not use a recondite language. It is not necessary to suppose that we must use a recondite language; and when we cease to do this, then suddenly we can meditate and contemplate more readily the sacred mysteries. The mass is a celebration and a sacrifice, it is not a homework assignment or an encyclopedia or a vast learning curve.
want it both ways. First, the Pope says the NO is a valid Mass, so that is all we should be happy with. But when the Pope says the TLM is fully acceptable, and we should return to a wider use of it and the Gregorian music etc, well, then they say the Trads are jeopordizing the faith.
The Pope’s granting of an indult is an example of the extraordinary lengths Holy Mother Church will go to reach out to the faithful. The rite of mass of Paul VI was fully intended to become the normative rite. Yet despite the fact that “traditionalists” rejected it, and rejected the wisdom of the Church, the Church still is willing to provide for their perceived needs. Yet the Indult is itself taken up by “traditionalists” as a whipping boy, and assumed to be a great offense.

The TLM in se is not jeopardizing the faith, of course. The problem is two-fold (at least). First, the TLM is now a separatist segment that is premised upon a fallacious understanding of the rite of Paul VI; it is not the normative rite. Second, the people who attend the TLM, and frequently the priests who offer it, are an unending fountain of criticism of what they call the “novus ordo”. The priests often insult the Pauline rite from the pulpit and at retreats. The faithful become ever more likely to start to judge the Holy Father and to doubt the wisdom of the Church. The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council is held up for ridicule. These things are unacceptable, and participation in the “TLM” community has an inexorable tendency to exacerbate these tendencies. The Pope’s generosity is met with ferocity.
As for the fruits of Vatican II.,… how can we not include the bad fruits of the abuses of Vatican II?? I guess the fluff-off would be that the Index of Leading Catholic Indicators - the Church Since Vatican II, by Ken Jones, is just putting a spin on the numbers.
There are a number of fallacious categories used by “traditionalists”. The “fruits of Vatican II” are one of these. Vatican II is an ecumenical council of the Church, and those who are not schismatic will join themselves to the Church, and will help, not hinder, her progress. “Traditionalists” often call for repealing the Council, which is a thoroughly ridiculous suggestion, given the immense wisdom of the documents, and the fact that they are a continued expansion of Church theological exposition.

There are two initial observations I offer to counter this “fruits” argument. First, from 1935 onwards, there was a growing tendency in the United States and the west generally to erase social distinctions that had been previously thought important. This easily contributes to a downplaying of religious distinctions, i.e. would encourage Catholics to not worry so much about being “Catholic”. Second, recall that the Church changed very rapidly from, say, 1965-1975: if all was hunky-dory, how could that be? There were surely problems, which in some way were the focus of reformers’ efforts. And third, what if Humanae Vitae were the real source of drop-away? Perhaps Catholics looked at the social teaching about birth control and said, “You know what? I think maybe I don’t believe after all.” “Traditionalists” are incredibly certain that it was the change of rite that led to problems, but I think they are on shaky ground, as much was happening socially during this period: furthermore we know dogmatically that the rites of the Church cannot fail to contribute to piety.
Thank God that more and more Catholics (especially younger ones) are in awe of the level of reverence in the TLM and aware of the decrease in reverence and prayer that is the “bad fruits” of VatII abuses.
“VatII abuses” is an irrational category. And, it is unfortunate that those who love the faith isolate themselves in separate chapels and steel themselves in the erroneous belief that there is ‘something wrong out there’. Schism is harmful to the body, and this is something we know by faith. It may well be that among the “traditionalists” there is actually a refusal to serve, a refusal to believe: it may be that “traditionalism” is one of the many ways to fall, when in fact there is only one way to stand: In union with Rome.
What traditional experiences are you talking about? Sir, what is wrong with persons who attend the TLM?
The experience of participating in the “traditionalist” community is one of constant derision of Catholics, the Holy Father, the rites of the Church, the Second Vatican Council, and more. “Traditionalist” priests use the confessional to tell the faithful to avoid the “novus ordo”. They use the pulpit to declare that the Church is providing “bad shepherds”.

