
Tantum Ergo was NOT discrediting the bible nor was he implying that Scripture is not important. Those are YOUR words.that would be the church. see i guessed it right!
let me tell you that you are not the first catholic person that i run into that discredits the Bible. so the Holy Scriptures are not really important right?
well Jesus did not share your point of view there when he was tempted by the devil. he quoted Scripture.
now going back to where the Holy Spirit is. the Holy Spirit is on the church. the body of Christ. the believers. but the head of the church is Jesus. not the pope
When Jesus was tempted by the devil…how could he have quoted Scripture when it had not even been written yet? How do you quote something not in writing yet? I believe, my dear friend, that the writer/scribe quoted Jesus when he recorded history.
And yes, I agree, the Holy Spirit is in the Church. The Catholic Church. The body of Chirst. The believers. Not an invisible church. A tangible, visible church. And yes, Jesus is the head of the church and the Pope is His appointed representative on earth whose job is, through the HolySpirit, to guide the Church on earth as Christ wants it, lest we have 30 thousand different interpretations of his Word.
And, I am a little curious to know how you know what is scripture and what isn’t unless the Catholic Church tells you? Ever looked into who compiled the bible? Hmmmmmmm?