ancestors of Mary

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that would be the church. see i guessed it right!
let me tell you that you are not the first catholic person that i run into that discredits the Bible. so the Holy Scriptures are not really important right?
well Jesus did not share your point of view there when he was tempted by the devil. he quoted Scripture.
now going back to where the Holy Spirit is. the Holy Spirit is on the church. the body of Christ. the believers. but the head of the church is Jesus. not the pope
Tantum Ergo was NOT discrediting the bible nor was he implying that Scripture is not important. Those are YOUR words.

When Jesus was tempted by the devil…how could he have quoted Scripture when it had not even been written yet? How do you quote something not in writing yet? I believe, my dear friend, that the writer/scribe quoted Jesus when he recorded history.

And yes, I agree, the Holy Spirit is in the Church. The Catholic Church. The body of Chirst. The believers. Not an invisible church. A tangible, visible church. And yes, Jesus is the head of the church and the Pope is His appointed representative on earth whose job is, through the HolySpirit, to guide the Church on earth as Christ wants it, lest we have 30 thousand different interpretations of his Word.

And, I am a little curious to know how you know what is scripture and what isn’t unless the Catholic Church tells you? Ever looked into who compiled the bible? Hmmmmmmm?
Can it be possible that the catholic church added books to the bible?
Jesusthesavior, cornerstone, and their friends are troublemakers.

This quote here should make it evident to everyone that they know very little about the origins of the bible and Church history.

Somebody somewhere is feeding them hogwash and they are taking it at face value.

There are not here to learn or understand. They are here to criticize. They probably enjoy prank phone calls as well.

To try and keep this thread in a mature and friendly vein is futile as long as they continue to come out with statements that are not even close to accurate. It’s a waste of time.
Little Mary:
When Jesus was tempted by the devil…how could he have quoted Scripture when it had not even been written yet? How do you quote something not in writing yet? I believe, my dear friend, that the writer/scribe quoted Jesus when he recorded history.
it was writtern because the torah exited
he was quoting the bible he was quoting the old testiment
it was writtern because the torah exited
he was quoting the bible he was quoting the old testiment
OK, so how does that tie back to Sola Scriptura?
Little Mary:
Jesusthesavior, cornerstone, and their friends are troublemakers.

This quote here should make it evident to everyone that they know very little about the origins of the bible and Church history.

Somebody somewhere is feeding them hogwash and they are taking it at face value.

There are not here to learn or understand. They are here to criticize. They probably enjoy prank phone calls as well.

To try and keep this thread in a mature and friendly vein is futile as long as they continue to come out with statements that are not even close to accurate. It’s a waste of time.
1st of all it is you that parots anything the church is feeding you
2ndly it is now you being imature
3rdy if i am 14 and i probably know my bible better than you what does that say about your church?
Little Mary:
OK, so how does that tie back to Sola Scriptura?
nothing im just saying that jesus was quoting from a sqripture that was writtern down which someone thought wasnt!
kpnuts2k said:
1st of all it is you that parots anything the church is feeding you
2ndly it is now you being imature
3rdy if i am 14 and i probably know my bible better than you what does that say about your church?

Great! Since you know your Bible better than them, you can get me that scripture on all sin being equal…still waiting on that.

By the way, being able to quote scripture doesnt mean alot if you don’t understand what it is saying.

well im not catholic so i should be able to think for myself


Originally Posted by Pandora
Cornerstone, I’ve been to the Latin Mass. The Gospel and the homily are in English. It wasn’t in Latin to keep Catholics in the dark but latin is the language of the Church and still is by the way. I have to say it is a beautiful service and is usually a packed house. I went to Catholic school from kindergarten through college and we statred the bible right in kindergarten.

*latin is not the language of the church *
greek and arabic is
kpnuts2k said:
1st of all it is you that parots anything the church is feeding you
2ndly it is now you being imature
3rdy if i am 14 and i probably know my bible better than you what does that say about your church?
  1. No, I don’t parrot just anything the church or anyone else feeds me. I ask questions and pray and find out about things with an open heart and mind. That method always leads me to the truth and I have always found it in the Catholic Church.
  2. No, I’m not being immature. I don’t ignore perfectly good answers just because they go against my theology, which is what your friends have done here and in other threads.
  3. If you are 14 then you have plenty of time to ask questions and pray and find out about things with an open heart and mind. If you do this, you will find the truth. Right now, question what you are being taught. Don’t turn away or fight it, just dig a little deeper. Don’t rebel, just question. Study. Pray. The truth always rises to the top.
The Catholic Church compiled the bible and gave it to it’s members. Over 1,100 years later, men, mere men, tried to take it and change it and make it say things it did not say. One of those men was Martin Luther.

