This article is very helpful and will go back to it as well as watch video. Thanks.
I’m not meaning this to be snarky or attacking, truly. But seemingly, you’ve latched on to a spin piece, as well, albeit supporting the opposite beliefs.An article that can reply to you better than I could. Please read. Thanks
Paganism in the Vatican? Hermeneutic of suspicion at its peak | Where Peter Is
Heresy is denying what the Catholic Church is teaching. That is kind of the only way the word has any meaning. Making this some vague insult against faithful Catholics has no meaning.The worst kind of heretic is the one who convincingly portrays himself as a faithful Catholic.
an Amazon missionary Bishop says it probably represents “fertility, woman, life” adding we “don’t need to create any connections with the Virgin Mary or with a pagan element”
This is Church teaching. Let us listen and stop this sort of evil attack on the Holy Spirit. Instead of looking for demons on the blankets, let us search our own hearts.2478 To avoid rash judgment , everyone should be careful to interpret insofar as possible his neighbor’s thoughts, words, and deeds in a favorable way:
When one is baffled, then reliance on 2478 of the Catechism is the only approach. I do not really have a problem with the odd representation of Mary, what with Our Lady of Guadalupe, and the Black Madonna already venerated imagery of the virgin. As to what the Holy Father thought, I have to slip back to when St. John Paul the great received a copy of the Koran. He simply received the gift with a kiss, as a gift. I am a nobody, yet if someone gave me a cigar on the birth of a child, it doesn’t mean I support smoking, much less lung cancer. It would simply be a gift I would accept with gratitude.This entire piece reads like a justification meant to diffuse the most right-wing elements of the Church. But what about those who aren’t right-wing in the slightest and are totally baffled by what’s taking place?
That statement clearly highlights the problem with this ritual.Christopher Lamb : An Amazonian Bishop told me it is an image of life. “Everything Human is Christian.”
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. - 2 Tim 4:1 - 10
Divine3 I am not so sure. To me the bells are already tolling. There are many in silence, a few who stand up and protest, and on the other side are those who engineer it and smile behind their hands. Cicero was right. This is how it seems to me. Admittedly I also see half empty glasses, it’s a personality thing.This too will pass
I think it’s a musical instrument called “pau-de-chuva” which translates to “stick-of-rain”.Michael Voris claims it isn’t a phallus.![]()
Now why do I get the feeling that this is exactly what will be said on here in the future, if say, blessing same sex unions, or women priests is being debated. Such as is the case in the German Church at this very moment. “This is the direction the Spirit is leading us,” they’ll say.Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”