Another element of participating in the “traditionalist” community is that one is isolated from the Church. The “traditionalist” Kalendar is not connected to the current Kalendar. It must be as though God is supposed to hear two choruses: do you play Mozart and Beethoven in the same room? Another aspect of isolation is that one comes to believe ever more strongly that the current rites of the Church are bad, and that one is practicing the ‘true rites’. One hears this kind of talk constantly, and it is extremely separatist and isolationist. One can find written editorials encouraging Trads to spurn “novus ordinarians” or “novus ordinArians” as people who lack faith. This is not charity: this is being a tinkling cymbal at best.
Is it because we are not full enough of the “spirit of vatican ii”? Is it that we don’t want a Mass at which a lutheran/ anglican/protestant feels like he is still in his heretical sect? Or is it that we don’t want liturgical dancers?
“The spirit of Vatican II” is a point that gets plenty of play, but in my experience the Pauline rite is celebrated admirably most of the time. The alleged comfort of Protestants with the new rite is connected with fallacious reasoning about what the prayers are alleged to contain and omit: “traditionalists” routinely fail to reason clearly about these issues. And the issue is not how others feel, but about whether the rite is true, which it is. Liturgical dance is rare, and is permitted in certain regions. The pattern among “traditionalists” is to exaggerate stories and liturgical details that are (a) rare and (b) irrelevant to the validity of the rite.
Also, don’t you remember what Terese of the Child Jesus siad? She said she would die a 1000 deaths for the loss of the smallest chruch ritual! How many church rituals did we loss after Vatican II is astounding.
Was that Terese of the Child Jesus? I always thought it was St. Teresa of Avila–perhaps this is why I can never locate that quote. Anyway, the Church is larger than St. Therese of Lisieux, and has every right to adjust her rites for the faithful.

But the saddest aspect of being a “traditionalist” is based on something I mentioned above. One becomes increasingly steeled in a belief that there is something amiss in the rites of the Church. One becomes a genuine schismatic. One stops assisting at the more commonly available rites–and thus deprives oneself of the sacraments. One of the amazing ironies of the “traditionalist” movement is that it was Pope St. Pius X who himself encouraged frequent communion, and it is those who assist only at chapels set up with his putative namesake organization who often can communicate only once a week or once a month–and this is even encouraged, because it is thought that the “novus ordo” should be avoided. It is tragic. The loss of communions is a very sad thing, and it implies also a needless depopulation of the daily masses in parishes around the world, as “traditionalists” imagine that they can only go to the faraway “chapel” and of course only once a week or month, on a weekend. It’s very sad, and definitely schismatic.
Just a thought here:

If you went to a Pauline Mass, whatever you want to call it, in Latin, there would be more of a problem. Since in our current mass, we are called upon the respond more than in the TLM, we’d have to learn more Latin, ok.
In the TLM you aren’t required to respond as much, you from what I gather don’t have to respond. The acolytes respond on the altar, and the faithful can say the responses when the Priest addresses the faithful. You can say the Nicene Creed, and sing the Gloria, say the Et cum spirit tu tuo, etc… in other words, it’s not that hard, in the high mass, these responses are mostly sung by a choir, and at a low mass more is needed out of you.
TLM isn’t hard to follow, good missals have latin and english and explain the mass completely. Since it is somewhat expected at a new mass to respond (maybe a choir could do it for you like they can in the TLM) I think teaching the Latin mass to the faithful would pose a harder challenge, thus, the vernacular.
But, goodnight, I am getting up and going to Pauline Thanksgiving Mass, going to enjoy my priest’s homily, and thank God for my world. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
I didn’t intend for everyone to fight.
The Church does have an internal problem at the moment, and in my opinion the Third Vatican Ecumenical Council should condemn specific propositions pertaining to the Traditionalism of the late Twentieth Century, as these propositions are noxious.
Long story short, if you want to attend a Roman Catholic Tridentine Mass, I encourage it, I go to both masses,
Here is what I would say, based on my experiences. If you cannot say to yourself, “I wholly accept the Pauline rite and all the other new rites of the Church as completely acceptable and conducive to piety, faith, and doctrinal truth, without reserve, and would and do freely avail myself of them,” then you are at grave risk of schism and your participation in the Tridentine liturgy–owing to the people there and what they plainly believe–will be a grave risk to your faith. You will tend to become your own magisterium, as all heretics claiming “necessity” have, in the past.
Further, the puritans don’t even like the 1962 mass,
Which shows that when you become your own magisterium, there is really no limit to how recursive the error can become. “Trads” doubt the revision of the Breviary even by Pope St. Pius X, too.

