Anniversary of a 5 year thread

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Our saint today is Lawrence O’Toole,
As Bishop of Dublin he did rule,
And during his reign, the Troubles began,
Between England and Ireland,
And now as then, try as we might,
We keep on finding reasons to fight,
But Lawrence tried to mediate,
And so we now commemorate,
A saint of peace who’s now in Heaven,
I pray for peace with post 167.
He was raised in the monastic life, and lived a life of austerity so that he could be closer to Jesus. Now he enjoys the beatific vision. May we all be as blessed. Saint Lawrence O’Toole, pray for us.

Have a blessed day!
Our saint today for post 168,
Is the brilliant scholar, Saint Albert the Great,
A giant among the Order or Preachers,
And he was one of Aquinas’ teachers,
A bishop who served as the pope’s advisor,
Among men of his day, few were wiser,
He taught at Paris and at Cologne,
As the Universal Doctor, he’s now known.
A Doctor of the Church, as you noted, his patronage includes school children and students. Let us pray for all the children to be guided by the light of Christ.

Saint Albert the Great, pray for us!

Have a blessed day!
Today, with holy gratitude,
Recall the life of Saint Gertrude,
God graced this nun, a Benedictine,
With many mystical visions seen,
And in her abbey God so willed,
That she befriended Saint Mechtilde,
With many prayers, they’d impart,
Devotion to the Sacred Heart,
She taught, with prayer, we help free,
The Holy Souls of Purgatory,
Strong was her link with the Divine,
Our saint for this post 169.
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She was raised in an Abbey from the age of five, and her mystic visions inspired her writings. Let us follow her example of praying for the souls in purgatory, just as one day we too will need those prayers.

Saint Gertrude, pray for us!

Have a blessed day!
Our saint for post 170,
Is Elizabeth of Hungary,
Known for her great charity,
As a Franciscan Tertiary,
In wedded bliss, she did abide,
That is, until her husband died,
She saw her children well cared for,
Then gave her life to the sick and poor,
All this she did, and what’s more,
She died when only twenty-four.
She had a a hospital built at the foot of the mountain where her castle stood, and tended to the poor there herself. When her family and courtiers voiced opposition to this, she told them that she would follow Christ’s teachings, not theirs. Let us follow her example and follow Christ in all we do.

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, pray for us!

Have a blessed day!
Our saint today is Odo of Cluny,
His influence was great, not puny,
For he reformed monastic life,
And helped combatants settle strife,
A worthy abbot, second to none,
I honor him with post 171.
A great poem honoring a great man. Like him, let us work to reduce strife as it interferes with our path to holiness.

Saint Odo, pray for us!

Have a blessed day!
With special graces she was filled,
Our saint today is Saint Mechtild,
And like her friend, Gertrude the Great,
She entered through the narrow gate,
In a Benedictine monastery,
She saw, revealed, God’s mystery,
And left us many prayers too,
Recall her with post 172.
She was a nun, a visionary, taught at a convent, and was a spiritual advisor. She was from a pious family and she lived a pious life, giving us even now a great example to follow in living a life filled with Christ. As a result, she spends eternity in God’s heavenly presence.

Saint Michtilde, pray for us!

Have a blessed day!
At the monastery I was in - way back in the dark ages of my youth - we had a Mother Gertrude (former prioress), and a deceased Sister Mechtild. The two nuns were peers in their younger years, but Mother Gertrude outlived Sister Mechtild by several years.

During my first advent in the monastery, we were having a music rehearsal and practicing the Latin antiphons for Christmas vespers. (We only did Latin vespers for solemnities.)

As we finished singing one of the antiphons, several sisters said in unison, “And then Sister Mechtild died.” Apparently the dear old nun had collapsed in the chapel during first vespers of Christmas. Many of the sisters had marked the moment in their books by drawing a cross at the end of the antiphon.

Well, I can’t think of any better place to die than in front of the tabernacle. And Sister Mechtild always got prayers at Christmas.
Saint Edmund the Martyr, English king,
His people lacked for not a thing,
But then came those invading Danes,
Who brought destruction, fear and pains,
And forced conversions by threat of death,
But Edmund stayed true till his dying breath,
He died for God, and for country,
Our saint today for post 173.
Edmund ruled his people with justice, and rather than giving his Christian people over to the pagan invaders, he gave his life. Let us pray that our rulers will rule with the guidance of Christ.

Saint Edmund, pray for us!

Have a blessed day!
We celebrate, today, Mary’s Presentation,
And also Pope Gelasius, with much elation,
For Gelasius it was who established the norms,
For receiving the Eucharist in both of its forms,
And showed the Acacian schismatics the door,
He’s our saint of the day for post 174.
The history of our faith is deep, and filled with many good people who put others above self. Let us pause today to give thanks for their efforts.

Saint Pope Gelasius, pray for us!

Mother Mary, pray for us!

Have a blessed day!
Saint Cecelia, she did assert,
That her husband should convert,
Which he did, for love of wife,
Giving them a most holy life,
Till the Roman persecution,
Brought about her execution,
The lesson of this post 175,
Like her, for Heaven we must strive,
As patron of music, with her we’ll sing,
Forever the praises of Christ the King,
The lesson of this post 175,
Like her, for Heaven we must strive,
As patron of music, with her we’ll sing,
Forever the praises of Christ the King,
You said this so well, I just want to repeat it.

Saint Cecilia, pray for us!

Have a blessed day!
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