Why We Need the New Lynching Memorial

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Sorry, Everyone, I was not serious about adding Obama to Mount Rushmore.

My point really was that Mount Rushmore having four white presidents does not make it a monument to white presidents, because that’s all they had at the time.
Let’s be cautious about the width of our brush stroke there. That was a very real issue, but mostly limited to the Jim Crow south and not the whole country.
Actually, it was the whole country that had a high degree of segregation. Not every jurisdiction required its citizens to build separate plumbing for the races- but blacks and others were banned from all sorts of facilities north and south.

Blaming the “south” just isn’t accurate, but if you listen to the media that’s the information that is given
Another stupid idea by liberals.

According to the Tuskegee Institute, 4,743 people were lynched between 1882 and 1968, including 3,446 African Americans and 1,297 whites. More than 73 percent of lynchings in the post-Civil War period occurred in the Southern states.

Put that in your pipe an smoke it.
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I will remember your ancestor in my prayers,what a horrific way to die. May God bring peace to your family, Jesus said 'Be not afraid for I am with you,always, even till the end of time "May He keep you and yours close to His Merciful Heart. God bless.
Actually, it was the whole country that had a high degree of segregation. Not every jurisdiction required its citizens to build separate plumbing for the races- but blacks and others were banned from all sorts of facilities north and south.

Blaming the “south” just isn’t accurate, but if you listen to the media that’s the information that is given
It was different in the North, there was clearly racism and more of a soft segregation. Equality is some aspects but not in housing and schools. Still reading the below article.

Right, everyone who is for this would be just as welcoming if the memorial was to all the dead White men and only White men who fought in the American Revolution.
That is not the same as excluding other races in memorials designed to honor the memory of a single race of people who were unjustly murdered, just as excluding non-Catholics from taking Communion is not regarded as racist
Not a good comparison. Exclusion from communions is due to an individual’s beliefs. It isn’t due to his race or ethnic group.
We are waiting your reply on the monuments to Holocaust and Armenian genocide victims.

Are these monuments racist since they leave out entire groups?
If they do then of course they are. If they make a point to honor only some of a race who suffered then they are racist.
That’s what you’ve been asked, and haven’t bothered to answer.

If you actually have a case, you’ll be able to present comparative numbers & causes.

We’ll wait.
Exactly what is it you are waiting for?
Let’s be cautious about the width of our brush stroke there. That was a very real issue, but mostly limited to the Jim Crow south and not the whole country.
No, the entire country had segregation in as much as the federal government engaged in it. And all the major northern cities were just as segregated. You’ve no doubt heard the liberals complain about Trump supposedly discriminating in NYC apartments. You may have even defended it by saying that was the custom, and it was.
The Confederacy will always be a part of U.S. history (and a part of the state history for many states), but the Confederate States of America, while they existed, were specifically and by their own declaration not part of the United States of America.
As explained, several times, when you devout something to an entire race that is racist, right? Ergo this memorial, by devoting something to an entire race, is racist.
Again, I have to concur.

In case people haven’t noticed, there is a LOT of acrimony and racial hatred being directed at whites nowadays.

A memorial like this saying “see what those white devils did!” is only going to serve to fuel the racial hatred and divide in this nation.

@TheAmazingGrace would you concur at least that black-against-white racism is on the rise in our country? The number of blacks being solidified in racism against whites is growing on a daily basis… We don’t need anymore white demonizing.
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I agree with everything you said, and I also agree with this memorial in principle.

The reason why I oppose this memorial is not due to the memorial itself, but rather to the current racial climate in America. This memorial will NOT help alleviate racism - I believe it will exacerbate it.
That’s exactly my issue @(name removed by moderator)…

I just don’t like all this guilt tripping, constant accusations of racism, etc. It’s not healthy.
I never said that white privilege doesn’t exist or expressed opinions on the memorial one way or the other. Personally, and I think that I speak for most conservatives, I think that there are more effective ways of handling these issues than the way they are being handled today. But when anyone tries to engage in that conversation, they automatically are shouted down as being a bigot or other adjective. Then it turns into an argument, and the message is lost because both sides are mainly yelling and not really listening.

