So wouldn’t it be an advantage to you to have free health care if you couldn’t afford it?
A friend of mine has been stage 4 cancer for something between 4 and 5 years.
He has been on an experimental drug for something like a year and a hal or two years; and he is in his early 70’s.
That experimental drug has an effective cost of $45,000 per treatment, and he gets a treatment weekly.
that cost is $45,000 x 52 so that equals $2,340,000 for one year. Granted it is experimental, and will likely cost less if introduced after approval.
You might want to do some math by doing some research as to how many people would be getting free health care times the average cost, per year; it may take a bit of research, but you are talking about how many billions of dollars of cost, if not more, per year.
Currently the government is having problems funding Medicare adequately (and there are a multitude of issues about Medicare, including payment structures such that most doctors will not take a “Medicare only” patient. Medicare for all is in essence free care; and there is not enough money anywhere to fund it. But then, a certain Congresswoman who allegedly has a degree in economics keeps pushing it.