Anniversary of a 5 year thread

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Saint Bathildis as a slave was sold,
Then married King Clovis, so we’re told,
And each of three sons they did bring,
Would also one day serve as king,
When Clovis died, Bathildis reigned,
And freed the slaves still kept enchained,
She helped the Faith spread all the more,
Our saint for this post 244.
Saint Bathildis freed the slaves, and Jesus freed us from our sins. Let us use our freedom wisely.

Have a blessed day!
Saint Nicetas tried a hermit’s life,
But faced such strong temptations and strife,
That back to his abbey he did trod,
Where he was made Bishop of Novgorod,
In Russia, where his memory’s still alive,
Today’s saint for post 245.
Many of the Saints longed for quiet so that they could better listen to God. In today’s high tech, fast moving world that can be a challenge. Let us all take a little time each day to find quiet so we can listen to God.

Have a blessed day!
For this 246th post, I shall be relating,
The life of the Cistercian, Saint John of the Grating,
From Bernard himself, he received the habit,
And went on to become a bishop and abbot,
Many’s the abbey he later would found,
Until, in 1170, he was placed in the ground,
He lived out his motto, to work and to pray,
And now, by God’s grace, he’s our saint of the day.
He helped many to find God’s peace in their hearts. When we find it, it is wonderful. Let us all spend a little quiet time this weekend experiencing God’s peace.

Have a blessed day!
Saint Joan de Lestonnac, from Bordeaux,
Happily married, her family did grow,
Then a widow, her middle years reaching,
She founded an order devoted to teaching,
Her Sisters of Notre Dame did begin,
Despite some troubles from within,
And now we acknowledge her place in Heaven,
Our saint today for post 247.

And have a most blessed Feast of the Presentation of Jesus - Candlemas - today!
Two of her five children entered religious life, showing that faith was prominent in their household. Let us pray to have a strong faith that we share with others.

Have a blessed day!
Speaking of anniversaries … 25 years ago today, I moved to West Virginia.
For this 248th post, we raise,
Our thoughts to the bishop and martyr, Saint Blaise,
Who was waiting in prison, his fate well known,
When a lad started choking on a fish’s bone,
And using two candles his mom did procure,
St. Blaise saved his life: a miraculous cure!
So today we interrupt his Heavenly rest,
By asking his prayers and having throats blessed.
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His patronages are numerous, including against throat disease. In this time of year when sore throats abound, he should be quite busy answering our prayers.

Have a blessed day!
Saint Andrew Corsini was a riotous youth,
But thanks to his mother, he learned God’s truth,
Then a holy Carmelite he became,
A bishop, who soon won the people’s acclaim,
For miraculous healings and prophesies,
And helping the poor, and keeping the peace,
A troubled start that turned out fine,
Our saint of the day for post 249.
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Just as God was patient with Saint Andrew Corsini he is patient with all of us. I thank God for this gift of his mercy. It is never too late.

Have a blessed day!
Two Agathas we hail today,
The first, the Roman king did slay,
And centuries later, far from Rome,
The second kept a happy home,
Saint Agatha of Carinthia had,
A husband often cruel and bad,
Through prayers and patience of many days,
She got that man to change his ways,
Both blessed by grace to the utmost,
Our saints for this 250th post.
Both Agatha’s had a love for God that put him first. Let us strive to do as well.

God bless!
Paul Miki, martyr, from Japan,
Jesuit, and son of a military man,
His preaching met with persecution,
He and his friends faced execution,
And rather than dying by the sword,
They were crucified, like Our Lord,
In Heaven now, for all they’d done,
Today’s saints for post 251.
Their love of God is admirable. Something to ponder during some quiet time.

God bless!
Thankyou @Christofirst and @DoGodsBidding1.

I’ve spent a most rewarding few minutes catching up on this thread. I won’t highlight a favourite saint, but perhaps my favourite lines, of many fine ones, are:
Defending truth in a gentle way,
A lesson our world could use today,
When some would make a virtue of hate,
Our saint today for post 238.
[Saint Francis de Sales, Anniversary of a 5 year thread - #690 by christofirst]

Saint Thomas Aquinas is one of the great theologians of our Church. We owe much to him and what he did, and he did this out of love. Let us also love God and our fellow man as well.

In addition to his scholarship, he contributed two of the most beautiful and profound hymn texts: Pange Lingua (Sing My Tongue the Savior’s Glory) and Adoro te Devote (Godhead Here in Hiding).

Written at the request of Pope Urban IV for the newly instituted feast of Corpus Christi in 1264, they show his mastery of word and thought, overflowing from a loving heart.
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