Will not vote for Trump, but no pro-life Democrats?

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President Trump may be a sinner but who on earth is not? Taking the life of babies is not okay. Trump also supports religious freedom. Democrats want nothing more than to take Christianity out of this Country. If you think that won’t happen, think again. And what has he done to make some of you hate him so much? Name another President that will give up their billionaire lifestyle to help our country and then donate every paycheck as President. An outsider is needed. Career politicians do not care about this country.
Why on earth do you think there are no billionaires out there who would like a chance to be President of the United States? You don’t remember Ross Perot?

Why should I be impressed that Mr. Trump donates his paychecks when he spends that much many times over so he can visit his resorts to play the golf he claimed he would never have time to play when he was President?

Yes, he criticized Barack Obama for playing golf and said if he were President he wouldn’t have time for vacations:
If I win I may never see my property — I may never see these places again. But because I’m going to be working for you, I’m not going to have time to go golfing, believe me. Believe me. Believe me, folks.”
(August 2016)

No, I don’t believe him. It isn’t even reasonable to believe him. He just makes stuff up.

It is also hard to argue that someone who has sunk as much money into political candidates as Donald Trump is an “outsider.” No, he’s not an outsider. Please.
I think the Repubs are as close to a prolife party as we’re likely to see anytime soon.
I have friends who voted for Trump in spite of everything for the sake of the Supreme Court justices. I can understand that. Our state was not a swing state, though, so I couldn’t see voting for him.
You have likely voted for 100% secular presidents in the past. You my have voted for Bill Clinton. So, what’s your argument?

President Trump - hate him or hate him - has done more for the Catholic Church than any US president in the nation’s history. His immediate predecessor did more to violate and harm the Catholic Church than any president in the nation’s history.

Keep it simple. Don’t complicate it.
No, I mean things like this:
He’s spent millions of dollars trying to get away from this issue. Millions of dollars in legal fees trying to get away from this issue. And I’ll tell you what, I brought it up, just routinely, and all of a sudden a lot facts are emerging and I’m starting to wonder myself whether or not he was born in this country .”
(March 28, 2011)
What facts were emerging? There weren’t any.


It’s like when he said this when addressing first responders in Houston after Hurricane Harvey:
People went out in their boats to watch the hurricane. That didn’t work out too well .”
Nobody did that. Nobody told him that anyone did that. The first responders listening were utterly baffled at what he was even talking about.

He has made this kind of baffling false statement over and over and over again even since taking office. Let’s not have anyone pretend that any President of either party has ever done anything like it, because they haven’t. He has put himself in a class by himself in the category of political fabrication.
Christians of the Middle East and especially of Syria and Iraq were put into great danger over the past 15 years, endangered to the brink of being put out of existence. Even many Westerners went to join the fight against ISIS.

Dozens Of Westerners Join Kurds To Fight ISIS In Syria​

But they may well exist into the future because they were largely aided to victory by the American led coalition but this victory came really only after Trump came to office.

That so many young men, some young women and just people in general went and helped the Kurd domnated Syrian Democratic Forces is a testament as to the many people who felt that way and some fell along the way.

ISIS has been a true evil. An evil like the Nazis.

That’s fine if people don’t want to vote for Trump, you have your views but this probably would not have happened if we did not have a GOP president. OR, it might have happened with a Democratic president but it probably would have taken more time. I would make no qualms that Obama was on the right track at the end of his term in how to fight ISIS. Even then, the troops were the Kurds and Christians and some other groups. They risked their blood on the ground. We bombed but bombing is certainly something that carries a great risk to civilians. So, war is a dirty business.

It’s been a victory, not a perfect victory and I strongly disagreed with Trump when at first, he wanted to pull all of our troops out of there last November/December. I also strongly disagreed with General Mattis leaving.

There’s no reason to play the blame game, the finger pointing game but I strongly believe, we left those people in a lurch, Christians and other groups. If you go in somewhere, see it out, make the commitment. I don’t think we did that and those people were in big trouble because of our decision.
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Exactly. They STILL refuse to leave Trump alone and focus on their constituents. I’m not a fan of Trump’s friendship with Putin, or his rolling back of environmental protection laws. I do like his unprecedented stance for the pro-life movement, and so far that’s enough to vote for him in 2020.
I wish it were so in Colorado.

The sex education bill that’s basically passed is an abomination to morality and the survival of the family unit.

