60% of US states are reporting increases in new cases

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Same as months ago when were testing only a few hundred a day.
Testing is only showing positives at the time of the test. Does not tell us how many have had it and didn’t know it. I can test negative today, get infected tomorrow, test positive, get tested again in two weeks and be negative. Or what if I never get tested even if I have it. The variables are extensive.
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Fecal transmission is an interesting angle that’s not factored heavily into most discussions. However, even that mode is still droplet based. You flush the john, the water movement and force of it produces droplets which can be inhaled. That’s rather nasty but it’s always been the case.

N95 masks are capable of netting even very small aerosolized particles down to 2.5 PM. It’s why they’re used in wood work. Viruses are very small and when they are aerosolized, N95s are the best way to block those particles.

Thankfully, this virus mostly favors droplet transmission, which are much bigger particles. Cloth and surgical masks are able to block these. Do they block 100%?

No. But you don’t need them to necessarily. Because in order for an infection to take hold you got to have a minimum of around 1000 viruses. So if the mask is blocking most droplets containing the virus, you are reducing - mitigating - the risk of infection.

I agree the extent of the exposure of the population to this virus is probably a lot greater than we realize. The issue is, just like you’ve probably had a cold many times from the same rhinovirus, the immunity conferred by prior infection may not last very long.

That’s a problem.
he issue is, just like you’ve probably had a cold many times from the same rhinovirus, the immunity conferred by prior infection may not last very long.

That’s a problem.
It has always been my understanding the cold is always a different one that your system does not recognize. Immunity is not just antibodies but DNA memory that mounts an early defense. Has that changed?
Testing is only showing positives at the time of the test. Does not tell us how many have had it and didn’t know it. I can test negative today, get infected tomorrow, test positive, get tested again in two weeks and be negative. Or what if I never get tested even if I have it. The variables are extensive.
Correct. It doesn’t tell you or any other individual about your immune response to the virus.

What it tells us the rate of infection among the population. That’s why Texas is having kittens right now. They went from a 5% positive rate a few weeks ago to over 10%. That tells them that per 1000 tested people, the virus is infecting twice as many.

That’s how they know it’s moving fast. That and the huge numbers of people suddenly crashing the hospital ERs.
Fecal/oral transmission isn’t only inhaling the droplets in the restroom. It’s also those droplets contaminate surfaces as well. Then the healthy person who doesn’t wash his hands touches those surfaces and carries it outside the restroom. That’s how a healthy person can still spread the disease while not getting sick himself. Other people touch the surfaces then touch their faces. So maybe only 20% get infected? What about a good number of the remaining healthy people spreading it around via touching surfaces? Think of those subways in NYC again in this light. Again, this aspect of transmission doesn’t get enough publicity.

This has been a problem in that we do not have a very good hand washing culture here in the US. You all see those little signs in restaurant restrooms telling employees to wash their hands before returning to work. But how many of them actually do that? I’ve heard numerous anecdotes that this is a problem in many prepared food outlets.

The way hospitals and long term care facilities have to handle it is not only with masks, but also by wiping down surfaces.

One more, the border states are getting a fair number of cases from Mexico as the Mexican border states have overloaded their health care system. So while the illegals have been turned away, those Mexicans with passports and permission to be here have been flooding the border hospitals in several hotspots. I had a link for this report awhile back, will have to find it again.
It has always been my understanding the cold is always a different one that your system does not recognize. Immunity is not just antibodies but DNA memory that mounts an early defense. Has that changed?
Nope. Not changed but your understanding of immunity is incomplete. You have immune system memory cells that have variable longetivity. Sometimes they last and can mount a ferocious response to a new appearance of an old bacterial invader.

Viruses are different. Your body doesn’t always get rid of them, they sometimes just suppress them indefinitely until the immune system gets weak from age or stress. The chickenpox virus is like that. It can reappear as shingles.

Other viruses that are DNA viruses recode cell DNA and can even cause cancer.

Coronavirus is an RNA virus. It can linger in the body like other viruses. If it takes hold only in the upper respiratory tract, like some people who never get a cough or seriously ill. Then the immune system won’t mount as strong a response and it won’t necessarily preserve antibodies and memory cells very long.

If it infects the lungs, the immune response is much stronger there, so the immune system retains its defenses longer. Or we hope so.

Flu viruses are notorious for waning immunity, add that to frequent mutations, thus a yearly vaccine for it.

I don’t know if a vaccine will prove effective enough against it. I think it might be like some flu shots where there’s some match but it might not provoke enough of an immune response to really protect you.