Isolation from the Church is serious business. It starts with discontentment about the liturgy, and it ends in being surrounded by people who tell themselves tall tales and who encourage each other that “it’s okay” to be separate for now. They only pray for the Pope in the sense that they pray he will one day see that he is wrong. It’s a very insulting stance. Once you have any doubts about the rites, there is no end to how far you can slide. Consider: if there is something wrong with the Pauline rite of mass, then maybe there is something wrong with the rite of holy orders. Maybe the priests aren’t priests. Maybe there are no cardinals left. It is folly, by golly.
[The TLM *in se
is not jeopardizing the faith, of course. The problem is two-fold (at least). First, the TLM is now a separatist segment that is premised upon a fallacious understanding of the rite of Paul VI; it is not the normative rite. Second, the people who attend the TLM, and frequently the priests who offer it, are an unending fountain of criticism of what they call the “novus ordo”.

I am so thankful that the priest who obtained our indult never uttered a word against VII or the normative mass. He was respectful as he could be with our former, very liberal heirarchy of our diocese. He asked permission and very patiently waited. He never told them what they had to do. After the indult was granted we asked him what his opinion of which mass would be better to attend and he said in no uncertain terms (he definitely was a tell it how it is kind of priest) that neither mass was better than the other and that anyone that we should avoid anybody that claimed differently. He also said that we should pick whatever mass we preferred.
After the indult was granted we asked him what his opinion of which mass would be better to attend and he said in no uncertain terms (he definitely was a tell it how it is kind of priest) that neither mass was better than the other and that anyone that we should avoid anybody that claimed differently. He also said that we should pick whatever mass we preferred.
Sounds like a reasonable man

God Bless
the answers I have to your rant could be endless, but I want to focus on one narrow thing that drives me nuts in the norvus ordo Mass that actually wasnt a problem in the 70s when it was getting normalized. Way too many variations!!! here in grand rapids michigan on my side of town there are 7 parishes with in less than 3 miles of eachother. and on sumday is those 7 churches you get 7 different Masses. for example extra hymns added in some, different penintential rites used, some priests exlude the second reading, etc etc. no one can tell me that for the penitential rite that my church’s faithful need angels and saints invoked for us, but faithful in the church a half a mile down the street dont and should only get long,christ, lord have mercy at the beginning of Mass. some churches pray the gloria early in Mass some sing it, some dont have it at all.
I have been to the tridentine Mass before and like it very much. because it is uniform. doesnt matter what priest is the celebrent, you get the same Mass every time. Something I long for with the current Mass. Ohyess also, the councel of trent Mass is strictly an oragan Mass , more holy no guitar group making you think you are at a conceart rather than a Mass.
Wow! I’ll get a passport to heaven if I attend 7 masses every Sunday! 🙂

The highlights above (by me) sound like abuse of the liturgy.
Priests cannot:
a) Cannot compose their own Penitential Rites
b) Cannot omit the 2nd Reading
c) Must have Gloria for Sundays except in Lent.

These are the concrete examples of abuses which cause people to yearn for the Tridentine mass as mentioned by Fr. Peter Stravinskas (see my post #11)

Find a church that has the true mass and report the rest to the bishop.
My Indult Mass is marked by sheep who are constantly and acidly sniping about priests to each other instead of taking their concerns to the bishop, something I commend to those here. It is a constant affront to one’s sensibilities to see such hate in the name of Jesus. Do something, don’t divide the flock.

Within my community are Society of Saint Pius X schismatics who make the rounds back and forth from their facilities to the Indult Masses oblivious to the singular distinction between Protestants and Catholics–unity with Peter, Christ’s Servant of Servants. Jesus Christ said to reject His servants was to reject not only Himself but the Father.

Those Indulterers only desirous of having warm bodies in the pews are loathe to encourage SSPX “New Old Catholics” to regularize their status. Lukewarm cultural Catholics are repulsive, watching wordlessly as SSPX keeps digging that pit in search of the Rock of Peter on their side of the property line. SSPX despoils the fields monetarily and spiritually with de facto Protestantism instead of planting for a rich harvest of souls in union with Christ and His Father.

TFP is eating our Latin Mass Community from the inside out. TFP has fleeced the flock for homes, farms, cash and, most importantly, children, who are taught to despise their parents as “the fountain of my revolution.” All TFP has to do is show up in suits and ties and the faithful fall all over themselves to sign away their tradition, family and property because these are people who only demand a good show, not virtuous actions.

The heretical Society for Tradition, Family & Property/TFP aka America Needs Fatima aka Foundation for a Christian Civilization, and their splinter group, Tradition in Action, takes all that dug dirt of SSPX and just adds water. Mudslinging aids money grubbing by direct mail and the internet, forwarding the Great Apostasy in a high tech fashion. All the while TFP secretly promotes a “higher” vocation than the priesthood, their warrior-monk. Exit the Eucharist.

