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Just because you find gay things icky doesn’t make them evil or grotesque. It only means you find it icky. I hope you don’t mean to say you think gay folks are evil?Legalizing a diabolical, grotesque parody doesn’t make it any less of a diabolical, grotesque parody.
Just sayin’
Cool. Good thing it’s not matrimony. Do you share the sane opinion about other folks who get married outside of Catholicism?Same sex “marriage” is a diabolical, grotesque parody of Holy Matrimony. It is utterly condemned by Divine Law. For any Roman Catholic to support it is heresy. As far as what non-Roman Catholics think about it, who cares?
What you seem to be saying is that you are entitled to be bigoted and prejudiced because of their wrong actions.The bigotry and prejudice comes because of their activism; their pervasive pride marches…
Do you believe that the New Testament is Catholic?There’s anger, yes, but only truth in that statement. If you disagree with something, point out why it’s false…from a Catholic perspective of course.
Not irrelevant: do you oppose all non Catholic marriage?Irrerelevant. Same sex “marriage” is a diabolical, grotesque parody of Holy Matrimony.
I don’t really care what pagans, atheists, apostates, etc. think about it. They serve the devil.
'Nuff said.
I agree.Recognizing that a particular group is offending truth is not bigotry.
We are certainly surrounded by a great many things that require salt and light!In California schools, the homosexualist agenda-driven curriculum is just now coming into full deployment. Means I have to be ever more vigilant what I read to children. I have to vet everything thoroughly–even math lessons aren’t immune from the creeping diabolical rot.
I would hope that you care, as this is the culture in which you find yourself, and which needs to be transformed by Love and Truth. Jesus instructed us to love our neighbor - those are the ones that have fallen prey to brigands and are lying naked in the street, bleeding.Same sex “marriage” is a diabolical, grotesque parody of Holy Matrimony. It is utterly condemned by Divine Law. For any Roman Catholic to support it is heresy. As far as what non-Roman Catholics think about it, who cares?
What an odd attitude for one who is called to bring Christ to the world. I am sure glad the Apostles did not have this attitude about evangelizing.I don’t really care what pagans, atheists, apostates, etc. think about it. They serve the devil.
'Nuff said.
Again, marriage is older than matrimony. And are all non Catholic marriages a parody?Irrerelevant. Same sex “marriage” is a diabolical, grotesque parody of Holy Matrimony.