He was having sex with men.
Please reconsider this mindset. Most people who disagree with Church teaching understand it just fine. Truthfully, the Church’s teaching on this issue, in particular, is not that complicated. They just disagree with it. It is condescending to suggest someone isn’t able to understnad it or the importance of marriage just because they disagree with it. That kind of attitude is what causes a lot of people to have such a poor impression of the members of the Church and to feel like they are a bunch of snoots.In this case however, I stand with the church in its teaching against gay marriage, and people who leave for do not truly understand Church teaching or Catholicism in general and the importance of marriage between a man and a woman
I’m aware. I’m asking if you apply everything you’re saying about gay people to straight people who don’t follow the Church’s teachings.He was having sex with men.
Followed all the Jewish customs of the day. In fact, He criticized a lot of them.Some of what things?
Certainly not to the extent thatheterosexuals bring on themselves with illicit/immoral sex.Don’t you believe practicing homosexuals have a greater risk of AIDS? Do they not bring it upon themselves by their actions? Where is the lack of compassion in stating medical fact?
No, but neither would I consider a “safe lifestyle” any one that does not avoid sexual activity for a faithful marriage. There seems to be a much higher focus and animus towards homosexual high risk activity than there is heterosexual.From this, you conclude that it’s a safe lifestyle?
Who are “they”?Besides, what are the chances there are lesbian couples that stay virgin until “marriage”? They can’t even define what virginity is for a lesbian.
What does that mean, exactly? “mentally weaker”?Don’t they just bring it on themselves? Are they mentally weaker to begin with?
Not any more than heterosexuals. People like having sex. People like using drugs. It is the nature of our fallen condition to place fleshly pleasures above God. That is the very definition of concupiscence.Or do they like to be promiscuous? Or do they like to mix street drugs in with their sex.
Are you wearing a T-shirt or hat that has a slogan like this? Tatoo? how do people find out about your beliefs?I’m a virtual pariah everywhere I go for believing that LGBT aren’t meeting God’s expectations for sexuality and marriage.
Obviously you have missed some threads!I am pretty sure nobody in the forums uses the Church says so argument.
This is a myth. God gives grace to every human person to find Him, and after finding Him, grace to live according to His commandments.Your one good point is not everybody can live properly. And that’s true.
Do you do the same for straight people who have sex outside of marriage?
This is my major beef. Why are we not starting with persons who identify as “Catholic” and are not following the Commandments. Polls say 80% of Catholics approve of birth control. How is this mortal sin not just as bad as what a minority population of non-Catholics are doing?Do you do the same for straight people who have sex outside of marriage?
These are all serious spiritual, societal, and legal issues. We will not conquer the wrongs of the world, though, by bigotry and prejudice.The bigotry and prejudice comes because of their activism; their pervasive pride marches; the fact that they want to alter the school programs and inject their agenda into every subject now, every movie, every government department; the fact that they blame straights for their high rates of depression; and the fact that they cannot improve their situation as a common-law straight couple can by getting married and regularizing their relationship.
You’re defending bigotry and prejudice by attempting to justify that. That’s not exactly Christ-like.There’s anger, yes, but only truth in that statement. If you disagree with something, point out why it’s false…from a Catholic perspective of course.
I just pointed out what you were doing wrong: defending bigotry.Point out what’s false and defend it.
You literally said they bring prejudice and bigotry on themselves; you defended prejudice and bigotry. Can you point out where Christ says to defend prejudice? I can only seem to find Matthew 5:39.Recognizing that a particular group is offending truth is not bigotry.