Will America become socialist now that Biden has basically won?

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OK, so you blew it off and did not even listen? Truth is a fearsome thing, isn’t it?
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Sadly, as we see, this is a very bitter red pill for most Catholics - probably 60+% of them. But, frankly, most self-proclaimed “good Catholics” will never make it into the Kingdom - per the prophecy of Christ Himself. It is a war - a war - against our flesh, against our human nature to follow Christ. We fail constantly, receive God’s mercy - but how are we to be judged if we appear before Christ and proudly proclaim “You gave me freedom, so I Iived life MY WAY!” - Master, you gave me one talent, so here it is back.

The human race is so easily distracted by temporal things, paying seemingly little attention to the eternal. We know that scant few Catholics believe of Christ’s Eucharistic Presence. I truly wonder how many Catholics even believe in eternal life?
When you focus on the title and make that the subject, it is a good bet that you paid no attention to the content of the video. If you did watch it, good! If you ponder what the good priest said, even better.

As to President Trump: for what evil is he being excoriated? Being pro-life? Demanding that all future elections be fair to democrats as well as third parties? The peace accord in the Middle East? The peace talks with North Korea? The recovery of the economy? The historic low black unemployment? For playing tough with Red China - whose ultimate goal I remind, has never veered away from world domination?

For which of these is he so viscerally hated?
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Honestly, it sounds like are the arbiter of personal truth. “IF” you are, why condemn others whose truth differs from yours? Are you being judgmental?
is he so viscerally hated?
Me? I don’t hate him, viscerally or otherwise. I am convinced by his actions and his own words that he is manifestly unfit for the office he currently holds and failed to retain. As far as fairness of elections, he has tried mightily to claim widespread fraud and singularly failed to prove it anywhere. In short, he has no evidence that stands up to scrutiny, only juvenile tantrums. And he set the stage for these claims well in advance, and it seems that many fell for it.
Who do you fancy that I condemned? Who do you fancy that I judged? As far as “their truth”, there is no my truth or their truth, there is only the truth, however much anyone might wish it were otherwise. Truth has no ideology, truth has no party, truth simply is.
Manifestly unfit? No particular reasons, only generalizations? So what he has accomplished - including the Nobel nomination - is eeeeevil? I have listed a few specifics, but I see none in return. I know it’s not blind rage or hatred, so what is it? Wrong political party? Hair style? does not speak like a politician (that should be a plus). Does what he promises? He’s too rich? Something must trigger the revulsion.

Consider: the impeachment proceedings were conceived of before his inauguration for good grief! That is hatred. Pure, unbridled, visceral, foaming-at-the-mouth rage. Malice aforethought. Rage that tears up speeches like a 2-year old. Now that was a tantrum. A globally broadcast hissy fit. Oh, what a proud moment for America!! I can almost hear Kate Smith singing!
Meanwhile I think you may have passed the quarter of a milion deaths due to Covid 19 and still there is a refusal to pass on information to the Biden team that they will need to hit the ground running in January.
That is just more Democrat exaggerated nonsense.
This is either a yes or a no situation. Has Trump started the process for the handover yet? No.

Do you know exactly when the vaccine will be delivered? How much will there be? How fast will it be produced? How it’s going to be stored and where? How it will be distributed? The cost? These and many more questions need to answered and the info passed on to the Biden team. And it ain’t happening.

Apart from that, matters of national security need to be discussed. Do you think that they can turn over the running of the largest country in a day or so? The quicker Trump acceps the inevitable and stops throwing his toys out of the pram, the safer you will all be.
“Not widespread” and “didn’t happen” aren’t the same thing.
No, they’re not.

But the videos posted show widespread.

Seems odd to me.
Many of the same people that were pushing for electors to violate their oath at that time now have objections to perfectly legal investigations that do not, in fact, violate any oaths.
No particular reasons, only generalizations?
You really want reasons? How about:

Lying so much and so poorly that he got his very own category of lying by fact checkers. Basically telling the same egregious falsehood at least 20 times after it was proven false. No one else has done this, he has done it numerous times.

Hiding information from the people. He is on record as having admitted he was told about the severity and danger of Covid early on but decided against letting the public know, even when his failure to do so started costing many more lives than should have been lost. And “didn’t want to start a panic” is a ludicrous excuse given the death toll. Then he says he “takes no responsibility”. When he was outraged at the 12,000 or so deaths by H1N1 and said that all of them were on Obama’s head and that none would have died if he was in charge.

Being one of the main “Birthers” for a long time after most people wised up.

While claiming that his business skills would help the country, being such a poor businessman that he bankrupted 2 casinos. How bad do you have to be at business to bankrupt a casino, much less two (or maybe it was the same one twice; not sure). The reason he doesn’t pay much in taxes is that his businesses lose more than they make. If he had simply put the money his daddy left him in a money market account or a managed brokerage account he would be worth more than he is now after all his poor dealing.

Doing his dead level best to ensure that no one testified against him in the impeachment inquiry and then crowing “no evidence” when there was plenty of evidence but not quite enough to send him to jail (unlike so many of his cronies). Which brings us to yammering about draining the swamp (a laudable goal) while only importing his own pet alligators. There is more for those who are willing to see the truth. The actual truth, not Trump’s claims.
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now have objections to perfectly legal investigations that do not, in fact, violate any oaths.
No one is saying that nothing should be investigated, but they are saying that there should be some evidence of wrongdoing to start one, not a claim that “it had to be fraud if I didn’t win”.
But the videos posted show widespread.
No, the videos show videos, not how many times they were aired or how many people shared the sentiment.
He was suing to have legal votes thrown out based on zero evidence, not to start an investigation. And so far he has failed miserably.
No one is saying that nothing should be investigated, but they are saying that there should be some evidence of wrongdoing to start one, not a claim that “it had to be fraud if I didn’t win”.
The dead rising from their graves to cast their vote seems a pretty reasonable cause to investigate.