God Bless
I remember Fr Ripperger saying something like “our country is on fire. It is better to vote for someone who will try their best to put it out, than one who will throw gasoline on the fire.” Those aren’t his exact words, but that was the gist.
Didn’t Joe Biden witness or oversee a same sex marriage? Thought I read that somewhere. If that is the case I wouldn’t consider him inline with Catholic teaching.

@RealisticCatholic , i don’t mean to sound like a smart a** that is not my intention, but even with Trump’s tweets and dumb statements aside, he is probably more inline w/ Christian principles/policies than any of the current Democrat Candidates. You are in a tough spot RealisticCatholic. Not sure what to suggest you do. You got three choices, Trump, Democrat Candidate or third party.

I don’t like the way Trump acts/talks, but I will be voting for him. He is doing a great job. He is pro life, pro religious liberty, smaller/leanee Gov’t and pro 2nd amendment or more so than any of the other candidates. Those are what is important to me, since I am a Catholic Constitutional Conservative (that is what I call myself, not party affiliated). For me, there is no other choice. He is far, really far, from perfect but for me there is no other choice.

Sorry I could not have been of more help to you. I guess in the end the only suggestion I can make is this, pray on it. What is your picture/vision for our country? What candidate best supports that or comes closest, that is the one I would suggest.
I see. Looks like Trump’s policies have a very real and direct effect on your well being. Totally understandable.

I’m with you on preexisting conditions. I have a good number of chronic health issue and a child with special needs. I completely understand. We are lucky to have pretty good employer-based healthcare.
This is similar to a Christian writer. Pro-life but had to vote for the Democrats because his father was very ill and whatever the Republicans had in mind would have made giving care for him incredibly difficult. Had he been more prominent, there would have been an incredible amount of nastiness for being “traitor”. As if being Christian is dependent on who you vote for.
The major problem is so many partisan-minded individuals don’t seem to understand the predicaments other people are in. At the end of the day, voters are only choosing a poison out of several types of poisons.
I can guarantee that there will not be a pro-life Democrat presidential candidate. The Trump administration has been the only administration in recent memory that has acted on pro-life principles. But people do not like his personality so they would rather see millions more unborn children killed than re-elect him. I can understand a pro-abortion person thinking that way but not Catholics.
Sadly this is true. I think Bill was the last moderate Democrat. I grew up in mixed political home. Mom was a Democrat and Dad a Republican. Mom’s parents voted Democrat and Dad’s side Republican. Basically Mom and Dad just canceled each others votes out, lol. I don’t identify with either party, I consider myself a Catholic American Constitutional Conservative, that’s a mouthful I know, Haha. If my grandfather on my mom’s side were still alive today, he died in the early 80s, I know he would be disappointed with the current Democrat Party. He was Pro Life and a Knight in the KofC. I would put my.money on it that he would be voting for Republicans. Then again it is my belief both parties shifted to the left. The Republicans, for the past 20 years or so are closer to what the old Democrat party was and the Democrats have moved closer to Socialism. However I believe the American public at large, the silent majority, still remains very centered in the political spectrum.
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But people do not like his personality so they would rather see millions more unborn children killed than re-elect him.
It’s kind of funny that you offered this comment just on the heals of @ATraveller’s, which demonstrates that there’s far more at stake than his boorishness for many who choose not to vote for Trump.
I don’t like his mannerisms either. You are right the POTUS can’t legislate/make laws. However, if the Democrats take control of both houses in the next midterm and we get a President that is not Pro Life, there will be no stopping all the Pro Abortion legislation. The Bill’s will become law. At least with a Pro Life President, he can veto those Bill’s. As far as Trump currently being Pro Life and not in the past, he may just have had a change of heart and mind. Maybe Melania helped him to have this change of heart. My understanding is she has a very deep Christian faith.
Sorry. I came late to the thread and did not read all the posts. But as one who grew up Democrat from childhood, it took me a few years to realize that my party had become irretrievably pro-abortion, and has become even more so with each new election.
Do you like his stand when it comes to neo-nazis in this country? He seems to think these folks are good people.
Oh please, he never actually said that about the Neo Nazi’s. He called them out. Social Media and the Mainstream Media twisted what he said. You don’t have to like the guy but please don’t continue to spread this falsehood. He actually condemned the Neo Nazi’s and White Supremacists. Just certain people like Biden and certain news outlets don’t tell the entire story. When you don’t give the entire context or the entire statement by the person being accused you can make that person look bad. That is not fair to him or to those of us that voted for him. I am not a white supremacist, racist or any such thing. I would not vote for a candidate that supports that and Trump does not support that. See links below:

From a new paper that is not known for being Trump friendly:

Another Link:

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Christians of the Middle East and especially of Syria and Iraq were put into great danger over the past 15 years, endangered to the brink of being put out of existence. Even many Westerners went to join the fight against ISIS.

