Anniversary of a 5 year thread

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Saint Valentine filled his heart with love for God, and showed this love by helping others to find love. Even in heaven, he inspires others to find love. Let us fill our hearts for love of God and for our fellow man.

God bless!
This 260th post is Saint Sigfrid’s
Known as the Apostle to the Swedes,
From England, the Gospel he did bring,
And even converted Olaf, their king,
In Norway, Sweden and Denmark,
This missionary bishop hit he mark.
Saint Sigfrid brought the Gospel to an entire nation. We are all called to bring the Gospel to the world around us. Let us pray to have a similar impact to those in our sphere of people.

Have a blessed day!
Gilbert of Sempringham, man of means,
Founder of the Gilbertines,
Known in England for their great faith,
Till they were suppressed by King Henry VIII,
106 when his life was done,
He’s our saint of the day for post 261.
The religious order that Gilbert of Sempringham founded ended when King Henry VIII suppressed all Catholic monasteries, but he spends eternity in heaven for being a dedicated follower God. Let us all be feed at His table today, and let us be renewed in Christ.
Saint Loman, what can we say of him?
We know that he was Bishop of Trim,
In Ireland, and some have stated,
That to St. Patrick he was related,
And thanks to him, the Faith there grew,
Our saint for this post 262.
Saint Loman spread the good news to those who had not heard it, making converts in a new area. Let us strive to help others on their salvation journey.

Have a blessed day!
Some say that he was Our Lord’s brother,
But we know that he was some other,
Cousin, or a type of kin,
We know him as Saint Simeon,
Second Bishop of Jerusalem,
After St. James’ fate had come,
Back in the first century,
Today’s saint for post 263.
Saint Simeon was blessed to have known and followed Christ while he walked this earth. As the adopted brothers and sisters of Christ we all have the opportunity to know and to follow the risen Christ. Let us make the most of this opportunity.

Have a blessed day!
He gave up everything had,
From Piacenza, Saint Conrad,
A simple act of carelessness,
Led to a life of holiness,
He became a Franciscan tertiary,
And his wife joined a Poor Clare monastery,
Though poor, rich graces they did store,
Our saint for this post 264.
We are all called to holiness and those of us who are married are also called to lead our spouse to holiness. Sounds lime a wonderful journey to be on.

Have a blessed day!
Benedictine Bishop Saint Eucherius,
Made the Mayor of Orleans furious,
Who wanted Church revenues to use,
But Bishop Eucherius had to refuse,
So he was exiled off to Cologne,
And there his goodness soon was known,
Which suited Eucherius, so they say,
He never liked being Bishop anyway,
In Heaven soon he did arrive,
Our saint for this post 265.
He let God’s goodness shine through him, and now he spends eternity in God’s presence, living in the light of His face. May we all share in His light one day.

God bless.
Few saints for the Camaldolese,
But today we honor one of these,
When some in the Church had lost their way,
Saint Peter Damian had much to say,
He urged his brothers to repent,
And preached reform wherever he went,
A Doctor of the Church is he,
When faced with sin and simony,
He tirelessly worked to fix,
Our saint today for post 266.
Saint Peter Damian indeed had much to say, and as we will be in the Lenten season at this time next week it would be good to read and reflect on some of his writings.

Have a blessed day!
I can’t read past the first post for I have already broken down in tears and had to call in sick for work. Is there any hope, any hope at all? Has the thread been revived?
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As a writer of poems
Depicting the lives of the saints
Christofirst does persevere…
And that’s what we are enjoying here!!!

Hello, meltzerboy2!
She shows how we can all repent,
Saint Margaret of Cortona went,
From mistress of a wealthy man,
To a visionary Franciscan,
She left self-centered ways behind,
That’s how God’s favor she did find,
And now enjoys the bliss of Heaven,
Today’s saint for post 267.
i have learned that things are better when my focus is on God instead of myself. Saint Margaret shows us that great things happen to us when we so this. May we all keep our focus on God and what he is calling us to do.

Have a blessed day!
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