
No, that’s history. sorry, the Catholic Church did not add to Scripture.Can it be possible that the catholic church added books to the bible?
No, that’s history. sorry, the Catholic Church did not add to Scripture.Can it be possible that the catholic church added books to the bible?
It does say that Moses was a sinner. Remeber when God told him not to strike the rock, and he did it anyway? Disobedeance to God is always a sin. He was punished by not being allowed in the Holy Land. No form of disobedeance or doubt is ever attributed to Mary in the Bible, the same cannot be said for any other follower of Christ.it doesnt say that she was a sinner but it doesnt say that moses was a sinnder but he was
if it doesnt say that she wasnt a sinner it means that was
Let’s not foget that missals had the English translation beside the Latin, and that Catholics, most if not all, took Latin in school, as the foundation for languages, classics, and reading Church literature. It was beginning to disappear around the seventies, but I had four years up to 1971.Cornerstone, I’ve been to the Latin Mass. The Gospel and the homily are in English. It wasn’t in Latin to keep Catholics in the dark but latin is the language of the Church and still is by the way. I have to say it is a beautiful service and is usually a packed house. I went to Catholic school from kindergarten through college and we statred the bible right in kindergarten.
Point well taken. I would hate that anything I said here actually pushed a person away from the Church.To All - I’ve read all the posts in this thread and am impressed with many of the arguments. However, I feel that this thread has gotten away from the original question and has turned into an Us vs Them argument. Many non-Catholics will never be convinced of a particular Catholic point of view unless it is specifically noted in the Bible only, so why waste more time with words. Let’s pray for each other and show this world that we are all God’s children by our actions/deeds.
I have an analogy, if I may.
If anyone has ever taken martial arts, you will notice that the higher level belts do not posture and try to impress everyone with their newly acquired skills. They are humble because they know within themselves what they are capable of doing and rarely get into fights, but rather resolve disputes before they escalate since most fights are brought about by clashing egos.
I believe that is what I am trying to do…Read The Letter of James, Paul’s letters to the Collossians, and Paul’s letter to Timothy. Faith without works is dead. You shall reap what you sow. Take up your cross and follow me (not just “follow me”).
Even Satan “believes” in Jesus. How could he not? If belief was all that was required, the gate wouldn’t be so narrow.
Good point. Most of what was said in this forum was rather gentle, although things can (and do) get spirited.Again, do not mistake correction and reproof with judgementation and condemnation.
Tantum ergo said:<<Can it be possible that the catholic church added books to the bible?>>
Well, since it was the Catholic Church that MADE the Bible, no, they did not “add to” or “subtract from” the Bible.
Please do a little research on the deuterocanonicals, the councils of the church, the canon of the Bible, and look carefully at the dates of all to see just exactly what books were considered part of the Bible for how many years. . .and just what churches “jettisoned” those Biblical books, and when.
You won’t find the Catholic church “adding to” or “removing from” Scripture.
Wich history Tom?No, that’s history. sorry, the Catholic Church did not add to Scripture.
The Catholic Church assembled the books into the Bible, as moved by the Holy Spirit, by the Council of Hippo in 393 A.D. and the Council of Carthage in 397 A.D.What do you mean that they made the bible?please be more specific.
I will begin.Okay, let’s try and swing this thing back around. Name calling and derogatory comments have no place on these pages, and sadly, there is blame to be taken on both sides of the debate. Let’s move on from personal discussions…
For the earnest Bible-Christians who have added so much to this discussion, I want to lobby an olive branch and a challenge. Peace be with you! We Catholics love you deeply for the following reasons:
You’re you!
You care about your faith.
We both believe and love Christ.
We both rely upon God’s Sacred Word.
We both (as groups) try and perform works of selflessness and charity.
You are here, discussing these vital topics!
And countless other reasons…
As a small challenge:
This is tough, because we are all passionate about our respective faith and belief, but let’s pretend this is a High School or College debate. If we are to help others see our point, we must use reason and facts and data and professional delivery.
