30 officers hurt in Philadelphia amid looting

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Update to the original story.

30 police officers injured:

On Monday night, a group of about 300 people marched through the streets of West Philly to protest the killing of Wallace Jr. However, they turned violent.

Police say 30 officers were injured, they include a 56-year-old female officer who was hit by a car at 52nd and Walnut Streets. Police say she suffered a broken leg.

Police say all of the officers injured are in stable condition. Other than the officer with a broken leg, they’ve all been treated and released from the hospital. Police say that most of the officers who were injured were hit with rocks, bricks, and other projectiles.

Also, at 52nd and Market Streets, a police SUV was set on fire.
That’s a minimum. I don’t even want someone getting even that close.
Nor would I. I’ve seen the videos of the pragmatic tests of how fast an assailant can close.
He’s from the suburbs and is very fortunate. That particular bar has had several homicides and folks were dumping human remains in the back trash dumpster.

He knows better now 😉
I think cops anywhere in the world would react in the same way, I’ve read a few articles recently from Australia where cops had been threatened by people with knives and had to use deadly force. Australia has strict gun control laws so cops are rarely threatened with guns, but someone with a knife advancing towards you is not a good outcome for that person.
30 officers hurt in Philadelphia amid looting World News
Exactly. I’m listening to a conservative talk show right now and the host is saying something similar. When the police say “drop the knife,” you drop the knife. The host I’m listening to just said something like that, too, even referencing Hollywood. "But . . . but . . . they could have tased him . . . they could have shot him in the leg . . . " Or, a variation of that, "the cop shot him from 10 feet away; he was supposed to wait until he was 6 feet away . . . " Look, when somebody’s cha…
In agreement with you with the 10 feet vs. 6 feet argument…that is a terrible, terrible argument for people who have no concept of speed and time. I fence at a decent level but not close to Olympic level…fencers time to cross that additional 4’ is maybe 0.2 seconds, which is long blink of the eye. If I have a knife, if I’m moving, I’m hitting you whether I’m 6’ out or 10’. We’re talking about the difference between 0.4 or 0.5 seconds vs. 0.6 or 0.7. Total time if they are moving fast.

Someone else mentioned 21’, which is seems like a lower limit to me…especially when the officer isn’t moving themselves.
You also have to take into account that often times even once someone has been shot, that doesn’t mean the threat has stopped.

When I was in Iraq we had a guy run out at our outpost while firing an ak at us, 3 of us opened up on him, hitting him many times, and by the time he fell he had covered probably 10-15 yards, getting shot the whole way. Adrenaline, momentum, and determination goes a long a way.
If police would just stop killing blacks this would not be a problem.
Yes, but that will not happen until there are no more threats against them. It is a tragedy when mentally ill people are killed, but if one of them jumps off a bridge, you do not blame the city for the ground being hard.

We have cut funding for housing the mentally ill out of compassion, but perhaps not wisely. The asylum concept had its abuses, but it did keep some people alive who would have not lived long out in public.
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The asylum concept had its abuses, but it did keep some people alive who would have not lived long out in public.
Yep. The idea that everyone should be free to make their own choices sounds great, but there are some people who need to have decisions made for them. For societies good as well as their own. We need to bring back asylums.
When you gun a man down in front of his mother blocks away from the site of the MOVE bombing you know what you’re going to get. A+ billboard placement by the way.

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Update: the looting continues for a second night.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Looting and demonstrations continued for a second consecutive night Tuesday in Philadelphia following the fatal police shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. in West Philadelphia. Police say looting along Aramingo Avenue in Philadelphia’s Port Richmond neighborhood has “rapidly gone downhill” Tuesday night and is a “total loss.”
More rioting and media attempting to keep it downplayed.

Watch: Protesters Assault Reporter Filming BLM Looting in Philadelphia​


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Screenshot Twitter @@ElijahSchaffer

Ildefonso Ortiz

27 Oct 2020

A group of protesters assaulted a reporter as he filmed the widespread looting taking place in Philadelphia. The looting took place during the second night of Black Lives Matters protests over the shooting death of a knife-wielding assailant by police.

On Tuesday night, Elijah Schaffer, a journalist with The Blaze recorded some of the widespread lootings taking place in Philadelphia. As he entered a discount store, dozens of masked rioters were in the process of looting. He became the target of a violent assault as looters demand he stop recording their criminal activity. . . .

. . . . The widespread rioting and looting in Philadelphia is tied to the recent shooting of Walter Wallace, Jr. who chased police officers with a knife forcing two police officers to fire at him. Despite efforts by police to save him, Wallace died shortly after at a local hospital. As Breitbart News reported, on Monday, protesters turned violent in a series of riots that sent more than 30 police officers to the hospital, including one female sergeant who was struck by a truck driven into a line of police.

Here are the covers for CNN, MSNBC, and the Washington Post.

None of them are covering this at least as a top story.

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The mainstream media does NOT want the voters to know the news (about this kind of thing).
He was advancing on the officers with a knife in hand while their guns were drawn. Regardless of anything else, he played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.
So, no one’s life was in imminent danger, as I said.
Were you ever a police officer or threatened by someone with a knife still coming at you despite that you have a gun drawn on them?

Has your life ever been in imminent danger?

While the MSM is attempting to keep quiet the second night in a row about leftist RIOTING (again) in Philly, those who are not news snobs or dare read/watch FoxNews
KNOW and are INFORMED about these leftist RIOTS.

(I wonder if Biden’s campaign people are going to publicize their bailing out of jail again these criminals? Or maybe Biden and Harris aren’t going to do that again? OR if they did, would the MSM even report it?)

Here for example is FoxNews’s front page right now . . . .

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The suppression of REAL NEWS, is a form of FAKE NEWS.
At least that is my opinion.

This example is pretty glaring.
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Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf Calls Mass Rioting and Looting “Peaceful Protests” — 30 Stores Looted, Reporters and Police Attacked on Night #2​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 27, 2020 at 11:39pm

As reported earlier “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protesters rioted, looted and attacked police in Philadelphia on Monday night after police shot a black man who was threatening them with a knife.

The BLM believes the cops are to blame.

The far left protest immediately turned into rioting and looting.

One female police officer was run over by a truck. Several more were injured.

The city was run over by rioters.

On Tuesday Democrat Governor Tom Wolf suggested the mass riots were peaceful protests. . . .

. . . . > BREAKING: Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf calls Philadelphia riots a ‘peaceful protest.’
12 police officers were hospitalized including one run over in a truck attack.

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 27, 2020 . . . .
Heard some family friends that live and work in downtown Philadelphia have decided to put their place up for sale and move out of the area to s safer location. I guess the “peaceful” protests have become to much for them to handle.
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