Wives Needing Permission to Leave the Home?

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I appreciate it and I’ll take a moment to apologize for personal comments towards you. That was a heated response from me and not right. Thanks.
We’re good, man. This is the internet, kinda brings out the worst in all of us.
I agree with @RolandThompsonGunner. I didn’t see any rules broken. I think some people are too quick to flag posts they disagree with or when the discussion is civil but heated. I find it frustrating when very good conversations must end for what seem to be arbitrary reasons. Conversations I would have liked to have seen develop more. If anything, people talking about laughing at the some of the ideas in this thread should have been the ones flagged, IMO. So what if someone has developed ideas that may be more narrow than the Church allows for? Wouldn’t it be better to try to charitably persuade the person where their understanding may not be quite right than just flagging them and ending the conversation?

Just my humble opinion. Rant over.

Speaking of St. Teresa’s travels, here’s an anecdote
I found on Catholic Apostolate Center’s Web site.
Teresa fell off her donkey while journeying to visit one of her convents–causing her to land in the mud and dirty her Carmelite habit. With her quick, fiery Spanish temper, Teresa looked up to heaven and said to God, “If this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you don’t have many.”
I didn’t see any rules broken. I think some people are too quick to flag posts they disagree with or when the discussion is civil but heated
Thank you. If whoever flagged me would like to privately post me I would appreciate it. I will apologize if I offended anyone (I didn’t think I did - except for Roland and I did for him). It is disturbing to suddenly get kicked off of CAF with no appeal and no idea what I did or who was offended. I treat it as God’s way of telling me I need to take a break. But still …
thanks again
Nor I. I almost never flag posts unless they’re vulgar or the poster appears to be in danger. Flagging just shuts down discussion.
There has to be a head of the household. It’s simple fact. When it comes right down to it, and you & your partner wife disagree on a decision - who makes that decision?
Actually, there doesn’t. Like @RolandThompsonGunner, my husband and I share decision-making and will defer to the other in areas of expertise. But really, in decades of marriage, that’s never been a problem.
One that comes to memory - back when she had a part time job she wanted to go out for after work drinks on a Friday night with people from the office in the city.

I did not consider it to be a good idea & told her that. She didn’t go.
That’s reasonable. As long as it works in reverse —if you said you wanted to grab a beer with the guys and she wasn’t comfortable with it, you wouldn’t go.
NJLisa, I do love that St. Teresa story. I think of it probably more often than I should. Such as last Sunday night when my bathtub faucet suddenly failed in the “On” position at 10 pm at night and wouldn’t shut off.
True, but the Gospels were the inerrant Word of God. These other statements were not. Therefore, they could be and are in error.
That’s a shame, I don’t think I can recall you saying anything that would warrant a ban. :confused:
I didn’t see any rules broken. I think some people are too quick to flag posts they disagree with or when the discussion is civil but heated
Thank you. If whoever flagged me would like to privately post me I would appreciate it. I will apologize if I offended anyone (I didn’t think I did - except for Roland and I did for him). It is disturbing to suddenly get kicked off of CAF with no appeal and no idea what I did or who was offended. I treat it as God’s way of telling me I need to take a break. But still …
thanks again
I agree that flagging is a problem. One never knows why a post was flagged in the first place so how can you correct something if you aren’t told what the problem was to start with.

By the way, Bill, did you tell us if you were married or not?
I feel like the thread is full of “wives can do anything they please & they don’t answer to their husbands”
Where? It’s interesting that this is what you get from these posts, when the posts here are all about both partners being able to check in with each other to see if their plans are not upsetting to the other. Even the more traditional posters here, like @Elizabeth3, has shared how her marriage is set up.
There has to be a head of the household. It’s simple fact. When it comes right down to it, and you & your partner wife disagree on a decision - who makes that decision?
This would have nothing to do with asking permission to go for a quick jog. Your average man isn’t too caught up in power dynamics and validation to the point where his wife not asking his permission would affect his manhood and authority in the house.
It is unfortunate that liberalism is running as rampant through Catholicism as it is the rest of society, and that is not for the better.
The responses are well within the confines of orthodoxy.
If I ever told my wife that she needed my permission to leave the house, I’m pretty sure she would tell me to go to the opposite place of where I want to go when I die.
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The husband is humiliated. “Where’s your wife”? “I have no idea”.
She renders him a loser - destroys his manhood.
Wow, if that’s all it takes to destroy his manhood, I think he has bigger issues.
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