Anniversary of a 5 year thread

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Saint Engelbert, not the singer well known,
He was the Archbishop of Cologne,
Once he was excommunicated,
But thankfully, was reinstated,
He stood against what evil willed,
And by his cousin, he was killed,
And with his situation fixed, he,
Is now our saint for post 160.
I love the first two lines also. Saint Engelbert traded his earthly life for the blessed heavenly life. He definitely came out ahead on that deal. I pray to be as blessed.

Have a blessed day!
Some popes achieve a lasting fame,
But Deusdedit? Few know his name,
And some of us might be surprised,
To learn he too was canonized,
For all the good he must have done,
Today’s saint for post 161.
He helped the victims of leprosy and of a earthquake in his diocese, just as Jesus would do. Let us follow his great example to help those in need among us.

Have a blessed day!
Today I chose a military hero,
The martyr, Saint Theodore Tiro,
This soldier rejected the pagan gods,
One he learned that they were frauds,
And to their temple, he set fire,
Which only roused the Romans’ ire,
He died for faith he knew was true,
Our saint for this post 162.
They were frauds, and as you so wonderfully point out, he took action. Let us also take action and reject the false gods in our lives, and instead follow the one true God.

Have a blessed day!
Today, let’s all commemorate,
The life of Pope Saint Leo the Great,
He got the Council of Chalcedon done,
And warded off Atilla the Hun,
He strove to correct heresy,
And strengthen papal authority,
Way back in the fifth century,
Our saint for this post 163.
Pope Saint Leo the Great is one of the greatest Popes who served from the Chair of Peter. I invite others to read about him today and learn a little about the history of our Church.

Have a blessed day!
“What once was mine is now half yours,”
Said the future Bishop Martin of Tours,
When for a tramp, his coat he split,
Then saw Our Lord was wearing it!
And so, he left the military,
And joined, instead, a monastery,
Then when a bishop he became,
And for his teachings, won acclaim,
He never stopped helping the poor,
Today’s saint for post 164.
What a great example Saint Martin of Tours sets for us, as you noted in your poem. As I found elsewhere, “As a former soldier, and the patron saint of soldiers, it is appropriate that his feast day coincides with Veterans Day. In gratitude, we commend all who have served to his intercession.

St. Martin, pray for us!”
Saint Nilus and his wife, they did agree,
To split and join the monastery,
And in the Sinai he did live,
Where many teachings he did give,
To help the early Church to thrive,
Our saint for this post 165.
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They chose to live their lives in total devotion to God, answering His call. Let us also listen to, and follow, God’s call.

Have a blessed day!
Today let’s all get reacquainted,
With the first American to be sainted,
Mother Frances Cabrini did immigrate,
From Italy to New York State,
Her Sisters built schools, brick by brick,
And hospitals to serve the sick,
She faced the prejudice and fear,
That often meets those not born here,
And earned our gratitude in time,
I honor her with this 166th rhyme.
As you so wonderfully noted, she dedicated her life to making the world a better place. She helped so many, both directly and indirectly, and her impact is felt to this day. Let us spend today making the world we live in a better place.

Have a blessed day!
We have the Mother Cabrini Shrine in the foothills just west of Denver. ❤️
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