Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?

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You’re citing to 3 of the most virulently anti-Trump news organs, all the more suspect because the cites are pundits’ opinons.

Seriously, Paul, I don’t think you could find a pro-Trump piece on CNN without a lot of digging.
And there is Trump who has 50 years with nothing to show for it
Dovekin, I’d be really, REALLY careful about saying any other human has “nothing to show” for their lives.

Do you think you could take a hole in the ground in New York City and turn it into a 50-story luxury tower?

Do you think you could walk out of your job at age 70; drop everything, walk into a new field (national politics!), get a major party nomination, and win the election for President of the US?!?

None of the people on this board could do either (let alone both, and the former a dozen times) in 500 years with unlimited money.
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And then there is Joe Biden who has nothing to show during 8 years as VP and however long he has been in
This is the post I was responding to. To start, if being VP for 8 years and 36 years in the Senate.is nothing, I think I am justified in saying 4 years as President is also nothing. With that, turning a hole in the ground into a building can’t be much. I am not sure what counts as more than nothing.

The post continued about Biden:
Except for his close encounters with women in the photo ops and being a bully during the hearings - especially the one with Clarence Thomas.
If this is the way we talk about Biden, a faithful Catholic husband, we have a lot of leeway addressing the twice divorced Trump with his reputation for philandering. There are many, besides Stormy, who have alleged NDAs, rape, assault and other improper behavior far worse than anything Biden has done.

The dismissed Stormy case was about her being threatened by Trump if I remember correctly. It had nothing to say about the allegations of sexual misconduct.IIRC.

Personally, I think “nothing to show for” is outrageous language. None of us have anything to show for our lives beyond the love of family and friends. It is easy for me to say Trump has nothing to show for his life.
The more you say, the deeper you dig.

Joe Biden is a “faithful catholic”?

Faithful Catholics don’t get denied communion…or get a 100% approval rating from NARAL…or plagiarize other leaders’ speeches…or enrich their sons courtesy of China…or feel the need to creepily sniff the hair and feel up women on stages…etc.
Dovekin . . . .
I think I am justified in saying 4 years as President is also nothing.

Dovekin on a man (Joe Biden) who advocates (!)
Government protection by FORCE and arms if necessary,
of people being able to premeditatively murder and rip
seconds-before living-baby-human-beings apart,
as long as they are in the process of being born or sooner . . . .
the way we talk about Biden, a faithful Catholic
To the readers here. Draw your own conclusions.
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I said he was a faithful Catholic husband, not that he was a faithful Catholic. Catholic as an adjective, not a noun.

As to the rest, it is apparent that faithful Catholics do do all the things you list. They commit every kind of sin you can think of, and some you cannot imagine. The Church embraces them and forgives them, just as it embraces the saintly.
. . .

Jesus ate with sinners - but He also told them to sin no more. Biden’s unrepentant pride in his actions - including boasting of his 100% approval rating of NARAL - makes him the furthest thing from a faithful Catholic anything. I consider Biden to be positively anti-Catholic.

Morality is a seamless web: You don’t advocate for unbridled abortion; take pride in disgraceful behavior like getting NARAL’s enudorsement; raise a . . . son . . . and help him become a millionaire with Chinese money; plagiarize; . . .

EDITING TO ADD: “Faithful Catholic husbands” don’t place themselves in situations where they can even be credibly accused of sexual assault - let alone commit such a crime.
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Are you not the starter of this thread?

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Your Title, your Quote.
RidgeSprinter . . . .
Your Title, your Quote.
The quote of the story I posted.

Not the quote of me. (There are frequently things in articles that I post that I may not agree with. After all. They are news stories and not necessarily my position.)

But the title is appropriate.

WILL Joe debate? We don’t know yet. There has been a LOT of leftist speculation that he should NOT.

But admitedly, that is speculation.

I think Biden will do it if he thinks it is politically adventageous to him.

I think Biden will excuse himself if he thinks THAT is politically expedient.
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Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?​

It is 6 days away.

Reports are that Trump is refusing to rehearse.

Reports are that Biden is rehearsing using a Trump doppelganger.
If Trump is preparing in his own way…his own way seems to be awfully good.

Trump has been doing things in “his own way” since he first sought the republican nomination…won it…won an election against the Clinton machine, Etc., defying every so-called expert along the way.

As to a LOT of these experts, Trump was right and experts were wrong. A few months ago (election loser) John Kerry gave a speech where he predicted Trump’s mid-East peace prospects were nil. Look what Trump has done a year later…

I’d trust Trump doing essentially anything “his way,” as likely superior to the so-called conventional way of doing it - whatever “it” is.
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No you missed the point reading fed answers prior to debate…Donna Brazil’s ring a bell?🤨
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