Well you certainly opened a “bad” topic. Generally the Roman Catholic Church in America is very distinctive. Having lived in Pre Vatican era and daily Mass in Latin I loved visiting other Roman Catholic Churches as I always felt at home and all was the same other than the beautiful stations, paintings, statues etc that sent your spirit into reflection and serenity. The only thing I had to worry about was whether the ushers would start at the back or front and which aisle to return from Holy Communion. Gone are those days. At my church the associate priests would come out at communion usually only 1 other and help. I too, feel too many EME’s have rushed the most important part of the Mass. Hopefully, the parishes that have truly reverential priests and services will reap the registered and involved members and the other’s will struggle, maybe closed or JUST MAYBE will get the message Whom is the main attraction. Jesus now and forever. We can only pray for us “American Catholics.”