This whole thing has given me a headache. I’m still hoping it mutates into a less virulent form and just becomes another annoying cold.
Viruses are different. Your body doesn’t always get rid of them, they sometimes just suppress them indefinitely until the immune system gets weak from age or stress. The chickenpox virus is like that. It can reappear as shingles.
Suppression - agreed.

Yes, but most often many years later. We don’t see shingles lockdowns.

Yes - and authorities have claimed they have been led by the science, which quite frankly is all over the place and public confidence in their claims and policies is very suspect.
The issue with flu shots is that there are several different flu strains out there so the formulators have to make educated guesses in advance of the flu season as to which strains will be the most predominant ones.

They don’t always get this right. Hence to this day there are always anecdotes about people who got the shot and still got the flu anyway. Because the shot helped to defend against this strain, but the person got sick from some other strain that wasn’t in the vaccine.

The field of veterinary medicine haven’t been very successful in the past with vaccines for canine, equine and feline coronavirus. Now maybe with more money and more resources and more minds to throw at the problem, we might get something better for Covid-19. Might. Because vaccine makers carry no liability in the US, I will not be in the first or second wave of people who get that shot. Let somebody else undergo that risk before me.
I will not be in the first or second wave of people who get that shot. Let somebody else undergo that risk before me.
Me neither. But I am pretty sure I have already had Covid in March.

These really bother me:

“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary”. ~ UN statement ---------
“The world today has 7.7 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ~Bill Gates ------
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” – David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative United Nations

New vaccines? hmmmmm
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Because vaccine makers carry no liability in the US, I will not be in the first or second wave of people who get that shot. Let somebody else undergo that risk before me.
I suspect they will try it on the military first like they have with other vaccines. Then medical professionals on the front lines. By the time it becomes available to the masses, it will have been experimentally run through hundreds of thousands of those folks.

I am NOT, for the record, pleased with that fact.
I am NOT, for the record, pleased with that fact.
Important to remember, over 100 million baby boomers were vaccinated for polio that contained a cancer causing monkey virus and the government knew it, but made a decision to proceed anyway.
So you aren’t going to try to prevent the passing of COVID by wearing a mask, but you aren’t going to get a vaccine. It seems like you would want to wear a mask to avoid getting the COVID until you can be confident that the vaccine aren’t a secret NWO trap.
The odds are very low I can now pass it. Nope, not a fan of big pharma and big vaccine.
It seems like you would want to wear a mask to avoid getting the COVID until you can be confident that the vaccine aren’t a secret NWO trap.
Covod is unlikely to kill most people. In fact of the confirmed active cases less than 1% were serious. Of the known cases survival rate is 95%. The worst is over as most of the vulnerable have succumbed. In other words I am not as worried as you are.
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Are we sure all the most vulnerable have succumbed? It seems like you are risking millions of lives so that you can walk around without a mask on.
I was not tested but had the symptoms and I was in close contact with someone who had an Asian contact during Chinese New Year and this person did have it and was hospitalized.

No, I do not believe masks will change the outcome.

The virus has mostly killed elderly and a high number of nursing home residents. Are you in this category? If not your odds of even getting seriously sick are very low. A huge mistake was made in NYS by Gov Cuomo who locked us down but due to nondiscrimination and Covid policies forced nursing homes to accept Covid positive people, because they could not even ask them the question and they were so nervous about health care capacity. Nursing homes are now isolating and treating this better.

The other issue is that most deaths had comorbidities.
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So much for America being a Christian nation where we care about our neighbors.
Careful with the broad brush. In my little county, over the moans and groans is probably 80 to 90% compliance.
But if yours is the situation in other places, perhaps the focus should be on masks That protect the wearer. KN95 should be readily available.
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The virus has mostly killed elderly and a high number of nursing home residents. Are you in this category?
I’m in my mid 60’s. I work in a school off and on. I’m looking to have KN95 masks to protect me because kids will not properly wear them.
I went to the grocery store yesterday and there was a sign post d outside stating that masks were required and to not enter if you either are unable or refuse to do so.I saw a handful of people in there anyway without masks. 😳
I went to the grocery store yesterday and there was a sign post d outside stating that masks were required and to not enter if you either are unable or refuse to do so.I saw a handful of people in there anyway without masks.
The order in my state is if one cannot keep six feet apart in a public place. 6’1" not needed, 5"11 needed.
I went to the grocery store yesterday and there was a sign post d outside stating that masks were required and to not enter if you either are unable or refuse to do so.I saw a handful of people in there anyway without masks. 😳
In North Carolina, the governor’s order to wear masks includes exceptions in certain instances. It isn’t many, but I resist the temptation to judge. 🤐
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