So, does the ‘right’ to eat animals also include the ‘right’ to be cruel, extrordianily cruel I add, to these animals?
I do eat meat. I am saddened by the treatment of animals in the ‘meat’ industry. Factory farming is a horror.
KTM posted:
“Regarding your second point, the surest way to preserve a species is to encourage people to eat it. Are chickens, cows, pigs, geese, rabbits, clams, shrimp, etc. etc. in danger of going extinct? Of course not, because there is a market for them. Producers have an economic interest in raising as many of these animals as possible because people will buy them. So if you want to remove the Spotted Toegrabber from the engangered species list, fire up the grill and start cooking it. Before you know it, Spotted Toegrabber farms will sprout up all over the place. (*)”
Not true. IN FACT, factory farmed species of the animals we commonly eat are compromosed in many ways. Only certain breeds are bred. Unnatural conditions are used in their ‘care’. Turkeys, in a short time, have been confined to the White Broad-Breasted - their breasts are so large that they can’t mate but must be artificially inseminated. If a resistant virus or bacteria strikes these birds they - and the turkey industry - will be in a systemic plague. Lack of genetic variants in farm raised species makes for a serious vuneralbility in the case of disease.
Rather than ‘help’ a species, targeting it as a popular food item reduces it to a genetically engineered, factory farmed, mutant.
The living conditions of these animals are shameful. Justifiying cruelty to animals is, I believe, inherently UNCHRISTIAN. Do we think it’s funny torturing a pet dog or cat to death? Why then think it’s moral to burn the beak off of a chicken, house it in horrible conditions where it can’t move, lest it ‘toughen’ the meat, where it lives in its own feces? Even worse is the fur industry - fur which we do not need, which is a luxury, a rich man’s item.
I don’t buy it. Jesus didn’t eat animals that were tortured like that. The first job in the bible is that of a gardener. I believe eating meat is moral - but torturing animals is NEVER MORAL.