As i’ve said the writers of the NT never ever refer to her as a queen.
Not so. Every time Christ speaks of Himself or is spoken of by others as being a King or having a Kingdom this necessarily includes that His mother is Queen.
Just as if I call you, or you call yourself, a ‘husband’, the mere saying of it AUTOMATICALLY and necessarily means that you have or have had a wife. No-one specifically needs to refer to her or specifically call her your wife to make it so.
If what you claim were true we would see it in the NT. Secondly if i’m not mistaken this kind of belief was unheard of for centuries. No early church father for example makes these claims.
No. If I make the statement ‘my car is in the parking lot’ this necessarily means that its tyres are there with it! I don’t need to say, nor does anyone else need to say, ANYTHING about tyres for it to be necessarily the case that the tyres are there.
So every time Jesus said ‘I am a King’ or ‘my Kingdom’ or ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’ - it means BOTH that HE is King AND necessarily that Mary His mother is Queen-Mother!!! Doesn’t matter if no-one wrote about it at the time - it’s a logically necessary truth.
Do we agree that there are none?
No we don’t. Again, every statement in the NT to the effect that Christ is King is automatically and necessarily also saying, although by implication, that Mary is Queen.
Were no talking about Jesus here about a claim of the catholic church in regards to Mary.
Different standards for claims about Jesus and Mary? Why? The same rules of evidence and logic apply to both.
Why is the fact that something can be logically deduced to be necessarily true about her (or Him for that matter) not be sufficient to make it you believe it?
Do you want to know and understand ALL truth about Christ or not? Mary’s status is part of that truth too.
The other part is what we study is the scriptures and the scriptures don’t come close to making these claims.
So? the scriptures don’t say Christ went to the toilet so I don’t have to believe it? Rubbish. If I want to know all truth, and follow Christ who is the Truth, I’ll believe it because it MUST be true.
What this is the beginnings of a myth since it cannot be supported by the scriptures.
Again, so? The Canon of the Bible, almost 150 years later, is also a myth then, by your logic. Why do you believe that the fathers of Hippo and Carthage knew what they were doing when they included some books and discarded others?
From one quote, 250 years after she died, you think all Christians knew this?
MANY many Christians knew and prayed that prayer and still do. And many more who didn’t could use their brains to figure out that if Christ is King, Mary is Queen, and believed so.
It may be logical but its certainly not scriptural for the reasons i’ve given.
So the laws of logic can be tossed aside in matters of religion? Absolutely not! God gave us our brains, and expects us to apply them to Scripture where we can as well as to all other areas of life.
And not all truth is contained in Scripture - all truth is contained in the CHURCH, which Paul’s letter to Timothy calls ‘the pillar and bulwark of truth’.
in reality it creates so many problems for catholics since many of the aspects of these marian doctrines cannot be grounded in the scriptures but rely on the opinions of men far removed from the time.
Do you really think Scripture dropped straight from heaven? No - it TOO was written and developed and organised by MEN!!! Not by God alone. And by men further removed from the time than the one who wrote that prayer to Mary.
What does your church infallibly teach about this passage?
Revelations 11 and 12? Inasfar as there is infallible teaching on the subject, that Mary is the ark of the New Covenant, and that the woman has multiple meanings - Mary AND the Church AND Israel! Should be covered in
Ineffabilis Deus and
Munificentissimus Deus.
Those closest and knew her best and those in whom in God used to write His Word never knew of this doctrine.
Who says so? John wrote of her being in heaven with the stars as her crown, he certainly knew something! Remember she was most likely still alive when most of the New Testament was written, so none of this had happened yet.