Why We Fight

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The poster to whom I was responding lives in Scotland so I wouldn’t expect him to “drop to his knees and worship George Bush”. However, he does express a preference and predisposition to supporting Islam, an odd reaction in light of events in Spain, New York City, Israel, Bali, etc., etc.
Is Islam as a whole responsible for what happened in Spain etc?

What is the Catholic Church teaching with regard to Islam?

Does killing innocent Muslims weaken the resolution of Islamists to fight while the killing of innocent Americans strengthens the resolution of Americans to fight? Or do Muslim people react the same way as American people on the grounds that people are people everywhere. Each of us created and loved by the same God.

I do not support Islam, I uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church with regards to both that faith and the War on Terror. You may oppose the Church on this but if you align me with Osama bin Laden then you are slandering the Holy Father also.
Yes, the spirit of Chamberlain lives on. Peace in our time indeed.
You sound like someone whose forgotten how to read the Beatitudes?

How about “Blessed are the peacemakers”?

Your claim to be a priest of the Catholic Church is beginning to look a little ragged.
Peace does not mean the “absence of war”. Peace does not mean “an agreement/treaty was signed”. Peace, if you study history, has only been acheived when a decisive military victory is achieved.
In fact, those who disagree with the current president are given far more face-time than they actually deserve, considering that they represent a minority of the population.
Claiming a Mandate from Heaven for Bush, are you? I didn’t hear any of the looney right complaining when George didn’t represent a majority of the population in 2000. Even in 2004, the election was hardly a walkover for Bush, winning as he did on the basis of one state.
Peace, if you study history, has only been acheived when a decisive military victory is achieved.
What was the decisive American military victory over Canada that brought about the peace we enjoy with them? And what decisive US victory guaranteed peace with Australia and New Zealand? Or our peaceful relations with other countries?

Your statement doesn’t hold water.
Claiming a Mandate from Heaven for Bush, are you? I didn’t hear any of the looney right complaining when George didn’t represent a majority of the population in 2000. Even in 2004, the election was hardly a walkover for Bush, winning as he did on the basis of one state.
The Mandate from Heaven garbage is just silly. Give it a break.

OTOH, do you believe that God wills or allows everything, whether percieved good or bad by us???

Ah, yes, the “only one state” line. The margin in Ohio was more than it was in Wisconsin, more than it was in Pennsylvania, and more than it was in Michigan, to my recollection. Let’s not get to wrapped up in one state, shall we??? As in every contest, there are “coulda, woulda, shoulda” analysises. if Ah-nold continues to make things happen in California in the next few years, look for California to be in play come ’ 08. Kerry only won the BLUEST state in the union by 1 mil.

Bottom line?? Kerry underperformed Gore, and Bush outperformed himself four years later. Bush won 97 of the 100 fastest growing counties on the US. Democrats voted for him. Catholics, women, hispanics, and black constituencies all increased on the GOP side. The first president in how long to get OVER 50% of the vote??
The Mandate from Heaven garbage is just silly. Give it a break.
Go tell that to the Evangelicals who believe it and who ascribe Bush’s victory to God’s direct intervention.
if Ah-nold continues to make things happen in California in the next few years, look for California to be in play come ’ 08.
Maybe so. I want the Dems to win in '08, but if the GOP takes it, I trust it’ll be with a moderate.
Go tell that to the Evangelicals who believe it and who ascribe Bush’s victory to God’s direct intervention.
Maybe, I sure know a lot of Iraqis and Iranians who do.
Go tell that to the Evangelicals who believe it and who ascribe Bush’s victory to God’s direct intervention.
And this a Jerry Falwell site?? A few comments by some Christians and you ascribe it to ALL conservative Christains??? That’s like saying all liberals are communist baby-killing anti-family drug-taking immoral thugs??? Please. We can use generallities, but let’s not be over the top, ok??
Maybe, I sure know a lot of Iraqis and Iranians who do.
Sure. Moslems ascribe just about everything to the direct will of God. Disaster or triumph - all the Will of God.
A few comments by some Christians and you ascribe it to ALL conservative Christains???
Not some Christians, most Evangelical Christians. Go by their websites and read comments by prominent leaders.
That’s like saying all liberals are communist baby-killing anti-family drug-taking immoral thugs???
But…Isn’t that pretty much the understanding the posters here have of those of us who are liberals?
Not some Christians, most Evangelical Christians. Go by their websites and read comments by prominent leaders.

But…Isn’t that pretty much the understanding the posters here have of those of us who are liberals?
In case you don’t know. There are extremely few Catholics who would call themselves Evangelical, and none who are Protestant 😉

The Catholics who do call themselves Evengelical tend to be liberal as well.
Not some Christians, most Evangelical Christians. Go by their websites and read comments by prominent leaders.

But…Isn’t that pretty much the understanding the posters here have of those of us who are liberals?
MOST, eh?? So by counting the number of postings on websits and chatrooms, you gather MOST believe Bush’s re-election was…let me get this right…a “Mandate from God Himself”??? Ok, bud. 👍 :rolleyes:

Boy, MOST evangelical Christians spend a lot of time on the internet!!! :rolleyes:

I did say “thank you Lord” when Bush won, I must admit. I do happen to think the God wills or allows everything, good or bad, *for a purposeful reason. *

As to liberals?? No, we just think you are misguided and in need of love, admonishment, and our prayers. 🙂 :tsktsk: :love:
As to liberals?? No, we just think you are misguided and in need of love, admonishment, and our prayers.
Well, we believe pretty much the same about you Conservatives - politically misguided and delusional, but fellow Catholics nonetheless, and very much in need of correction, but most of all, in need of our prayers.

I am holding out for a cure for conservatism - within our lifetimes.
Well, we believe pretty much the same about you Conservatives - politically misguided and delusional, but fellow Catholics nonetheless, and very much in need of correction, but most of all, in need of our prayers.

I am holding out for a cure for conservatism - within our lifetimes.
Again, I submit, you are misguided, and I pray for you. 😛
Again, I submit, you are misguided, and I pray for you.
But, of course. We look at each other and see someone who is certainly deluded, and so each of us reaches for our rosaries and prayer books.
A few comments by some Christians and you ascribe it to ALL conservative Christains???
If thats such a wrong thing to do I hope you challenge everyone who suggests that “Islam” has declared war on the USA just because a few Islamists have.
If thats such a wrong thing to do I hope you challenge everyone who suggests that “Islam” has declared war on the USA just because a few Islamists have.
Your hopes are affirmed. I do not suggest that the actions of 1% of Muslims are representative of the other 99%. Ever. Not ever. I will say that I am distressed that there isn’t enough outrage in the Muslim community over what these terrorists are doing in the name of Islam.
We cured liberalism here in the US last November. Let’s elect Jeb Bush as the next President!
Sure we used Stalin during WWII. .
I wouldn’t be so proud of the fact when the Soviets, while invading Germany villages, raped every female person on site regardless of age and then crucified ALL of them.

Great world we live in…

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