More properly it says “thou shall not murder”.I know that, but the commandment says “thou shall not kill” nonetheless. Are you aware of the 6th commandment?
More properly it says “thou shall not murder”.I know that, but the commandment says “thou shall not kill” nonetheless. Are you aware of the 6th commandment?
Are you Catholic?According to whom? “Thou shall not kill” seems pretty cut and dry to me.
Yes. So I am surprised by your post.Yes. Are you?
How is this relevant to this conversation?Do you accept the fact of anthropogenic climate change?
Please provide magisterial documents for each claim.The Catholic Church accepts the fact of anthropogenic climate change. Someone who doesn’t accept this fact is going against Catholic teaching. Same with the teachings on vaccines and evolution.
Climate Change: Laudato si' (24 May 2015) | Francis https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/teachingsPlease provide magisterial documents for each claim.
Yes. So I am surprised by your post. "With regards to the fifth commandment (verse thirteen), the more accurate way to render the original language text is, “You shall not murder” rather than “You shall not kill.” There is a Hebrew word for killing and there is a more specific word for murder, and it is the word for murder which appears in the commandment. " http://www.ewtn.com/vexperts/showmessage_print.asp?number=328147&language=en
I gave you a source. Go back to the original Hebrew or check a concordance. Language rendering can sometimes be difficult.The RSV-CE literally says “thou shall not kill”. How am I supposed to read it otherwise?
Ok good.Climate Change: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/teachings
Vaccines: https://cruxnow.com/vatican/2019/03...ife-encourages-parents-to-vaccinate-children/
Evolution: SS Pius XII - Encyclica. Humani Generis [1950-08-12] Full Text at Documenta Catholica Omnia
Science and Catholicism are not in conflict with each other. Rejecting science is a rejection of God.
We are speaking of divine law, not man made law. Abortion is the intentional murder of an unborn human being and not even debatable.If it’s “murder”, then why are Catholics against abortion, which, at least in the US, is not murder?
Yes. In many cases. Read Dr Mary’s Monkey to see how almost 100 million were vaccinated with the monkey virus and the US government sanctioned it. (and how they were trying to weaponize it) Many vaccines are using fetal cell lines which is against our faith.Are you against encouraging vaccinations?
Yeah, but in the United States, abortion is literally not murder. Divine law doesn’t apply in the US. Do Catholics in the US have to follow the laws of other countries or their own? What happened to “render unto Ceasar”?We are speaking of divine law, not man made law. Abortion is the intentional murder of an unborn human being and not even debatable.