So you see, the bible is a Catholic document. Yes, yes, it is for everyone, but it is NOT for everyone to interpret as they see fit.

If you are sincerely interested in religious differences, then ask questions. If you are here to criticize, then please stop.
nothing im just saying that jesus was quoting from a sqripture that was writtern down which someone thought wasnt!
OH no no no now wait a minute…you were very strong on this point. Now it’s nothing??
well im not catholic so i should be able to think for myself

*latin is not the language of the church *
greek and arabic is
Don’t get insulting …Catholics think for themselves quite well. We are not robots who blindly follow anything.

Little Mary:
  1. If you are 14 then you have plenty of time to ask questions and pray and find out about things with an open heart and mind. If you do this, you will find the truth. Right now, question what you are being taught. Don’t turn away or fight it, just dig a little deeper. Don’t rebel, just question. Study. Pray. The truth always rises to the top.
i ask questions all of the time and they are always answered backed with scripture by my youth leaders pastors and friends

but from what i have heard in this board catholics dont back things with the bible
well im not catholic so i should be able to think for myself
You are only going on what you have been taught. Your posts are evidence of that. You, my dear, are the one not thinking for yourself.

Do not criticize that which you know very little about.
i ask questions all of the time and they are always answered backed with scripture by my youth leaders pastors and friends

but from what i have heard in this board catholics dont back things with the bible
Oh, so you DON’T rely on personal interpretation, what a contradiction!

Oh, but we DO… you are too intellectually ignorant enough to ignore them completely when they support our cause strongly.
nucatholic, you chose to comment in only a little part of my post.
i would like to hear your comment on the rest. the one speaking on revelation 22:18-19 was not John. It was Jesus.
i do thank your kindness wich is very hard to find among catholics specially when what they believe is challenged. i was a catholic for 25 years of my life. my entire family is still catholic.
sadly they too choose to believe what the catholic church says instead of what the Word of God says.
they too believe in purgatory. they believe on praying for the souls of people that are already dead. the intersession of Mary and the saints. this things are not in the Bible. no apostle ever taught about it.
Cornerstone, why all the hatred toward the church? You say you were catholic for 25 years. What happened, which of the church’s teachings did you disagree with in your personal life? I mean honestly. Many times when people leave the church and begin to hate it, there are deeper problems involved. The church taught me to love our Lord, Jesus Christ and brings me closer and closer to him. So why all the anger? What did it do to you? You know, I’ve noticed that a lot of times it is alot harder and requires alot more to be a catholic than just any bible christian, but it is well worth it. You really think it pleases Jesus for you to belittle his own mother (His greatest masterpiece) and say that she was not sinless? If I talked about your mother would it offend you? How much more would it offend a perfect son?
i ask questions all of the time and they are always answered backed with scripture by my youth leaders pastors and friends

but from what i have heard in this board catholics dont back things with the bible
Hmmm now wait a minute…just yesterday you didn’t even know about the scripture in James that says we should confess to one another…so how can you now say that Catholics don’t back things in the Bible…when you can’t be sure if we do or not?

i ask questions all of the time and they are always answered backed with scripture by my youth leaders pastors and friends

but from what i have heard in this board catholics dont back things with the bible
And you were born with this knowledge of scripture? How do you know what is scripture and what is not? The Catholic Church told you about 400 years after the death of Jesus, that’s how you know. Don’t take my word for it. Go ask your history teacher.

EVERYTHING Catholics do is biblically based. You are following the opinions of others who refuse to see that. Sometimes, people refuse to acknowledge an answer because they prefer to perpetuate the argument. You and your friends do not have to agree with the answers you are given, but you are given answers.
You really think it pleases Jesus for you to belittle his own mother (His greatest masterpiece) and say that she was not sinless? If I talked about your motherm would it offend you? How much more would it offend a perfect son?
i would love to meet mary because i do admire her but that is in the same way i admire ruth
they were both women of god but they were human and ALL humans have sinned apart from jesus because he is the son of god!
kpnuts2k said:
1st of all it is you that parots anything the church is feeding you
2ndly it is now you being imature
3rdy if i am 14 and i probably know my bible better than you what does that say about your church?

I assure you you don’t know you bible better than a good and faithful catholic. You may know more verses, but it’s impossible to know the bible, in its entirety, better. I only say this because catholics are the only ones you can take every last word in the bible and have no contradictions with the church teachings. No other church can do this.
are there female vicars and worship leaders or childrens workers in the catholic church?

if so you are going against the bible!
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