Amazon Synod and Pagan Rituals

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And the Canticle of the Sun was sung at this event. Have you watched the event in its entirety?
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I think I should mention that Mother Earth to the Amazonian tribes isn’t some metaphor. She’s an actual personal higher being that embodies the entire the Earth. She governs fertility, Earthquakes, the forest, and mountains. Her Amazonian name is “Pacha-mama”.
graciew is from South America and like all us nonAmericans, it can get under our skin when someone tries to stereotype us as one dimensional caricatures! 👍
God praise the Amazon Synod, may the Holy Spirit guide its progress
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God praise the Amazon Synod, May the Holy Spirit guide its progress.

Prayers for Holy Father Pope Francis
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Jesus did not command that we should ‘only love each other.’ I think He was being very clear in that He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I think He also made it very clear throughout His life, death, and resurrection that He wanted everyone in the world to follow Him, ie. be baptized into the Christian faith. It is woefully tragic that missionaries and colonizers of the past abused the priviledge of going out into the world to evangelize and ended up hurting, killing, and enslaving many native peoples. However, peaceful evangelization is important so that those souls don’t end up on the wrong side of heaven. It’s a Christian’s duty to tell them the good news, no matter if they are native to Brooklyn or the Amazon. As Catholics we cannot simply abide letting pagan and animist rituals into our faith and culture. Some of us have worked hard to convert from such beliefs. I didn’t get myself baptized at 17 to deal with this pseudo-pagan, syncretic eco-theology nonsense to be steeping into the Catholic Church. This isn’t a matter of purely native people worshiping parts of creations. These are groups of people who call themselves Christians but mingle native beliefs in there, and nobody is correcting them. They don’t simply fall into animism and pagan religion; that’s a different story. They are not practicing orthodox or honest Catholic Christianity and the current holy see and even the Holy Father is not only allowing it for the sake of niceness, but encouraging it. What happens when the rest of the Catholic world catches on to the trend and each country starts making its own culturally appropriating pseudo-Catholicism? It’s madness, so stop encouraging it yourself
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permissive attitude
that’s your interpretation, that doesn’t mean what happened at the Vatican was permissive.
, and forbidding them prayers to Mother Earth and women fertility idols
the best we could do
is being comprehensive and tolerant of neighbor. God will forgive your trespasses as you forgive theirs, with the difference they didn’t trespass against you, whilst you propose to trespass against them. so it’s not the indigenous who are primitive in mentality.
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I think I should mention that Mother Earth to the Amazonian tribes isn’t some metaphor. She’s an actual personal higher being that embodies the entire the Earth. She governs fertility, Earthquakes, the forest, and mountains. Her Amazonian name is “Pacha-mama”.
I do not know if there is an expert here on this, or if anyone has weighed in without an agenda, but this goddess is Andean, not Amazonian, and all the imaged I have found look nothing like the one at the ceremony, as the goddess is not portrayed as pregnant.

In any case, any concern does not make sense. The Church is not going to acknowledge any pagan deity.
syncretic eco-theology nonsense to be steeping into the Catholic Church
As I wrote above (post 239), ecotheology is a perfectly valid line of scholarly inquiry that has roots that go back decades. Like all schools of theology, it applies to many faith traditions.

You shouldn’t be afraid of it, resist it, or see it as something bad. You also don’t have to pay much attention to it - but the loss there is all yours. The theological world is a rich scholarly landscape that can enrich your life as much as you allow it.
To summarize, as I understand it, a pagan fertility ritual which invokes generative forces (demons) to cause pregnancy was performed in the Vatican, with a Franciscan participating, as the Pope watched.

I read a tweet that said sources confirmed it was a fertility ritual, and when I googled fertility ritual I read that it summons forces. If my source was wrong, someone let me know.
To summarize, as I understand it, a pagan fertility ritual which invokes generative forces (demons) to cause pregnancy was performed in the Vatican, with a Franciscan participating, as the Pope watched.
That is what some have said. There is evidence of this, and evidence to the contrary. The Holy Father’s comments were simply the Our Father.
This is the thing… synods are deeply, completely, and absolutely part of the very life blood of the Church. Synodal governance has been the historic norm for the Church at the local and universal level. A bureaucracy in Rome mandating every aspect of Church life is a relative novelty. (Though I believe the congregations of the Curia evolved from synod like structures). …yet traditionalists seem to dislike the very concept of synods. It’s odd.
This is the thing… synods are deeply, completely, and absolutely part of the very life blood of the Church. Synodal governance has been the historic norm for the Church at the local and universal level. A bureaucracy in Rome mandating every aspect of Church life is a relative novelty. (Though I believe the congregations of the Curia evolved from synod like structures). …yet traditionalists seem to dislike the very concept of synods. It’s odd.
I don’t think the issue is the concept of synods, but rather synods whose focus seems to be to promote heresy and substantial change to a church where substantial change is absolutely impossible.
That’s a powerful quote from St John Paul II regarding the need for “ecological conversion”. It just goes to show how out of line some conservative Catholics are who criticize Pope Francis for his teachings on this subject. Care for the environment, stewardship of our resources is very much authentic Catholic teaching.
Yes, you’re right, but doing those things is more than good and well. It’s expected of Catholics.
No, the ordinary magisterium, that is, the consistent teaching of the Pope and bishops in every time and place, is also infallible…even if no dogma has been defined.
I’m not so sure. I’ve seen traditionalist at least appear to mock the concept of synods, collegiality… promoting instead (at least prior to +Francis…), a novel non-traditional ultramontanism in which all decisions are made by papal fiat.
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