This thread is primarily about the lineage of Mary’s character, and secondarily about the sinful/less nature of the Mother of God. Since our separated (but loved) bretheren in the Protestant faiths take issue with the teachings of the Mother Church, the burden is upon them to prove that Mary was sinful.
I, and several others, have asked someone to show where it states in the Bible that Mary sinned. I received one verse from Romans that certainly does not prove that she sinned.
I, and several others, charitably rebutted with evidence that shows that it is not only Biblical but entirely reasonable and rational that Mary was sinless, yet no one has bothered to respond to these core issues.
Instead, one person has left the boards entirely, and many others are frustrated and bewildered. We can still redeem this thread. Who wants to talk about the issues?
Wonderful answer!I will begin.
Argument: It is perfectly biblical to believe that a person can live a perfect and righteous life.
Support: Job is called by God Perfect and Righteous. Jobs friends accuse him of Sin. God rebukes Jobs friends for accusing Job of sin when in fact he did not sin. Jobs friends had no right to accuse him.
Conclusion: It is pefectly biblical to believe that Mary never sinned.
The fact that it is not in the bible does not make it untrue. This would render every document not biblical untrue.where in the bible does it state this?
i don’t rate any other books or writings apart from the bible
but if you know where it says that mary was sinless please post back
The point is, you can’t say you’ve been “saved” when you are still alive on this Earth, when you are still on “probation” – you ARE saved when your time here has ended and you’ve entered Heaven for eternity! I do believe this difference in our dictionaries fuels this endless argument. sighI believe that is what I am trying to do…
I am leaving this thread… please don’t drag me into anymore discussions. I am trying as hard as I can to be a good Christian and all you can do is tell me I am not saved. I try to perform good works, I minister to those who ask, and even some who don’t. I exhalt God. I pray to him, I confess to him. I have a wonderful relationship with him. He has given me many blessings, and many trials to strengthen my faith. Believe me, I am carrying my cross… You don’t know me, You don’t know what I am going through. You have no right to judge me. I believe I am going to Heaven when all is said and done. And I think that is our goal… all of us. To dwell eternally and happily with our God. I hope I see you there.
God Bless you all… good bye.
Look in Luke chapter 1 where the angel Gabriel tells Mary that she shalt conceive a child. Mary respondes, “How can this be since I do not know any man.” The word shalt is in the future tense which means she will in the future concieve a child. Her response is like a vow of chastity. She is basically saying how since I vowed chastity. The angel then tells her that she will be concieved by the Holy Spirit.since i started thuis debate id beter sort u guys out
if you belive that mary was without sin show us where it said that is the bible also while your there show us where it says that she stayed a virgin and where it says that she didnt die but assended into heaven
Do you remember when Moses did not trust God so he went ahead to look and God told him that he would never see the promised land. God told him this because he did not trust God. It is a sin not to trust Godit doesnt say that she was a sinner but it doesnt say that moses was a sinnder but he was
if it doesnt say that she wasnt a sinner it means that was
Why did you protestants take 7 books out of the bible. If you don’t accept those 7 as holy scripture why not just take the other 66 books out of the bible then you have it nice and easy, you have no books to follow. The apostles never warned about other gospels they did not have the gospels to read. They did warn about the false teachers like Martin Luther.NONE of the passages that you mention say that Mary was sinless.
the catholic church was never really interested on people reading the Bible. not too many years ago, as all of you know, the mass was given in latin. what benefit is listening to a sermon that is not on a language that you can understand? latin was not a language on the Bible. latin was not the language of the apostles. latin was already a dead language, why use it on the mass.why would Jesus warn about adding or taking out from the Scriptures if then other doctrines can be verbally added as we go? (Revelation 22:18-19)
why would the apostles warn about other gospels and then add other doctrines like purgatory? or
the answer is: they never did.
God does not share his glory.
Isaiah 42:8 says
“I am the LORD ; that is my name!
I will not give my glory to another
or my praise to idols”