Anniversary of a 5 year thread

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You’re right! I got my days mixed up. Today is St. Paul of the Cross…
This is very confusing…

I did a quick Google search, and all sources – from Wikipedia to – say the feast of St Paul of the Cross is October 19… except, who lists his feast as October 20.

Apparently, because he died on October 18, which is the Feast of St Luke, his memorial was moved to October 19.

Regardless, I have enjoyed spending the past 10 minutes reading the brief biographies of several Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is today. 😊
Yesterday, October 19, was the optional Memorial for Paul of the Cross and also for Isaac Jogues and John De Brebeuf and their companions. Much to learn and emulate from all of them.
The saint for post 142,
Is the hermit Saint Hilarion, who,
Did live with old Saint Anthony,
To learn of his austerity,
Wherever he went, seeking seclusion,
The faithful would come, a great intrusion!
And miracles happened for those who came,
Which only added to his fame,
In death, he finally lost the horde,
And gained his Heavenly reward.
He desired to be closer to God, and He became an instrument of His light. In death, he dwells in the light of God’s face. May we all be as blessed!

Have a blessed day!
For this, my 143rd rhyme,
A holy saint from our own time,
For 27 years, he was our pope,
And helped us cross the Threshold of Hope,
He made his mark on the world stage,
And broke our hearts in his old age,
So who’s this saint of whom I relate?
None other than Pope John Paul the Great!
Saint John Paul II presented Christ to the world and in the process tore down walls. May we all bring Christ to the world we live in.

God bless!

P.S. Awesome poem!
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In California, his claim to fame,
Is the Spanish mission which bears his name,
It honors well our saint of the day,
From Italy, where he did preach and pray,
John of Capistrano, Franciscan friar,
Did lead when Europe was under fire,
To stop the Turks in a holy war,
Recall him now with post 144.
As noted in the Christian Prayer book, “after ordination to the priesthood, he led an untiring apostolic life preaching throughout Europe both to strengthen Christian life and to refute heresy. “ Let us all live a strong Christian life and in doing so walk in His light.
Another saint we mustn’t forget,
From Spain, Saint Anthony Mary Claret,
And Cuba was his episcopal see,
Until an assassin forced him to flee,
Back to Spain, to his Queen Isabella,
And founder of the Claretians, he was that fella,
He kept the Faith in Spain alive,
Our saint for this post 145.
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A great poem about a great man, a man who lived a life dedicated to God. Now he spends eternity with God. Sounds like a great plan and a great way to spend eternity.

Have a blessed day!
And did you notice how Jesus valued his (the Baptist’s) sacrifice of all those years in the desert, eating locust… being spurned by many people, especially the hierarchy? He (Jesus) came to be baptized by John and God the Father spoke there at the Jordan… and John’s inclination to baptize was made a cornerstone in the Catholic Church for all time…by Jesus!
Elected bishop by popular demand,
Gaudentius reluctantly took command,
When John Chrysostom found life contentious,
He got help from Saint Gaudentius,
As the Golden Tongue was falsely accused,
Gaudentius was one of the witnesses used,
To get his fellow bishop out of a fix,
He’s this day’s saint for post 146.
It helps to have great friends who are in tune with the Holy Spirit. Let us all pray to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

Have a blessed day!
Never let it be so said,
I failed to write of good Saint Cedd,
An Anglo-Saxon monk so wise,
And well did he evangelize,
As Bishop of the Celtic Rite,
He helped his Church with Rome unite,
I raise this English saint a toast,
With this, my 147th post.
Let it indeed be said,
That christofirst wrote of Saint Cedd.
A man who united his Church with Rome,
And thus helped bring many home.

@christofirst you make this look easy,
Or maybe I’m just lazy.
I have just one more thing to say,
May you have a blessed day!
Saint Frumentius was abducted at sea,
At Ethiopia, and sold into slavery,
He became a servant to their king,
To them, Christianity he did bring,
And when his freedom he had earned,
Then as their Bishop he returned,
And so today we celebrate,
His Feast with this post 148.
Sometimes bad things happen to us so that good things can happen. Let us keep this in mind as we fo through this journey called life.

Have a blessed day!
This 149th poetic interlude,
Is for the Apostles, Saints Simon and Jude,
Who left their former life’s behavior,
To follow Jesus, Our Lord and Savior,
The Zealot accepted the Way of Graces,
And Jude’s now the Patron of Hopeless Cases,
Together they preached, and as martyrs they died,
Our prayers to them on this day we confide.
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