You're the Church. Young people are leaving in droves. What do you do?

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If they refused to make things right and repent, yes for the most part. The Bishop may be influenced more by the public perception of a gay marriage versus a divorced teacher being remarried because of the image. But the details of the situation known to the Bishop may not be apparent to us. We have to trust his decision.
Don’t cite me these ridiculous Protestant Bibles.
Pre Challoner Douay Rheims or Clementine Vulgate otherwise I don’t want to even see it.
I own the three volume 1610 Douay Rheims.
I think Challoner himself ruined the original text by omitting so many of the beautiful surrounding commentary and even the three apocrypha after the Old Testament that was in the original. Sure it made sense at the time to fit it into one volume but I wish more companies would offer the pre Challoner Douay Rheims today, especially since it is possible to make it one giant volume today.
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I like the knox it is easy to read but from the original vulgate its not realistic to have everybody read a 3 volume book in old English it puts a lot of people off and as st Jerome said ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ
The only value of worship music is that it is not banal, lame, not strong enough.

I was introduced to worship music and I dropped most of the questionable secular music.

Worship music is a short term solution. That is why I mention a max attendance per month.

But yes, that music making area could prove to be more valuable than worship music at building a Christ centered community.
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Was that in his contract…honest question, does anyone know or are we dealing with hearsay?

I (a non-Catholic) didn’t sign anything about Catholic morality when I worked at a Catholic HS.
I’m 24, I left the church at 14 and officially from 16-23 and have returned now with the fire of truth in my heart. My heart rejoices when I see people my age in mass. I assure you I am working on getting people hip in my own mission but as far as the Church goes, a few things: TLM is way more convincing and beautiful than Novus Ordo. As soon as Christian rock breaks out it automatically feels like time to go. I didnt know the cathecism existed until last year so I think proper catechesis of what the church actually is and believes would be helpful, as well as instruction in moral theology, and other religions (to show why they are false), I also didnt know what adoration was until last year so I think having and encouraging regular/ perpetual adoration would be extremely helpful to the Church as a whole. So what it boils down to for me is bring back the tradition, and be better examples/teachers of the faith, in church, school and at home.

I disagree yall, the mass is the worship. Reverance and beauty > worship music
For those who stop believing in God, it doesn’t really matter, as you say, at least from their point of view. No matter how much it matters to us.

Those who still believe in God don’t believe that going to Mass is the only way, or the best way, to spend time with him. Some convert to other religions, and many cultivate their spirituality privately, independent of the institutional Church, which they view as more of a hindrance than a help to their spiritual progress.

Music is rarely the main deciding issue, one way or the other. Arguing about superficialities like music or worship style is like arguing about the placement of deck chairs on the Titanic.
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I totally feel you, I’m just saying Christian Rock doesn’t add to the appeal of mass
Another possible reason came to mind reading another thread…the rejection of tradition and beauty by the liberals such as removing the Pentecost Octave from the calendar and the move toward cookie cutter churches.
I don’t think it has much to do with desire. Either you believe or you dont. I am sure you can relate. Think about anything you have really wanted to believe was true, but you just couldn’t , for whatever reason. It is no different.
The divorced teacher remarrying did a one time act that she can fix by pursuing an annulment of the previous marriage and convalidating the current marriage, and repent. There is no intent of continued sin.
The other teacher can do the same thing.
My original post has both. Thus, I appeal to both crowds.

My testimony: I did not know much about Christian music until I went to a place that had Hillsong and Crowder etc, I seek out more music. After getting a taste of Christian music, realizing their is more than just the book in mass, I started seeking out John Micheal Talbot. Then I started seeking out Latin. I would have never been into the Latin music if not for my advancements in sophistication.
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Young people are leaving in droves.

So many lapsed Catholic parents confirm their children into the Church with no intention of taking them to Church at any time except Christmas or teaching them the faith.

Why did these parents leave? The absence of a belief in God causes people to lose a sense of morality. The sexual revolution, which tells us that grave sins such as contraception and fornication are acceptable, has seduced people into rejecting God. The normalisation of sinful sexual practices, and the resulting rejection of God is grave.

Ultimately, the problem in the world is the rejection of absolute truth and the idea of moral relativism. Moral relativism comes from the evil one and is when people believe that the only absolute truth is that their are no absolute truths. Of course, this is a fallacy itself. Moral relativism is grave and is the source of much evil, including people leaving the Church.

Thus, moral relativism is ultimately the issue. How do we stop the young leaving? We teach the faith properly. The dangers of relativism, as our current and previous Supreme Pontiffs have warned about, have led to the sexual revolution, normalisation of abortion and other evils.

We must declare loyalty to Christ’s Church in this confused world.
I am a teenager and I will never leave the Church, ever. I will not give into the atheistic relativism that plagues our society.
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I think a lot of what you’ve said is fairly accurate. However, I think you and others need to be careful and considerate when you discuss certain topics within the realm of sex and sexuality. I’m a practicing Catholic that happens to be gay and I’m trying to abide by what the Church teaches. There are many in the church who tell individuals like myself that our struggle in life shouldn’t be something people are open about. You’re not going to attract millennials by saying simply saying “homosexual acts bad.” You’re going to have to separate the acts of someone versus aspects that are innate to a person.

Yes there’s a point for being straightforward, but you also have to be willing to try and get people to see these things with more nuance and with a level of compassion
God bless you. I am sure that too many people have already told you they admire you and look up to you, but I do too. I am so happy that so many are able to unite their cross to the Lord’s suffering.

I am so happy you accept and support what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says on this specific topic. I hope you know that the Church has NO issue with celibate people who have same sex attraction. We both agree that Church doctrine rightfully condemns homosexual acts, but no discrimination or contempt should ever be shown towards celibate Christians who have this cross.

Personally, if I had this cross, I would not use the term ‘gay’, because it defines one by their sexual appetite. I hope nobody looks down on you for having an attraction that is not a sin, considering you are living chastely.

I am a teenager in a world that is so hard to be chaste in. Do you ever ‘fall down and get back up again’ with chastity, so to speak or do you by the grace of God manage to never give in?
Regardless, you must be so very holy.

Unfortunately, with scrupulosity, I find it VERY difficult to discern what violates chastity and what does not, leading me to going to extraordinary lengths to prevent myself from possibly violating chastity. Thus, I do have the awful cross of scrupulosity.

I hope you will be an asset to the Church and will oppose attempts to liberalise Church doctrine. Although the priesthood is not suitable, perhaps you may have ministry as a eucharistic minister or instructor of the faith (presuming the Church allows people with this cross to have ministry as a layperson?).

I am so glad you have recognised your cross, and are taking an active stance against those who try to liberalise Church doctrine, which is God’s will.

Know that you will be rewarded in heaven.

May God always bless you.
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They can, but doubtful. The divorce was in the past. The gay marriage is current and ongoing, requiring the couple to split. Big difference, but you know that and just like to challenge every little thing. Bottom line is the Bishop made a decision and we must accept it.
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