No priestly vocations have come from TFP’s formation of young men since their founding in the early sixties. Wonder why no more. These Catholic Moonies promote elitism, not God’s elect. TFP’s “preferential option for the nobility” directly contradicts John Paul II’s “preferential option for the poor.” And TFP and their minions are welcomed by the proud rad trad cognoscenti. The show must go on.

One previous pastor, from the Fraternal Society of Saint Peter, was shown some of TFP’s writings, like genetic elitism that stated the traditional nobility of America was the Southern slaveholder epitomized in Robert E. Lee. This poor priest nonetheless embraced TFP wholeheartedly. Pray for such souls.

Cultural Catholicism is a gut-rending disease that relies on appearances while disregarding true intent and judging by fruits as Christ directed. Heavily structured liturgy has and will mask stunted personal spirituality through the forms of formalism. Freemasonry, alleged to have infected Vatican Cardinals as exposed in Italian seizures of Masonic records decades ago, thrived under the shallow piety of those who only had to go through the motions and put on a showy pretense of faith. May the Most High God grant us discernment, enlivening charity for God, and a hearty appetite for truth.

Blessed Virgin Mary, pierced with a sword of sorrow that the thoughts of all may be revealed, expose all thoughts, cleansing them in the fire of love which is your Son Jesus Christ’s Sacred Heart. Thanks. AMEN
Within my community are Society of Saint Pius X schismatics who make the rounds back and forth from their facilities to the Indult Masses oblivious to the singular distinction between Protestants and Catholics–unity with Peter, Christ’s Servant of Servants. Jesus Christ said to reject His servants was to reject not only Himself but the Father.

Those Indulterers only desirous of having warm bodies in the pews are loathe to encourage SSPX “New Old Catholics” to regularize their status. Lukewarm cultural Catholics are repulsive, watching wordlessly as SSPX keeps digging that pit in search of the Rock of Peter on their side of the property line. SSPX despoils the fields monetarily and spiritually with de facto Protestantism instead of planting for a rich harvest of souls in union with Christ and His Father.

TFP is eating our Latin Mass Community from the inside out. TFP has fleeced the flock for homes, farms, cash and, most importantly, children, who are taught to despise their parents as “the fountain of my revolution.” All TFP has to do is show up in suits and ties and the faithful fall all over themselves to sign away their tradition, family and property because these are people who only demand a good show, not virtuous actions.

The heretical Society for Tradition, Family & Property/TFP aka America Needs Fatima aka Foundation for a Christian Civilization, and their splinter group, Tradition in Action, takes all that dug dirt of SSPX and just adds water. Mudslinging aids money grubbing by direct mail and the internet, forwarding the Great Apostasy in a high tech fashion. All the while TFP secretly promotes a “higher” vocation than the priesthood, their warrior-monk. Exit the Eucharist.

No priestly vocations have come from TFP’s formation of young men since their founding in the early sixties. Wonder why no more. These Catholic Moonies promote elitism, not God’s elect. TFP’s “preferential option for the nobility” directly contradicts John Paul II’s “preferential option for the poor.” And TFP and their minions are welcomed by the proud rad trad cognoscenti. The show must go on.

One previous pastor, from the Fraternal Society of Saint Peter, was shown some of TFP’s writings, like genetic elitism that stated the traditional nobility of America was the Southern slaveholder epitomized in Robert E. Lee. This poor priest nonetheless embraced TFP wholeheartedly. Pray for such souls.

Blessed Virgin Mary, pierced with a sword of sorrow that the thoughts of all may be revealed, expose all thoughts, cleansing them in the fire of love which is your Son Jesus Christ’s Sacred Heart. Thanks. AMEN
Sheesh, the TFP is a good organization. See for your self www.tfp.org . They fight the sodomites, they fight the baby killers, they fight the men of sacrilege[they protested against "St.Clinton’ ,which was an image of Christ with Clinton’s head and the Sacred Heart}they fight the further degradation of our society.

It is not heretical to say to have a preference for the nobility. I don’t really[personally] agree with the concept of “warrior monk” but it was used throughly in the Middle Ages. Don’t you remember the Templars, the Knights of the Sepluchre,the Hospitalliers? They were all approved by Popes of the past.
hey Bob Id like to have a bishop to report it to. here in grand rapids our new bishop bishop brit passedaway just after taking over. cardinal Maida is our administrator. our locals in charge are moderinistic. so I guess Im s.o.l. ohwell! It getting hard to worship God properly thesedays.
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