Those who have been found guilty of horrible crimes against humanity have been tried by a thorough legal system process, and found guilty. How many convicts fit this judgement?Abortion ISN’T THE ONLY ISSUE IN THE WORLD. He’s for the death penalty, that seems to be anti-life.
2018 2018 | Death Penalty Information Center see how few were executed?
Abortions ? Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics
See the difference? The proportion difference is staggering

When ice ages and global warmings between each event occured without people even being here, ( according to science (not me , reference already presented) I have to ask, why didn’t you open the link referencing the point of events without people even being here?And don’t embarrass yourself trying to deny climate change. It is happening whether you want to admit it or not. Only fringe groups deny it because the evidence is so significant.
Whether we are here or not here, science says ice ages and global warmings will occur. So what’s your point? AND, how is this addressing the topic?
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