Will America become socialist now that Biden has basically won?

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When ever America finally goes to a universal care or coverage, it will probably be somewhat unique to America. We have the luxury of studying all the other countries to shape ours to fit us best.

I’m hoping for some basic universal coverage for all that will assure basic healthcare and emergencies are met. Insurance can fill in the gaps for those that want everything covered. I have no problem with reasonable copays for doctor visits, ER, medications, MRIs, etc but the copays being low enough to prevent bankruptcy just because you broke your leg or get cancer. Drug plans can be separate as well…basic generics cost a dollar, named brands more but policies available for reasonable low costs and government covering a basic drug plan for the poorest. If pharmaceutical research stops because of low drug prices then government can jump start research into viable and needed drugs…as they often do now.

I wouldn’t object to each state determining the basic level of care that government provides funding for…they can work together to define the costs or take them on state by state.

I’m confident that if we want to accomplish this, we can. Even if it’s the federal government providing a basic money package to each state and then each state uses it as they see fit. Their is a variety of idea that would lower overall costs and still assure basic care and allow the insurance industry to compete for our dollars.
I do not accept that Biden has won yet.
Okay. What would be a trigger event for your acceptance? Enough states representing a total of at least 270 Electoral votes certifying their elections? The Electoral College voting and Biden getting at least 270 votes? Biden being inaugurated? Something else (other than an open-ended fanciful demand to prove a negative)?
Our freedoms are definitely something to worry about. I believe our religious freedoms are on the line now. Remember the influence that the U.S. Counsel of Bishops used to have? Now they, and other pro-morals groups – will be brushed aside.
My. How does that relate to our religious freedoms? For all it does, the Council of Bishops is not a group greatly involved in freedom of religion for all Americans.
Then, most of America needs to be educated about critical thinking, the difference between news and commentary, and how to use primary sources to fact check.
Given how rife unsubstantiated nonsense is, I’d say that lesson needs to go global.
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That’s a legitimate position. It technically isn’t official until the Electoral College vote (not sure what the “certified” is about WRT that, but I guess that would be when it was officially announced).

Now I have to wonder if you felt the same after the 2016 election, and made a point of saying so?
So “socialism” in the US could mean about everything on the spectrum from historical socialism to “modern” socialism (like the French “social-liberalism”) to any kind of left-leaning policy, depending on who is talking?
It can mean anything, from Anarcho-Syndicalism and Marxism-Lenininsm on the left, to Social Democracy on the centre right, to anything to the left of Reaganism if you go even further right. It’s basically used as a snarl word when someone disagrees with them.
Now I have to wonder if you felt the same after the 2016 election, and made a point of saying so?
You also have to remember we all were hyper focused on the electoral process finishing as there was a big campaign to try to convince the electors to vote for Hillary regardless of who they were already pledged to.
There were and are and always will be some trying to convince enough Electors to flip, but I don’t recall it being especially widespread then. At least not significantly more than usual.
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So in short, a minority seems to want to change healthcare to model Australia or the UK; or Sweden, or…
A minority? 69 Percent of Americans Want Medicare for All, Including 46 Percent of Republicans, New Poll Says
Some years ago Investors Business Daily did a survey of several countries with socialized medicine. It is amazing the facts which one does not hear about the holes in the various methods of socializing medicine
To your understanding, what is the difference between socialized medicine and single-payer health care?
What is socialized medicine? Its not free - only unemployed people access free health care everyone else pays dearly I can tell you that as a fact because I pay it in my taxes.

I bet its not that far off from any health coverage

I’ll never be bankrupted by health costs
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I don’t recall it being especially widespread then. At least not significantly more than usual.
Absolutely was.
There were commercials running around the clock asking the electors to “do what is right”.
They even had several celebrities donating their time in the effort and producing these commercials.

This had never happened before, and certainly was never played to in such a way.
Its not free - only unemployed people access free health care
Wrong, very wrong

I am unemployed and I do not have access to free healthcare.
I don’t think BT lives in the States. So wouldn’t it be an advantage to you to have free health care if you couldn’t afford it?
Thats how it works in Canada I don’t know where your from had my knees replaced didn’t cost a dime and I made more money than if i was working with work insurance - thats all you need in Canada a insurance plan that will pay your wages when off for illness.
I do not disagree.

I would submit they have been acting like publishers for a long time; it will be up to the Congress and/or the courts to deal with the issue. The alternative is to set up parallel systems which do not act as aggressively as the current ones.
So wouldn’t it be an advantage to you to have free health care if you couldn’t afford it?
A friend of mine has been stage 4 cancer for something between 4 and 5 years.

He has been on an experimental drug for something like a year and a hal or two years; and he is in his early 70’s.

That experimental drug has an effective cost of $45,000 per treatment, and he gets a treatment weekly.

that cost is $45,000 x 52 so that equals $2,340,000 for one year. Granted it is experimental, and will likely cost less if introduced after approval.

You might want to do some math by doing some research as to how many people would be getting free health care times the average cost, per year; it may take a bit of research, but you are talking about how many billions of dollars of cost, if not more, per year.

Currently the government is having problems funding Medicare adequately (and there are a multitude of issues about Medicare, including payment structures such that most doctors will not take a “Medicare only” patient. Medicare for all is in essence free care; and there is not enough money anywhere to fund it. But then, a certain Congresswoman who allegedly has a degree in economics keeps pushing it.
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