Anniversary of a 5 year thread

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Today is the feast day of these two wonderful Saints. Feast days are celebrations, for we remember the great examples that the Saints left for us and we know that they are in heaven in the eternal joy of the presence of our heavenly Father. May we all one day enjoy the light of His face.

Have a blessed day!
Saint Narcissus, we are told,
Lived to be 117 years old,
This Bishop of Jerusalem, they say,
Said Easter should always be on a Sunday,
And miracles came through his toil,
Like turning water into lamp oil,
His Feast is today, and that’s just nifty,
Our saint of the day for post 150.
One of the things I appreciate about these daily poems is I that I frequently learn something. Our faith is deep, for we have a God who loves us. Today I leaned that we have a Patron Saint against insect bites, and it is the Saint that you have featured today. I must remember this the next time there is a mosquito buzzing me at bedtime.

Have a blessed day!
For this 151st post I’ll talk,
Of Serapion of Antioch,
Renowned for all the things he knew,
He kept the Church’s teachings true,
A holy bishop he would be,
Back in the Third Century.
Saint Serapion was known as one of the leading theologians of his era. He kept the early Church on track with God’s truth. Let us all know and live God’s truth, and in the process be an instrument of God’s light in the world around us.

Have a blessed day!
For this 152nd poem, on Halloween,
We honor Saint Wolfgang, a Benedictine,
Of Einsiedeln, who then became,
Bishop of Regensburg, his claim to fame,
A friend to poor and to royalty,
They all acclaimed his sanctity.
Saint Wolfgang saw Jesus in the eyes of everyone he met. Let us follow his example, and in doing so see the dignity in each person we encounter.

Have a blessed day!
My poem today has no constraints,
Because it honors All the Saints,
Since I don’t have to choose just one,
I guess this 153rd post is done.

Happy All Saints Day!
Let us look to their example, and pray to one day join them.

Have a blessed day!
What a beautiful and glorious and wonderful Solemnity! My heart is so full! 💕
Today, one of our holiest goals,
Is to pray for the sake of All the Souls,
That having died and won the race,
Will find themselves in a state of grace,
To be in Heaven, as we so strive,
A blessed thought for post 155.
Let us all spend time today praying for the souls of the dearly departed, as one day we will all need someone to pray for us.

God bless.
Saint Martin de Porres, from Lima, Peru,
Helped the poor, and the suffering, too,
This Dominican Brother, some relate,
Could even fly and bilocate!
But mostly they recall that he,
Devoted his life to charity,
For those in need, their plight to fix,
Our saint of the day for post 156.
Great poem. He was born into poverty and he now enjoys the greatest of riches, that of being with our Lord and Savior. He did this by helping others and living his life in a way pleasing to God. May we do as well.

Have a blessed day!
His mission in life was da gloriam Deo,
The bishop and cardinal, Saint Charles Borromeo,
He helped complete the Council of Trent,
And fostered reform wherever he went,
He knew good spiritual formation,
Would come through better education,
He gave Milan much reason to boast,
Our saint of the day for my 157th post.
Great poem about a great man, a man who lived his faith totally and in doing so helped others. I pray to do as well.

God bless!
For this, my poem number 158,
Saint Bertilla we commemorate,
The Benedictine abbess, who,
Led at Chelles when it was new,
To keep her sisters safe from sin,
She practiced strictest discipline,
Tempered with love, and by God’s grace,
For fifty years she led that place.
She left a noble life to live the life God called her to. She knew many future Saints during her life, and is now a Saint herself. May we surround ourselves with good people, and may we be one of the good people that people surround themselves with.

Have a blessed day!
Saint Illtyd, abbot from old Wales,
His life is told in many tales,
King Arthur’s cousin, says on fable,
Perhaps a knight of the round table,
It’s even said, in one old tale,
He helped protect the Holy Grail,
One thing we know for sure, that he,
Did found in Wales a great abbey,
Which in itself is more than fine,
Our saint today for post 159.
Many times I read your poems and learn about a Saint who I was not familiar with. Today it is Saint Illtyd, and in addition to what you wrote I also learned that he helped to relieve a famine when he assembled, stocked and led several corn ships to Brittany. He lead a great life, and now he enjoys God’s eternal presence.

God bless!
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