Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?

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Dovekin. Biden is not a faithful Catholic anything.

Here it is again.
Dovekin on a man (Joe Biden) who advocates (!)
Government protection by FORCE and arms if necessary,
of people being able to premeditatively murder and rip
seconds-before living-baby-human-beings apart,
as long as they are in the process of being born or sooner . . . .
(name removed by moderator) . . .
Let’s see if people have enough integrity to eat some 'umble pie if he does engage in the debate.

Who here would be called to eat humle pie (name removed by moderator)?

I think the appropriate insight is the one I (other people have too) offered almost a month ago . . .


Cathoholic (here from 28 days ago) . . .
The upshot of this is the same as usual.

If it is politically necessary for Biden to debate (if his poll advantage continues to free fall like it has been) he will be forced to take the risk and debate.

If he doesn’t need to, his handlers will attempt to keep him out of the public eye just as they have been doing so far.
I can’t speak for others, but lt I stand by my analysis from almost a month ago.
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Cathoholic . . .
Who here would be called to eat humle pie (name removed by moderator)?

Cathoholic (here and here from 28 days ago) . . .
The upshot of this is the same as usual.
If it is politically necessary for Biden to debate (if his poll advantage continues to free fall like it has been) he will be forced to take the risk and debate.
If he doesn’t need to, his handlers will attempt to keep him out of the public eye just as they have been doing so far.
I can’t speak for others, but lt I stand by my analysis from almost a month ago.
(name removed by moderator) to Cathoholic . . .
Righto mate. Point noted. . .

Yes but that doesn’t answer WHO here needs to eat humble pie on this?
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Which means he will debate because he is currently sinking while Trump is rising in the polls
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The question should be after the 1st debate will he do the 2nd and 3rd debate?
Although you are correct, the polls are meaningless anyway:
  1. Polling is functionally identical to 2016: Hillary was supposed to win hands down and we see what happened. This race is shaping up identically except that Trump’s segments are even stronger in some respects than 2016 (plus then Trump often had no ground game; by contrast a sitting president is always hard to unseat).
  2. The pollsters (who largely lean left, sometimes overwhelmingly so) never tell us what should be evident: Trump can lose the election popular vote by 5 million votes and still win the election (and he probably will lose the popular vote) so the polling nationwide is really irrelevant.
  3. The pollsters also oversample dems (notoriously so).
  4. Biden’s alleged “lead” in the polls drops as the left goes from sampling “adults” to “registered voters” to “likely voters.”
The media is trying to create a disincentive for Trump voters to vote, as if he’s supposedly so far behind in the polls that he can’t possibly win. That didn’t work in 2016 and it won’t work in 2020.
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I wont have to eat any humble pie! The thread already established that since i used “may” and “appears” I can make absolutely any claim with no accountability! This is a fun way to discuss things.
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Will Joe Biden Be The First Presidential Nominee In 80 Years To Refuse A Debate?​

It is the Eleventh hour. Biden has yet to refuse the debate.
Why do you keep posting a countdown clock? Will there be a hour/minute/second clock? Will you shout “gotcha!” when Biden shows up? Will it make you happy? Will you feel validated, that you’ve shown up people who though he might not?

Sheesh, find something useful to do with your time.
Also, since you aren’t American you can be forgiven for not realizing we go to Taco Bell on tuesday, not McDonald’s.
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