Why so many gay couples in tv shows?

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Anger? You should have seen the Women’s Libbers on TV as it happened. Plenty of anger there. They threatened to burn their bras. Why? Because they were designed by men - a symbol of male oppression. Their life experiences must have been pretty bad. They were an isolated phenomenon that got a lot of press for the noise they made. These women did not want to be ladies.
That’s what I’m reading. Radical feminists must all think and act alike or get shamed.
If I see a woman wearing a wedding ring, I assume she’s married. It’s always been that way.
Anger? You should have seen the Women’s Libbers on TV as it happened. Plenty of anger there. They threatened to burn their bras. Why? Because they were designed by men - a symbol of male oppression. Their life experiences must have been pretty bad. They were an isolated phenomenon that got a lot of press for the noise they made. These women did not want to be ladies.
But I was addressing your anger, not theirs.

I was present during that time, Ed. My dad was a working man at that time. He reflected on it later and said he never experienced some of the stuff you describe, as a white-collar working man during the height of the woman’s liberation movement. He worked in an environment with many “feminist” women, but he never experienced it in a negative way. Perhaps it was his perception of the issue of the day (?). Perhaps it was the way he chose to respond to what was happening around him (?). I can’t say for sure. Something to consider, though.
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We can’t insist on gender equality one minute and then defend gender discrimination the next.
As you know you can do that. What we’ve learned from recent history is that those who did formerly have power were far more fair than those who do now. It was those who had power formerly who gave power to those that do now. But those who have it now are grossly unfair in how they treat people. Yet it was those who formerly had it who are terribly vilified. It is a nasty lot we deal with today.
Oh dear…have I gone and become part of the radical feminist agenda again?
That is false.


"2. Recent years have seen new approaches to women’s issues. A first tendency is to emphasize strongly conditions of subordination in order to give rise to antagonism: women, in order to be themselves, must make themselves the adversaries of men. Faced with the abuse of power, the answer for women is to seek power. This process leads to opposition between men and women, in which the identity and role of one are emphasized to the disadvantage of the other, leading to harmful confusion regarding the human person, which has its most immediate and lethal effects in the structure of the family.

“A second tendency emerges in the wake of the first. In order to avoid the domination of one sex or the other, their differences tend to be denied, viewed as mere effects of historical and cultural conditioning. In this perspective, physical difference, termed sex , is minimized, while the purely cultural element, termed gender, is emphasized to the maximum and held to be primary. The obscuring of the difference or duality of the sexes has enormous consequences on a variety of levels. This theory of the human person, intended to promote prospects for equality of women through liberation from biological determinism, has in reality inspired ideologies which, for example, call into question the family, in its natural two-parent structure of mother and father, and make homosexuality and heterosexuality virtually equivalent, in a new model of polymorphous sexuality.”
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Ed, this may be how things are in your world. I am telling you, they aren’t in my world or in the world of anyone I associate with. My suggestion is that you may want to explore areas of the world like mine, where this stuff isn’t the order of the day. I think it is more of a head-space thing than a physical space thing. If the landscape of my backyard was an illustration of the things you discuss and quote in your post, I would be shopping for a different neighborhood, so to speak.
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If I’m uncertain of their marital status or gender (there are only two) but know their job title, I’ll use that, as in “Dear Administrator Jones” or “Dear Principal Jones.” Clumsy but safe.
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I imagine you would. Everything I described actually happened. It’s poisonous effects are still felt, and still promoted, today.

No relationships or limited relationships.
Sex - lots of sex - with anyone.
Lots of contraception.
Abortion? Sure. Why not? Oh, yeah. Just ignore those Christians.

So, yes, some people live on a different planet than I do.
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And why on Earth would a devout Roman Catholic want to “explore” the secular world, which is clouded by apostasy, hedonism and sin?
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And why on Earth would a devout Roman Catholic want to “explore” the secular world, which is clouded by apostasy, hedonism and sin?
I’m sorry. You misunderstood. I was suggesting to Ed that he might like to switch out the lenses on his glasses when he is viewing women’s issues. He seems to have on a pretty dark pair right now. I made no mention of “exploring the secular world”.
Sorry I misunderstood.

More to the point, then, Ed is coming from an entirely Roman Catholic perspective. This perspective is complementarian in regard to male and female. This is how God made it.
And why on Earth would a devout Roman Catholic want to “explore” the secular world, which is clouded by apostasy, hedonism and sin?
I’m sorry. You misunderstood. I was suggesting to Ed that he might like to switch out the lenses on his glasses when he is viewing women’s issues. He seems to have on a pretty dark pair right now. I made no mention of “exploring the secular world”.
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His views are not espoused by the RC. They are his opinion, based on how he views the world.
I gotta get out of here. We’re through the looking glass.
It’s important for Catholics to know what’s going on in the secular world so they can avoid the bad things in it. It’s not only spiritually good but practical.

No fornication - sex outside of marriage.
No illegal drugs of any kind, including marijuana (a big push is being made to legalize it, and no, I’m not referring to legitimate medical use.).
Limited alcohol consumption to certain days of the year and occasions.
Stay away from trashy web sites.
The news is very bad overall. Find specialized sites to get accurate, balanced information.
“Avoid truth decay. Read your Bible.” From a sign I saw in front of a Christian Church.
Do not let anyone convince you that what the Church teaches is wrong. Make sure you understand Church teaching.
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