Having more votes then voters is another good reason.

Perhaps the suspicious behavior at the polls in keeping observers so far away.
Or again, poll workers putting posters up on the windows to keep what they are doing from being seen.

Sworn testimony from poll workers indicating illegal activity.
For undermining. subverting, and trying to destroy American democracy.
I was unaware that suing to have voting irregularities investigated was a subversion.
Arm-twisting state elections boards like he did in Wayne County to throw out the vote and appoint Trump electors instead of the ones that were certified is a subversion. Making false claims about massive voter fraud is a subversion. Encouraging a disrespect for the electoral process among the populace is a subversion. (Example: 77% of Trump voters believe that Trump is declared the loser only because of voter fraud.) If we saw this kind of behavior in a banana republic we would declare their democracy broken. Instead of the US being respected as a model for democracy and sending election observers to shine a bright light on other nations’ subverted elections, if Trump’s attempted coup succeeds, those other nations will be sending observers to the US to try to bring us back into some sense of free and fair elections.
As to President Trump: for what evil is he being excoriated? Being pro-life? Demanding that all future elections be fair to democrats as well as third parties? The peace accord in the Middle East? The peace talks with North Korea? The recovery of the economy? The historic low black unemployment? For playing tough with Red China - whose ultimate goal I remind, has never veered away from world domination?

For which of these is he so viscerally hated?
These are all good things, as well as the excellent supreme court nominations. His prolife stance has been unique among recent presidents. I suspect that he is excoriated simply for being Donald Trump.
People on both sides tend to not have the first clue what they’re talking about when it comes to health care, I’ve found. The ACA has a lot of issues. The solution is not to go back to what we had before because that didn’t work either.

The reason why health insurance costs more in the US is because insurance companies have to negotiate directly with hospitals and pharmaceutical companies (something that doesn’t occur in other countries) and the government doesn’t set/control the prices (and the market doesn’t set them either because insurance companies in the US are in a weak negotiating position). Also, with the ACA some states didn’t accept the federal monies, so some people still didn’t get insurance.

Our healthcare system is broken, folks. It needs a lot of work. A single payer system just sets rates and pays for everything, it doesn’t guarantee good delivery of care. So, simply having a single payer system is not going to magically solve health care problems. Don’t get me wrong, I would prefer universal health care (two tier- not single payer), but too many people that want it don’t seem to understand that in and of itself it will not solve everything.

I like the idea of the two-tier model and think it will work better in the US. We already have government provided healthcare here, all we need to do is expand it to make it available to everyone with a public option for insurance. In other words, the framework is already in place for it. Too many claim to want single-payer- but that’s simply because they have zero clue what else is out there in alleged ‘socialist’ European countries when it comes to this topic. While I see the appeal, I think that a two-tier system would be more accepted by more people here in the US. A mixed delivery system would provide more patient choice, and Americans like to have choice.
The confusion with health care models is that there is overlap between them, so many countries have some aspects of various models. Europe varies greatly. A lot of countries that have a universal health care system (and successful ones) don’t all use a single-payer model. Only about half of all countries with universal health care use the single-payer model. There is a lot of variance.

I’ve also gotten the impression over the years that even some people from countries with universal health care don’t understand how their system actually works, because their countries also have private (for-profit) insurance. Some countries even have many insurance companies/plans/mandates (Germany).

France is considered to have a two-tier system, as well as the Netherlands. I think they are both good examples of two-tier systems that work well. With a two-tier system, the government provides a basic minimum level of insurance care for everyone, but supplemental health insurance can be bought, or even fees for extra services. There are public and private hospitals and physicians. It’s a true mixed delivery model (which I think fosters more competition for providing better care). Depending on the country- the public health care in this model can be equal to the private health care in quality and access- however- variance in one direction or the other can also occur (it can be worse in poorer countries).

While, technically the UK can also be considered a two-tier system, the private options are not nearly as utilized by the public, so it actually is more indicative of a single-payer system than other countries, in practice. The UK is considered single-payer because the government provides all insurance and pays all expenses. When the government pays for absolutely everything, fewer people will seek to take advantage of private hospitals and physicians.

TL;DR version: Single payer = government pays for everything and you can also buy supplemental; Two-tier = government pays for basic minimum care/coverage and you can buy supplemental or pay extra fees; both = have public and private hospitals and doctors available

Single Payer
UK, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Italy, Sweden, UAE

Two Tier
New Zealand, Australia, France, Denmark, Netherlands, Hong Kong

Insurance Mandate
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Belgium, Luxembourg

Anyway, if Biden simply wanted universal healthcare, I’d likely have no issues. Biden is malleable though. AOC has mentioned that he can be persuaded to go their way on whatever topic. The issue isn’t a left/right one at the moment though. The issue is globalism/New World Order/The Great Reset/Agenda 2030/ID2020/military industrial complex/freemasons/illuminati (they’re all the same- really). That is the enemy- and old establishment Republicans and Democrats both are all for that- from George Bush Sr. on down. Trump was potentially the wild card (though I even doubt that- I’m so jaded). Trump was all buddy buddy with that crowd forever too.
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