Dovekin, I’d be really, REALLY careful about saying any other human has “nothing to show” for their lives.And there is Trump who has 50 years with nothing to show for it
This is the post I was responding to. To start, if being VP for 8 years and 36 years in the nothing, I think I am justified in saying 4 years as President is also nothing. With that, turning a hole in the ground into a building can’t be much. I am not sure what counts as more than nothing.And then there is Joe Biden who has nothing to show during 8 years as VP and however long he has been in
If this is the way we talk about Biden, a faithful Catholic husband, we have a lot of leeway addressing the twice divorced Trump with his reputation for philandering. There are many, besides Stormy, who have alleged NDAs, rape, assault and other improper behavior far worse than anything Biden has done.Except for his close encounters with women in the photo ops and being a bully during the hearings - especially the one with Clarence Thomas.
.I think I am justified in saying 4 years as President is also nothing.
To the readers here. Draw your own conclusions.the way we talk about Biden, a faithful Catholic
The quote of the story I posted.Your Title, your Quote.
It is 6 days away.Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?
5 days to go and Biden has not refused yet.Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?