Anniversary of a 5 year thread

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The Marian Feast today will be,
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary,
Her role in salvation history,
Shines through every mystery,
And as we pray, then share we might,
Her joy, sorrow, glory and light,
Wherever we are, she can relate,
A blessed feast for post 128.
Her saying “Yes” to God is a great example for us all. Let us follow her example of always doing what God wants us to do.

God bless!
Saint Simeon was a pious Jew,
And when he saw Our Lord, he knew,
The babe that he was graced to hold,
Was the Messiah, long foretold,
And so he prayed for blessed release,
Saying, “Let your servant go in peace,”
While prophesying things divine,
Today’s saint for post 129.
A man filled with the Holy Spirit. In seeing the baby Jesus, his heart was filled with joy and peace. I pray to be as blessed.

Have a blessed day!
We hail Saint John Leonardi, for he,
Was the originator of the C.C.D.,
Back in the sixteenth century,
To teach the Faith to you and me,
He was a priest and a pharmacist,
Saint Philip Neri he did assist,
A man filled with the Holy Ghost,
Our saint for this 130th post.
I was not aware that he began CCD, thanks for sharing. Let us all be able teachers of our faith.

Have a blessed day!
Saint Francis Borgia, Spanish nobleman, well known,
Once his wife had died and his children were grown,
Became a Jesuit priest and a preacher,
In the spirit of Saint Ignatius, his teacher,
Named Father General in his order’s election,
The Society grew under his direction,
And sainted now for all that he’s done,
We remember him now with post 131.
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Saint Francis Borgia shows that it is never too late to follow God’s call. Let us all always be attentive to what God wants us to do.

Have a blessed day!
Picked to lead when old and wise,
He saw the need to modernize,
Good Pope John the Twenty-third,
Always by the Spirit spurred,
Knew just what he had to do,
Start the Council, Vatican Two,
Needed change we did attain,
Though there are some who still complain,
But, the Church, it will survive,
Keeping faith and hope alive,
Ever ancient, always new,
Today’s saint for post 132.
The Holy Spirit led him. May the Holy Spirit lead us all.

God bless!
The Catholic faith, it did begin,
In Northumbria thanks to King Edwin,
With credit to Ethelburga, his wife,
Who converted him to the Christian life,
These saints of English royalty,
I salute with this post 133.
Thank you @christofirst, for sharing in poetic form the great example of leading someone we love into the faith, and ultimately salvation with God.

Have a blessed day!
Another English crown possessor,
Today’s saint is Edward the Confessor,
Back in the eleventh century,
His rule was most exemplary,
You’ll find, should you decide to search,
He built Westminster Abbey’s church,
And tried to keep his land from war,
A fine saint for post 134.
The only British King to become a Saint, it shows that God calls us from all ways of life to serve and to worship Him.

Have a blessed day!
This saint was known to misbehave,
And in his youth, he was a slave,
Is that all to his story? Nope!
Callixtus became our sixteenth Pope,
And once he’d turned his life around,
Compassion for others did abound,
Some said that he was too forgiving,
But Christ’s example he was living,
A martyr’s death he did derive,
Our saint for post number 135.
From slave to Pope, an exciting life he did lead. More importantly, as he was shown the mercy of forgiveness, he extended Christ’s forgiveness to others. Let us also forgive others just as Christ forgives us.

Have a blessed day!
Saint Teresa of Avila, Carmelite nun,
Wanted reform, and got it done,
She wasn’t shy, with much to say,
Including tips on how to pray,
A gifted mystic and formidable boss,
Advisor to Saint John of the Cross,
Our highest honor we now affix,
To this saint of today’s post 136.
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