:australia: LATEST: The US president-elect is interested in Australia's COVID-19 response | NSW is the 'gold standard' for COVID-19 management accordi

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Lets start with you telling me in your own words why n95 masks are not for use in this pandemic.

links dont impress me

Give you a hint if you ask nicely
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N95 filters the virus much better than sugical masks.
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N95 filters the virus much better than sugical masks.
ba baam, work at it, you will find the answer

You can have a free hint if you ask nicely, it just may save you if facing a person wearing an n95 nask, from catching the virus from them.
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oh please, quit with the games, answer the question, any tradie knows the answer.

Phone a tradie. Even better just google, as you have done in a repetitive manner, and get the answer.



I’m making the point that Australia has not put a lid on covid even in April. And the best example is that there are other places that have done far far much better.

If OP changes the title to: Australia has not controlled covid, need to learn from other countries who have. Then I can stop posting here.

Just did a search on the Chinese coronavirus in Australia, a total of 295 deaths for the whole country. I agree you can stop posting here as you’re talking utter nonsense.
New Zealand just went 100 days without a new diagnosis, All countries could learn from the Kiwis
Not really, they are a small island that chose to lock down and stamp out the virus. The bigger you are, the harder it is to stamp it out, just look at Australia.

And most countries never had the goal of eradicating the virus, just slowing it down
Not really, they are a small island that chose to lock down and stamp out the virus. The bigger you are, the harder it is to stamp it out, just look at Australia.

And most countries never had the goal of eradicating the virus, just slowing it down
yes really, size apologetics doesnt go far here, , the fact a country, county, state, town , village, cruise ship, ( you get the idea) has managed to record zero cases for over three months means they have got something right.

Ever been to New Zealand? It has a lot of international travel passing through, and a lot of travel in the Pacific closer to home.

Australia is working at getting this latest outbreak under control, and should be seeing results of its current measures in a few weeks.

As to your last comment, huge generalisation. ’ most countries’
I don’t think Australia was doing anything wrong in theory or on paper. After all, the rest of Australia is still doing better than most of the world. It’s just that the rules weren’t implemented well in Melbourne.

She said each hotel was run differently, depending on the DHHS member in charge.
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I don’t think Australia was doing anything wrong in theory or on paper. After all, the rest of Australia is still doing better than most of the world. It’s just that the rules weren’t implemented well in Melbourne.
Its more then just quarantine rules broken, its people not doing the right thing, positive cases not staying home, people all going shopping and the beach and large gatherings, people infected running borders. The quarantine issue is fast becoming a big cop out for this explosion.

Aged care have a huge incidence because of employees working through agencies and going to several agencies a week. Spreading Covid. That practice is going to be stopped.
People have symptoms and go to work because they wont get paid otherwise.

the ‘it wont happen here or to me’ mentality has led to this.
Young people are convinced its only an old people disease.
People are convinced kids wont get it.
People are convinced its not real.

We have our share of Karens here.
We also had very slow contact tracing. Usually the public knows , through rumour, which supermarket or bakery had positive workers at least several days before officialdom states go get tested if you bought a meat pie from that bakery.
The beauty of facebook.

On the plus side testing is really fast turn around time.
We are swimming in masks. They were all sold out during the bushfires early in the year. So the gov has done well there.
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Its more then just quarantine rules broken, its people not doing the right thing, positive cases not staying home, people all going shopping and the beach and large gatherings, people infected running borders. The quarantine issue is fast becoming a big cop out for this explosion.
Completely forgot that many weren’t staying home. I posted that last week(?).
We also had very slow contact tracing.
That’s unfortunate hear. That is incredibly important. It’s how South Korea and Taiwan were containing it without a lockdown and how NSW has been on the edge but has fallen off it for weeks.
Ever been to New Zealand? It has a lot of international travel passing through,
ROFL, Precisely because the travel is by air, it was easy to shut it down, and only gradually open it up to selected countries that are virus free. In Australia I read the containment problem is from people driving between different territories.

Size and ability to control borders really does matter, you cant name one large country with open land borders that has been effective in stamping out the virus. Even China with their draconian containment policies suffers from travelling infected. Also China has the express goal of stamping out the virus. Very different from policy in the US and Europe.
Completely forgot that many weren’t staying home. I posted that last week(?).
Yep, the government has started putting young people who had covid on tv and interviewing them in an attempt to ram home the seriousness of this to the idiot fraternity who just dont care and continue to do the wrong thing.

NSW has a lot to answer for over the Ruby Princess. Its the principle source of the viral spread here.
ROFL, Precisely because the travel is by air, it was easy to shut it down, and only gradually open it up to selected countries that are virus free. In Australia I read the containment problem is from people driving between different territories.

Size and ability to control borders really does matter, you cant name one large country with open land borders that has been effective in stamping out the virus. Even China with their draconian containment policies suffers from travelling infected. Also China has the express goal of stamping out the virus. Very different from policy in the US and Europe.
I will take your uninformed answer and your expression of mirth as no, you havent been to NZ. But yet, You will sit on your keyboard and discuss the NZ experience. Australia shut down international travel pretty fast too, in March.

NZ has a lot going for it as a tourist destination, and for stopovers between Aus and the rest of the world, NZ and the Pacific Nations, it also has a point of entry and stopover before the Antarctic.

And no the containment problem here is not due to Ned Kelly border crashers, except for 1 cluster involving youngsters in suspected highly illegal other activities.
Its due to reasons outlined above in this thread. Specifically covid positive people not staying home. Among other things.
People with symptoms going to work, or lunch, or into a crowd gathering, and then there is the meat works and Aged care and schools clusters.

I really dont think you understand what and how borders between states operate here or just what limited opportunity people have to traverse them, due to rivers and desert.

Europe fwiw is made up of many countries, dont generalise with a sweeping ‘Europe’ clause.

Australia has 2 territories, they are like states, but get the fancy name ‘territory’. The big desert outback Northern territory, and the ACT, a small cold place, really cold like minus 5 minimums in winter, we call the capital territory. Scotty and his mob dwell there along with that long standing tent city.

We have 6 states, one of these requires a boat or plane to get to. We dont have copious roads between states like you do in the United States. Driving across a few states/ territories here can take several days and going off the beaten track can mean death.
Our state borders are pretty easy to police.

Wear a mask and practice good hygiene and stay the *** at home if you have even the slightest symptom and get tested.

Who mentioned stamping out the virus or it on any country’s agenda? I certainly did not. Are you throwing up a strawman?

A person would be delusional to think this virus can be ‘stamped out’. God is in charge . People seem to be forgetting that.
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@ATraveller, not sure what country you are in.
Today the government is to be squizzed about the protocols for quarantine of returning overseas travellers.

There should also be an ongoing inquiry on the aged care failures nationally.
The Royal Commission inquiry will likely be expanded to relevant questions.
Royal Commission, another waste of taxpayers money.
Really? with all the results from the Royal Commission into Institutional Historic Child Sex abuse you claim it is a waste of money?

I dont think one Australian would agree with you there.
New South Wales It’s an increase from the recent decline but they know were the cases are coming from so that helps. I read some of the responses and found one fascinating suggesting Sydney should just bring in some “soft” restrictions to see if that will pull them away from the cliff edge…
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Of the 22 new cases reported to 8pm last night:
•16 were locally acquired and linked to known cases
•four are returned travellers from overseas
•one was acquired in Melbourne
•one was locally acquired, and is under investigation
( )
Victoria Daily new cases have been declining. There’s always a lag between deaths and new cases.

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