Do you feel like liberals are engaging in race baiting or white guilt?
How do you know the motivation for the lynchings? How do you explain the Whites that were lynched? Not one has addressed this. Not one person has offered an explanation. I think that is simply because no one can. No one has really thought about this issue nor do they care to.That’s what it is. Making the lynchings look less racially motivated by mentioning how whites were lynched to. I’m not sure how honoring the black victims of lynchings is offensive or racist.
There may be some truth to that. But the South was also a somewhat lawless place for years after the war. How do we reconcile this with Ohio and Illinois? Neither state was southern or western. Both lynched Whites and Blacks but more Blacks.One thing the NAACP page correctly points out is that Southern lynchings and Western lynchings were two different beasts. The american West had a lot of areas where there was little rule of law, so lynchings were seen as a way to handle criminals. Whereas the South did have a court system and police and all that much more, but lynchings were a way to punish outside of the courts.
Of course anti White violence wasn’t as common. That doesn’t mean that White victims of lynching should be ignored. You wouldn’t say we should ignore the contributions of Blacks in the American Revolution simply because they had less of a contribution, would you?Id also ask if you think anti-white violence was as prevalent in the Jim Crow era as anti-black violence. I’m sure a white guy was lynched for racial reasons at some point somewhere, but I’d challenge you to say with a straight face that it was even remotely as common.
No, you explain to me, if you know. I actually don’t know. I am positive everyone condemning me doesn’t know either. So tell me why and how you know.Explain me to why the majority of me lynched were black. Considering the time period.
The more important question is if lynching was due solely to racial animus why were any Whites lynched at all.If they weren’t racially motivated, why weren’t white people lynched at the same rate or even more?
Widely known usually means repeated without any thought or investigation into the issue.Lynchings of black men in the South are widely known to be racially motivated.