Will anyone notice this Hate Crime

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Good Morning Norwich,

Looks like you have an early start…
Lets see…

" If it proves not to be Moslems are all those who condemned the act as a sectarian outrage by Moslems going to apologise?"

If it proved to be will you apologise? Or, just not believe it :rolleyes:
Why should anyone have to apologize for following the basic principle that people are considered innocent until proven guilty?
A religon of peace, Islam is not.

Do you have a link to the information on the family (avid defenders of the faith to Muslims etc.)
Islam is a religion of peace, Islamism is not.
I have a few questions for Matt25 and Norwich, I asked these same questions of St. James, another appologist for Islam and anti-American, but he refused to answer.
OK you asked the questions now lets (finally) give you the answers. (You’ll probably ignore the ones you don’t like but thats your problem not mine.
Do you condone or condemn the Palestinians, Chechens, and Kashmiris who give up their lives to kill enemy civilians?
I condemn ALL acts of terrorism irresepective of from who or what, I DO NOT condemn a whole race of people based on their ethnicity for example I do not condemn the Palestinians.
Will you condemn by name as terrorist such groups as Abu Sayyaf, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, Hamas, Hizbulla, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaida?
Just did.
Should Muslim women have equal rights with men (i.e. in inheritance shares or court testamony)?
Try reading the Qoran properly, women in the Islamic world have far more rights than women in the western world. Look up their rights on possesions and ownership. Unlikde the western world when a woman in Islam gets married she dioes not share all her possesions with her husband, they are hers and she keeps them. Within divorce she has the same rights as her husband. Other areas possibly need to be addressed but, the same can be said of many areas in western cuture.
Do you accept the validity of other religions?
Bloody stupid question, of course I do. Also so does Islam, the fact that some decide to interpret it differently (bit like some christian sects intepret the bible to suit their own ends) does not alter the basic tenet of Islam that both Jews and Christians are brother religions.
Do Muslims have anything to learn from the West?
Probably as much as we have to learn from them. Niether the west or the east have an exclusive on knowledge.
Should non-Muslims enjoy completely equal civil rights with Muslims in Muslim countries?
When I go into somebody elses house I follow their rules, if they dont like smoking I dont smoke (I dont smoke anyway but the principle still applies). According to most on this forum as a non american I don’t have any cover under your Bill of Rights, it only applies to Americans. As the old saying goes, “Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”. Make sure your whiter than white before you criticise others.
May Muslims convert to other religions?
May we as Catholics get a divorce and still receive the Eucharist? As a general rule No. If we have rules for catholicism what right do we have to question others?
May Muslim women marry non-Muslim men?
Same answer applies.

Happy now?🙂
The FBI is researching the web that this copt was writting because in this web, the christians are bothered because their photos, and personal profile is seen by everybody. Greetings

One month ago today, Jersey City police walked into a blood bath and ended up in a case rife with international intrigue.

The killings of Hossam Armanious, his wife Amal Garas, and their two young daughters have spawned news stories across the globe, spurred religious tension in an American inner city and captured President Bush’s attention.

The case has taken investigators from Africa to cyberspace and inside the teachings of Islam. It’s put them at the uncomfortable crossroads of a centuries-old ideological battle between Egyptian Christians and Egyptian Muslims. And it’s left them at the core of a potential political firestorm.

In recent days, it has also brought them closer to possibly solving the slayings, which they now believe are likely about money and not the sectarian violence feared by many Coptic Orthodox community members.

“We’re getting somewhere that hopefully is going to give us a clear indication as to what the motive is,” said Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio. “And once you have motive, that helps lead you to the people involved.”

DeFazio still won’t discuss the intricate details of the case or explain why investigators are leaning toward a financial motive for the killings. But he did provide a glimpse into the probe, which has included assistance from an FBI profiler.

“The FBI does not think that, based on the information gleaned from the scene, it’s based on religious extremism,” the prosecutor said, without elaborating.

Last week, new details emerged about the case and about the Armanious family.

One is that the killers didn’t bring the murder weapons to the house, killing the family instead with knives they found there, DeFazio said. That doesn’t indicate a planned assassination, the prosecutor said.
The family was bound and silenced with duct tape that may or may not have been inside the house, he said...
Investigators were still pursuing court orders to gain access to family records. DeFazio wouldn’t say which, nor would he discuss the family’s finances, other than to say, “They didn’t live hand to mouth.”

One theory holds that the victims were significantly wealthier than their modest home indicated and the killers were trying to gain access to the hidden money. Although there was evidence of robbery, a large amount of jewelry remained untouched, authorities said. Several religious symbols - including cross tattoos on each family member’s wrist - weren’t damaged.

One investigator familiar with the case said it is likely that the killers spent a “considerable amount of time” inside the house.

The extent of Hossam Armanious’ injuries also suggests a substantial effort was expended, possibly to get financial information from him, the source said.

Armanious clearly suffered the worst of the injuries, including numerous stab wounds, said an official with knowledge of the investigation.

2:41 a.m. February 14, 2005
HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, N.J. – Appealing for calm and understanding after the murder of an Egyptian Christian family last month, Muslim and Christian leaders rejected religious hatred and called for unity.
Although the gathering Sunday had been planned months in advance, the murders of Hossam Armanious, his wife and two young children became the focus of many participants at the American Muslim Union’s annual community brunch.
Prosecutors are investigating whether Armanious, a Coptic Christian, might have angered Muslims with his postings under the name "I Love Jesus" in an Internet chat room, leading to the killings.
But they also caution that robbery was a possible motive because the home was ransacked and money was taken from the victims, and no solid evidence tying the crimes to religious hatred has been established.

“Whoever is putting the idea out that it was a Muslim who did this has their own agenda,” said Fuad Issa, of Piscataway. “I don’t believe it for a second. There’s nothing right about creating dissension; I don’t understand those motives.”

Likewise, the Rev. Randall Day, pastor of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Teaneck and vice president of the Teaneck Clergy Council, said the killings have damaged goodwill between Muslims and Christians that took generations to build up.

“Not only did these murders end those four lives, but they threaten a vision and a dream of a possibility of living together peacefully, which is the strong desire of many people in the Muslim, Christian and Jewish communities,” he said.

The bodies of Armanious, 47, his 37-year-old wife, Amal Garas, and their daughters, Sylvia, 15, and Monica, 8, were discovered Jan. 14 in the family’s home. They had been bound and gagged, and each was stabbed repeatedly in the neck and head.

The murders spread fear throughout the region’s Coptic Christian community and spurred tensions that erupted in scuffles and anti-Islam slogans being shouted during the family’s funeral.

“It reminded me of a mini-9/11,” said Aref Assaf, president of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee. “It shows how quick people are to jump to conclusions and categorize entire communities based on faulty assumptions.”

Organizers of Sunday’s event said it is more important than ever to look for things that unite people instead of divide them.

“America stands for freedom of faith and worship,” said Mohammed Younes, president of the American Muslim Union and an elder in Paterson’s Muslim community. “It is time for all of us – Jewish, Christian or Muslim – to stand up against anyone that tries to separate us by our beliefs.”
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