If we can honor celebrities and athletic superstars with commemorations and ceremonies and all kinds of other honors, why can’t we honor Mary the Mother of our Lord Jesus?Well, to parse your friend’s rather long on emotion/short on facts outburst: Since when is giving honor to anyone taking it away from someone else? Is Jesus that petty and insecure that he can’t stand any attention being paid to his own Mother? What about the 4th Commandment? Would Jesus begrudge honor being paid to his Mother by his spiritual brothers and sisters? Since there is no deception (how is giving honor, deception?)going on, I guess you don’t And the proof of this is…? Sounds good to me. Again, your saying so doesn’t make it so.
“Blessed art thou among women.”
Let us remember that our job here on earth is to the Love God with all our heart soul mind and strength. Our love is manuifested in action, surrender of oneself, and service. Mary changed Jesus’ diapers, nursed Him at her breast, sacrificed much for Him. Mary served Jesus better than any one of us could. Why is it wrong to look to her as a source of inspiration or intercession? Why is it wrong to honor her?
Peoples devotion to Mary brings them closer to Christ. “My soul doth magnify the Lord.”
If someone honored your mother would you be upset?
I think you have been decieved. Open your mind, seek the truth my friends.