This man needs to be confronted by the wife in front of the priest, and the priest tell him that marriage IS about sex, and it’s not just his world.
The counselor wants the OP to speak with the priest about an annulment.No one has suggested divorce
Excellent advice I think. He hasn’t made moves to change when you asked him. So it may be time to take more drastic action.This may be unpopular but if I were you, this is how I’d handle it.
- Sit down with husband and explain that while you love him, you do not plan to live the rest of your life deprived of marital intimacy and it’s unacceptable for him to expect this of you.
- Explain that you are unsure of the obstacle at the root of this issue but you must see that he’s taking specific steps to identify and resolve the problem.
- This means he must 1) see a physician to rule out any health-related issues that could cause a loss of sexual desire, 2) see a marriage & family therapist as a couple, 3) meet together with a priest.
- If any or all of these steps are not taken within the next two weeks, you’re packing a bag and moving back home with your parents. You will be staying with them until he successfully proves that he has undertaken each of these steps.
Again, excellent advice. You may be afraid to take these actions but as long as he thinks that you’re not prepared to actually take action then his incentive to change is low. I personally think it would be better to act than to continue being miserable.You don’t need to tell your parents the specific problem you’re experiencing in your marriage. But you must demonstrate to your husband that this is a serious situation that can lead to the destruction of your family if he doesn’t step up. Refusal to work to find a solution is unacceptable. You deserve to be with a loving spouse who fulfills his marital obligations. Don’t worry about an annulment now. Focus on being firm and making your expectations and requirements of him absolutely clear.
No the next step is moving home for a couple of weeks to see if that “scares” some sense into him. If not then she should consider an official separation.But the next step is a parish sanctioned separation with the pastor explaining his fault regarding the Catholic faith
True, but my own parents lived separately. I never considered that normal.I’m not sure if it will be effective since her husband has parents that live apart from each other, yet remain married. It may be considered “normal” to him.
Yeah but she should also pursue the annulment avenue in that case.Just the idea of not sharing any kind of intimacy for months points more in the direction of it be reasonable to live separately but married.