⚖ Proud Boys member Alan Swinney arrested on 12 charges

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Sad how Trump literally missed the easiest layup of all time. Hmmm, I wonder why he won’t even say the phrase “White supremacists” or denounce David Duke or even the KKK…hmmm…why would he do this? Could it be because they are his biggest supporters?

Yep, instead of denouncing them, he told them to stand down and stand by.

My only conclusion from this this is that he wants them to raise hell if he loses.
My only conclusion from this this is that he wants them to raise hell if he loses.
You mean like Biden voters In Antifa and BLM have been doing for months, and he won’t even condemn them by name for months of violence, largely against people of color in our inner cities.
no. I’m not a lawyer so my opinion doesn’t matter. why would it?
Well, they actually answer to the progressive Democrat mayors who are complicit with their violence.
That’s a leap! I don’t know what basis you have for that statement but you have not tied the actions of the group to Democratic mayors.

Wishing doesn’t make it so.
what does stand by mean?
I don’t know what was in Trump’s mind, so I won’t speculate on that. The left will do that, of course, and negatively. But they invent all kinds of thoughts for him, so I’m sure they will.
Sad how Trump literally missed the easiest layup of all time.
He did. I heard it myself. The problem arose when Wallace and Biden wouldn’t accept his answer and insisted that he say more, all three speaking at once. It wasn’t at all clear what they were demanding, so he asked them what they wanted him to say; who he wanted them to condemn, then he added that leftists were causing all the damage. They didn’t say what it was they expected, but Biden said “proud boys”.
My only conclusion from this this is that he wants them to raise hell if he loses.
You know nothing of the sort, of course.
do you really believe Trump doesn’t know who the Proud Boys are? Really? He literally said Proud Boys stand back and stand by. They have since adopted that as their rally cry. Truly sickening and frightening. Trump has done this many many more times in the recent past, saying he didn’t know who David Duke was or even denouncing the KKK. Why do you think he could be doing this? hmmmmmmmmmmm
what does stand by mean?
I don’t know what was in Trump’s mind, so I won’t speculate on that. The left will do that, of course, and negatively. But they invent all kinds of thoughts for him, so I’m sure they will.
For what it’s worth, the Proud Boys themselves believe Trump was lending them support.

If you aren’t aware of this particular hate group:

you can bail out anyone you want. those people are only accused of crimes, not convicted
This is mostly true. There are a few violent repeat crimes for which bail can be denied, sort of (here), though I think it is done as a contempt of court. Basically, posting bond comes with a condition ordered by the judge, usually to keep distant, or not engage in repeat behavior, like stalking. This is where the “reasonable” part of bail becomes important, as it is not reasonable to let an allegedly dangerous person out once he shows he will ignore the conditions of his release on bail, and that constitutes the same deadly threat he is on bail for.

I say this in this context, because if this guy posts bail and re-engages protesters violently, it would be reasonable for the next bail to include such a clause, again, at least here, before he actually kills or hospitalizes someone.
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do you really believe Trump doesn’t know who the Proud Boys are? Really?
I have no idea, and neither do you.

He didn’t say their name. I can’t help what they did any more than I could help Wallace and Biden wanting to get Trump to say whatever it was they wanted him to say after he answered Wallace’s question.

Dems have called Trump a racist from Day One and continue to do it despite the fact that he has never said anything truly racist; only other things they “interpret” as racist; the “dog whistles” (meaning he didn’t say it but I want people to think he did)

And I know Dems want to misrepresent that Trump has never denounced KKK, or white supremacists, but he has.

Trump said “Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists were “repugnant” to everything Americans held dear.”

Incorrect. he DID say their name directly, which is why their new recruits are skyrocketing right now as they have taken that as their slogan and rally cry. Proud boys Stand back and Stand by. He said their name and directly addressed them.
For what it’s worth, the Proud Boys themselves believe Trump was lending them support.
I imagine they would since the Democrats and their media keep saying it. They’re playing right into the hands of these people, just as Wallace and Biden did.

If the Southern Poverty Law Center said the sun rises in the East, I would be tempted to look for it in the west. They’re nothing but a left wing organization serving the financial interests of its founder. Even WaPo doesn’t believe them anymore.

That’s a leap!
It’s a tiny step.
I don’t know what basis you have for that statement but you have not tied the actions of the group to Democratic mayors.
Start with the Baltimore mayor a few years a ago.
I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech,” Rawlings-Blake said. “It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. And we worked very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate.”

They destroyed the property of inner city people of color, and with the complicity of the mayor.
I imagine they would since the Democrats and their media keep saying it.
On the other hand, I imagine they would since Trump told them to “stand by.” Which means - by its plain meaning - that Trump intends for them to take some action in the future.
If the Southern Poverty Law Center said the sun rises in the East, I would be tempted to look for it in the west.
Are you defending the Proud Boys or attacking the SPLC? The Proud Boys are an ultra-right wing hate group, regardless of what you think about the SPLC. We should at least be clear on that.
Trump said “Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists were “repugnant” to everything Americans held dear.”
Well, you know that this is a mere dog whistle of support, but when Biden refuses to condemn BLM for violence, then defends Antifa as an idea, he is really condemning them.
Either he knew who they were and wouldn’t condemn them or he only knew they were a racist group and then wouldn’t condemn them. Either is damning.
Do you put this in tHe same category as Biden refusing to condemn Antifa’s violence by name, and further defending them as an idea, minimizing their ongoing violence?
Trump told them to “stand by.” Which means - by its plain meaning - that Trump intends for them to take some action in the future.
He said he was unfamiliar with the group at the time. So was I until some liberal on CAF brought them up. I believe him.
Are you defending the Proud Boys or attacking the SPLC? The Proud Boys are an ultra-right wing hate group, regardless of what you think about the SPLC. We should at least be clear on that.
I’ll take your word that the Proud Boys are a right wing hate group, since I don’t know any differently. When I first heard of them, they weren’t well explained and I thought they were just some kind of superpatriot organization. I haven’t actually read much about them since then, but I do see comments here on CAF now and then, the context of which seems to support what you say about them. So I’ll accept that unless I see something persuasive otherwise.

But if Bezos and his Washington Post don’t think much of the SPLC, why should I? I wouldn’t believe anything they say about anything.
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