I never said that white privilege doesn’t exist or expressed opinions on the memorial one way or the other. Personally, and I think that I speak for most conservatives, I think that there are more effective ways of handling these issues than the way they are being handled today. But when anyone tries to engage in that conversation, they automatically are shouted down as being a bigot or other adjective. Then it turns into an argument, and the message is lost because both sides are mainly yelling and not really listening.
To some extent your generation has been brainwashed, because you have never been taught to try to understand the other sides argument. You were taught only that it is wrong. My generation was brainwashed in a different way.
With my generation, we were taught the liberal viewpoint and we were presented with the conservative response. We were partially brainwashed. The liberal way was the correct way, but we learned the other side and were free to reach our own conclusions. The educational system stressed that the liberal perspective was correct, but also given the wrong side of the argument. (the conservative side) I got A’s in my Political Science college courses, because I could write liberal essays and keep my conservative ideas to myself.
If you go back and look at most of the arguments on CAF you will find that usually an idea is presented. A conservative gives an opinion, and that opinion is attacked most often by pointing out a moral failing. (That may or may not be correct.)
Then it escalates, and we end up not really having a discussion. It was better on the old CAF site. You had an older audience that preferred arguing ideas over simply relying on talking points.
I am taking this time with you, because I think that you are smart. When you recognize where the other side is coming from, that is when you learn things.
When I was 21, I was a fire breathing conservative. In my 40’s today, I lean right, but I also have some issues that I am pretty liberal on. The reason why I am is that I learned both sides of the issues and then I listened closely to what the other side was trying to say.
I think you are the type of person that could do the same.