Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?

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The 160,000 dead Americans from COVID
Exactly how is that Trump’s fault, any more than, say, DWI victims or accidents from drowning?
–Are you suggesting the Dems don’t denigrate Trump? Sheesh, that’s all they’ve done for the past 3 years.
Did I say that?
–You implied it. Do you claim the dems don’t denigrate Trump?
Look it up.
–Uhh…look WHAT up? You’re the one who claimed a “massive failure” by Trump. Please put your money where your mouth is explain what exactly Trump did wrong.
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Trump did not require a national stay-at-home policy, nor a national mandate requiring masks. In fact, he made fun of wearing masks and did not wear one himself until very recently. He also did not abide by his own coronavirus task force policy of phased reopening, formulated according to CDC guidelines. Instead he encouraged the rapid and premature reopening of the economy, including schools, and supported the take-over of the State Capitol in Michigan by tweeting “LIBERATE!” He was also critical of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx when they disagreed with his assessment. Further, he was reluctant to order the Defense Production Act at first, but instead criticized the governors for not protecting their constituencies. He also criticized Obama’s depletion of the PPE stockpile, China for letting the virus loose, the W.H.O. and CDC, and L-rd knows who else, rather than shouldering the responsibility himself. He continuously touted a malaria drug that most researchers found ineffective and unsafe, and misspoke about the efficacy of the testing and contact tracing programs. Now he seems to be mainly concerned with fraudulent mail-in voting with little evidence of fraud in those states that have been using that method of voting, than he is with curbing the spread of the virus.
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Your post is difficult to accept,in large part for a reason most Americans fail to understand: The federal government has limited authority to do anything in the event of a disaster. For example, FEMA is purely a backup to local and state authorities. FEMA’s own manuals state that “local government maintains control of all assets used in the response”, “regardless of the source of those assets.” Even when FEMA is involved, states themselves control their own response.

(that’s part of why, for example, it was so ludicrous to blame George Bush during Hurricane Katrina - that was a state failure, not a federal failure).

Want proof? Trump has no authority to order a national stay at home lockdown. All lockdown orders came from governors. Don’t like that? That’s federalism! Your remedy is “change the Constitution.”

As to Birx & Fauci, neither is a bona fide expert on anything - particularly Fauci, who has essentially admitted he lied to the American people when he said masks should not be worn…

…and for that matter, you can’t fault Trump for believing Fauci as to masks, when everyone else did.
He also criticized Obama’s depletion of the PPE stockpile, China for letting the virus loose, the W.H.O. and CDC, and L-rd knows who else, rather than shouldering the responsibility himself.
–But Obama did in fact do that.
He continuously touted a malaria drug that most researchers found ineffective and unsafe.
–Funny, studies out of Europe seems to show it is effective.

Things like tweets as to what went on in Michigan? Oh Please - what Governor Whitmer did in Michigan was itself a travesty, and Trump’s response can hardly be termed a “failure.”

Something else to consider: This was truly an unprecedented event. I find your post to be a lot of monday morning quarterbacking, rather looking to cast blame unnecessarily.
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I think they both should have a debate, it’s been a while since I last saw “Grumpy Old Men”, nothing like a good laugh to lift ones spirit.
If it’s this hard to pull answers to simple questions from you…I’m not interested.

Meltzerboy I disagree with - but his answer was thought provoking, as it always is.
Most of the presidential debates are run by liberal media. Not sure there is such a thing as right wing talking circuit.
Rush Limbaugh, Mike Levin, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, etc.
And when was the last time Rush Limbaugh, Mark (not Mike) Levin, Michael
Savage or Sean Hannity hosted a televised national debate if ever?

Most presidential debates are hosted by liberal media. @sloancaprice
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And when was the last time Rush Limbaugh, Mark (not Mike) Levin, Michael
Savage or Sean Hannity hosted a televised national debate if ever?
Because the hosts are journalists, these people are not qualified.
Respectfully disagree. I realize people like Rush, Mark Levin, etc., are not going to moderate a debate, but they are more than qualified. Say what you will about Rush, Levin, etc., but they are very smart men. The knowledge base, and intellect, to talk about politics for like 3+ hours a day, every day, with a command of facts, is enormous.
And when was the last time Rush Limbaugh, Mark (not Mike) Levin, Michael
Savage or Sean Hannity hosted a televised national debate if ever?
Because the hosts are journalists, these people are not qualified.
I had pointed out to a poster about how most debates are hosted by left wing
media and he listed these men as part of the right wing talking circuit and I gave the counter reply of when any of these men had ever hosted a presidential
debate. I was making the point that left wing hosts of presidential debates
outnumber right wing hosts of presidential debates and the other poster liberal
poster listed those radio hosts.

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I was making the point that left wing hosts of presidential debates
outnumber right wing hosts of presidential debates and the other poster liberal
poster listed those radio hosts.
Okay. I read back through the last few posts. There is one poster on ignore in there, but I think I get the gist. Sorry if I interrupted with a comment that didn’t make sense.
I was making the point that left wing hosts of presidential debates
outnumber right wing hosts of presidential debates and the other poster liberal
poster listed those radio hosts.
Okay. I read back through the last few posts. There is one poster on ignore in there, but I think I get the gist. Sorry if I interrupted with a comment that didn’t make sense.
On this I think we can agree!
how most debates are hosted by left wing
Joe Biden won’t even sit down with a slightly left-of-center Chris Wallace, so I predict that Joe Biden will refuse to debate Trump unless Biden gets a debate assistant that he’ll call a “fact-checker”. Reason: Biden knows he cannot handle Trump alone without an aide, teleprompter, or earpiece. And, Joe Biden might slip into one of his revealing racially-charged slip-ups.
And more than likely Chris Wallace wouldn’t even ask Joe Biden hardball questions like he would the President.
Nancy Pelosi just made one of her, “Don’t tell Joe” statements recommending Biden not debate. They’ll come up with some excuse.
Sitting in the basement during difficult times is not a good quality for a Presidential candidate.
I don’t know if Joe WILL refuse to debate (face to face).

But if he does … it might be his best decision in 48 years of “public service”.

Shame though. Just the mental images of it are delicious. Trump one liners setting Joe off on another “I’ll kick ____ ***!”
promise. College students taking shots for every gaffe, goofy ethnic reference or repeated cliche. Biased moderators desperately trying to save him with softballs … or wife beating Qs for Trump.

Funny to see the Hide/ Embarrised campaign adopting the old Thomas E. Dewey strategy because he’s “ahead in the polls” while Trump runs laps around the US like Truman in '48.

Butcha can’t argue with POLLS. Especially the LAST one on 11/3
Joe Biden will not debate because it would expose Biden’s record on abortion, errant statements regarding covid-19, voting in favor of the Iraq War, planning to make U.S. taxpayers pay for the world’s healthcare, actions that have been said to hurt minorities, the Biden-Sanders Unity Platform, along with many other disastrous policies.
On August 6, the Commission on Presidential Debates sent a letter to Rudy Giuliani (as Trump’s lawyer?) that stated:
We are pleased that President Trump and Vice President Biden both have agreed to participate in the debates the Commission on Presidential Debates will sponsor on September 29 (Cleveland), October 15 (Miami-Town Hall), and October 22 (Nashville). We also look forward to the vice presidential debate scheduled for October 7 in Salt Lake City.
This thread started August 3. Surely we can stop discussing it?
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