To some extent your generation has been brainwashed, because you have never been taught to try to understand the other sides argument. You were taught only that it is wrong. My generation was brainwashed in a different way.

With my generation, we were taught the liberal viewpoint and we were presented with the conservative response. We were partially brainwashed. The liberal way was the correct way, but we learned the other side and were free to reach our own conclusions. The educational system stressed that the liberal perspective was correct, but also given the wrong side of the argument. (the conservative side) I got A’s in my Political Science college courses, because I could write liberal essays and keep my conservative ideas to myself.

If you go back and look at most of the arguments on CAF you will find that usually an idea is presented. A conservative gives an opinion, and that opinion is attacked most often by pointing out a moral failing. (That may or may not be correct.)

Then it escalates, and we end up not really having a discussion. It was better on the old CAF site. You had an older audience that preferred arguing ideas over simply relying on talking points.

I am taking this time with you, because I think that you are smart. When you recognize where the other side is coming from, that is when you learn things.

When I was 21, I was a fire breathing conservative. In my 40’s today, I lean right, but I also have some issues that I am pretty liberal on. The reason why I am is that I learned both sides of the issues and then I listened closely to what the other side was trying to say.

I think you are the type of person that could do the same.
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I am not understanding how that makes a memorial to the victims of racist lynching a bad thing.

That’s still more than twice as many blacks lynched as whites, and as others have said the lynching of blacks was tied in with racism and the goal of terrorizing the entire black population.

Now, some of those “whites” who were lynched weren’t thought of as white at the time, and were killed for being Jews or Italians or whatever (though usually at least suspected of a crime more serious than “talking to a white woman”). I don’t deny that they deserve a memorial as well, along with those simply killed by vigilante mobs without any racial animus, but I don’t see anything wrong with those being separate memorials with their own specific focuses.
What exactly are you saying? What does this have to do with a memorial dedicated to one race? Is it or is it not OK to have a memorial to only the White men who died in the Revolution?

A point I and everyone else who truly condemns racism rejects. Are you saying all White Country Clubs aren’t racist? Of course you aren’t. Because you know excluding a race is racism.

They aren’t racist for not mentioning every race on Earth. They are racist if they focus on only one particular group impacted by the genocide.
It is not meant to be a memorial to every person ever lynched. I do not understand why you are so offended by it.
Yes, this is the problem. We would build no memorials ever if we made sure everyone was included who could possibly be related to the issue. The memorial is to those lynched because of the color of their skin.
Sorry, Everyone, I was not serious about adding Obama to Mount Rushmore.

My point really was that Mount Rushmore having four white presidents does not make it a monument to white presidents, because that’s all they had at the time.
I think this is somewhat of the rub. For a long time, majority American culture (at least of those who could build monuments) and white culture were effectively one and the same. No one thought of “white culture” as anything different from “American culture.”

That was also much of the purpose of the 14th amendment. Many areas were trying to deny citizenship to black people, by extending citizenship automatically only to those who had a citizen parent.
That’s still more than twice as many blacks lynched as whites, and as others have said the lynching of blacks was tied in with racism and the goal of terrorizing the entire black population.
How do you know this? I’m not saying it isn’t true. I am asking how you came to this belief? Also, how do you reconcile this with White lynchings?
No, my point is that Native Americans are Americans too. We are all products of our past and our cultures incorporate those ideas.

Russians will always be Soviets and Soviets will always be Russians.

I may live a long way from a reservation, but a lot of my feelings about the environment come from Native Americans. Their culture became our culture.
A memorial like this saying “see what those white devils did!” is only going to serve to fuel the racial hatred and divide in this nation.

@TheAmazingGrace would you concur at least that black-against-white racism is on the rise in our country? The number of blacks being solidified in racism against whites is growing on a daily basis… We don’t need anymore white demonizing.
I much prefer this memorial over the BLM faux racism on deaths that were justified giving the actions of Martin and Brown.

The memorial does point to a past way of being that did happen, but doesn’t anymore.
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