Dozens Of Westerners Join Kurds To Fight ISIS In Syria : NPR

Dozens Of Westerners Join Kurds To Fight ISIS In Syria​

But they may well exist into the future because they were largely aided to victory by the American led coalition but this victory came really only after Trump came to office.

That so many young men, some young women and just people in general went and helped the Kurd domnated Syrian Democratic Forces is a testament as to the many people who felt that way and some fell along the way.

ISIS has been a true evil. An evil like the Nazis.

That’s fine if people don’t want to vote for Trump, you have your views but this probably would not have happened if we did not have a GOP president. OR, it might have happened with a Democratic president but it probably would have taken more time. I would make no qualms that Obama was on the right track at the end of his term in how to fight ISIS. Even then, the troops were the Kurds and Christians and some other groups. They risked their blood on the ground. We bombed but bombing is certainly something that carries a great risk to civilians. So, war is a dirty business.

It’s been a victory, not a perfect victory and I strongly disagreed with Trump when at first, he wanted to pull all of our troops out of there last November/December. I also strongly disagreed with General Mattis leaving.

There’s no reason to play the blame game, the finger pointing game but I strongly believe, we left those people in a lurch, Christians and other groups. If you go in somewhere, see it out, make the commitment. I don’t think we did that and those people were in big trouble because of our decision.
Are you sure you meant to reply to my post? I do not see a connection.

I have no idea what success or failure in Syria or anywhere else has to do with the unfortunate problem that the President of the United States habitually makes up preposterous things to say (not to mention tweet) which either have no basis in fact or which flatly contradict the truth.

Again: this is no small thing. We know who the Father of Lies is.

As Pope St. John Paul II said: Do not accept anything as the truth if it lacks love. And do not accept anything as love which lacks truth! One without the other becomes a destructive lie.
(Homily at the canonization of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Oct. 11, 1998)
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Sorry. I came late to the thread and did not read all the posts. But as one who grew up Democrat from childhood, it took me a few years to realize that my party had become irretrievably pro-abortion, and has become even more so with each new election.
I put some credit in the quip that there was a time when the two major parties stood up for complementary virtues, whereas now it seems they mainly contend in favor of competing vices.

That’s not quite fair–I don’t want to demonize everybody in politics–but there is a lot of truth in that and I think those trying to get something good done via the democratic process would agree. It probably always has been so, to differing degrees. Politics run on money and power, and those are two forces that rarely spend their might sticking up for the most vulnerable.
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I’m a democrat who voted for Trump last time because the democrats have become too pro choice for me. I like Joe Biden, I’ll probably support him over anyone else.
You do know Biden’s former bishop in Scranton refused to give him Communion because he was too pro-choice.
Didn’t Joe Biden witness or oversee a same sex marriage? Thought I read that somewhere. If that is the case I wouldn’t consider him inline with Catholic teaching.
Did you know that in addition to many years of public “flip flopping” on the issue of same sex marriage, in November of 2016 newly elected Mr Trump said that he was fine with the current legal status of same sex marriage?

It was the 60 Minutes interview, here is one link, google will help you find many more:

I don’t like the way Trump acts/talks,
Guessing because Mr Trumps public actions and the way he talks is not in conformity with Catholic Teaching.

So, I wonder, why is public deviation from basic Christian principals unacceptable for Mr Biden and acceptable for Mr Trump? I am asking in honesty, finding it baffling that the same arguments that were used to try to talk many of us into voting for Mr Trump are used to claim we should not vote for other candidates now.
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No, not one. The Democratic Party is fully in the bag for abortion up until birth.

Regarding trump. I don’t vote for a president based on his personal conduct, but rather on his ideology. GK Chesterton said I would rather know a persons belief about everything than his belief on all things. In other words, what is the underlying ideology the person believes? I don’t think trump is a Christian or that his ideology is Christian, but I also don’t think it is anti-Christian. I think the democrats are anti-Christian. All their policies are against Christianity. Every time a judge is being questioned for confirmation he is grilled about his Christian values. But then when a Muslim is under question and is up for office they make sure to mention that there is no religious test for office.
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