Biden Projected Winner, Rollbacks on Pro-Life and Religious Liberty Protections Expected

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Topics of expanded access to abortion and an increase in measures to curtail religious don’t resonate with half the posters on Catholic Answers. I look forward to their silence on these matters as Biden attempts to step on the throat of actual religious people in the coming years.
Me - waiting to see if Biden follows through on his promise to go after the Little Sisters of the Poor and force them to violate their faith and conscience - they are the canaries in the coal mine for religious freedom.

The Little Sisters of the Poor fought the Obama/Biden administration at great financial cost and won at the SCOTUS. Trump executive order offered additional protections. Biden promised to force them to offer abortifant birth control and abortions …

I imagine that the roll back of the Trump executive order will come early should he prevail after the recounts …

Religious freedom does hang in the balance based on Biden’s promise …what will his ACTIONs be?

I know how I’d bet …which would not look :cry: promising for the Little Sisters of the Poor
Unfortunately, he must not want to reveal the more despicable ones yet. Or this news story doesn’t want to give any real tips just small morsels.
  1. Some of Biden’s orders will be ‘despicable’
  2. The news media is hiding bad news from the populace.
I just don’t find either of those propositions credible.
You are losing me on this one Dovekin. People who opposed Hilary Clinton and her views were called by her “deplorables”. People in Western Pennsylvania (and I don’t quite remember the comment made by President Obama) went around clinging to their guns and their Bibles (said in a derogatory way). So, I was trying to say that if President elect Biden comes into office with the same mindset as his companions, there is not going to be much unity.

You have to understand your opposing side intimately and truly understand their opposition to your views and work on solutions to resolve the differences.

And to set the record straight I was not saying Hilary Clinton, President Obama and Kamala Harris are the haters or the deplorables; it was the people the were talking about.
That’s just complaining, no one is being called a deplorable.
Me - waiting to see if Biden follows through on his promise to go after the Little Sisters of the Poor and force them to violate their faith and conscience - they are the canaries in the coal mine for religious freedom.
This would be a moot point after the SC overturns the ACA. The insurance companies will cover what they want.
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If he repeals the Hyde Amendment and forces taxpayers to pay for abortion those are despicable ones. And in reading the article, it said President elect Biden “plans immediate flurry of Executive Orders”. I didn’t see but maybe five possible executive orders listed in the story. That’s a flurry? I think they could have listed more if there was a “flurry” and I’m willing to bet the ones they didn’t list will be doosies (does anybody know how to spell this word?)
Topics of expanded access to abortion and an increase in measures to curtail religious don’t resonate with half the posters on Catholic Answers. I look forward to their silence on these matters as Biden attempts to step on the throat of actual religious people in the coming years.
With great sorrow, I agree with you. It is so sad listening to to secularists on the subject of abortion or freedom of religion or half a dozen other subjects, but truly heartbreaking when people who call themselves Catholics clearly depart from 2,000 years of Catholic teaching.

If Biden sticks to his promises, the US will be funding mass abortions across the world, and , with the passage of the Equality Act, religious schools, hospitals, etc., will be in grave trouble.

I wish we could count on fellow Catholics to help prevent this.
  1. Some of Biden’s orders will be ‘despicable’
  2. The news media is hiding bad news from the populace.
I just don’t find either of those propositions credible.
Have you read about the Equality Act and the Hyde Amendment or about the constant attack on the Little Sister of the Poor?
People who opposed Hilary Clinton and her views were called by her “deplorables”. People in Western Pennsylvania (and I don’t quite remember the comment made by President Obama) went around clinging to their guns and their Bibles (said in a derogatory way).
Hilary’s comment was about a “basket of deplorables.” It was meant to distinguish the white supremacists, antifeminists from the bulk of ordinary supporters who are not consumed by these distortions. It was pointedly not a comment about all of Trump’s supporters.
Obama’s remark on “clinging” was not meant in a derogatory way. It is language used about fundamentalists, who see the world as a threat and cling to what they know instead of engaging with others. It was a critical remark, but said with a desire to reach out.

You have to understand your opposing side intimately and truly understand their opposition to your views and work on solutions to resolve the differences. It does not help to half understand and dismiss their comments as derogatory.
Hillary said 50% were in the basket of deplorables and Obama was not using “clinging” in any positive way …plus look at the rhetoric being used universally against over 70 million US citizens - even after the Left/Democrats have apparently won.

Out of one side of the mouth they are calling for unity (a unity message the disavowed for the last 4 years with great hatred, violent rhetoric and actual violence, less than zero attempt to unify) and from the other side they are calling for penalties upon people for who the voted for, supported and worked for President Trump…they are calling for all voices who oppose their positions to be punished and silenced.

Trump voters have universally been called racist and bigoted - all 70 plus million - just since the day after the election …on video …you can hear it yourself
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Hillary said 50% were in the basket of deplorables and Obama was not using “clinging” in any positive way …plus look at the rhetoric being used universally against over 70 million US citizens - even after the Left/Democrats have apparently won.
Do you think your note is “trying to better understand the views of those who oppose” you?

What is the difference between saying “ a unity message they disavowed for the last 4 years with great hatred, violent rhetoric and actual violence, less than zero attempt to unify” and calling them “haters and deplorables and uncaring people”?

This is a good time to drop the oppositional language and perspectives and start trying to see how people can work together to fight covid, climate change, intolerance, etc. of course, there will still be people who deny covid is a threat, that climate change is real, that we should work together. You can be one of those people if you want.

My sense from @hvizsgyak was that he did not want to be someone who was condemned by the opposition, but felt we could work together. I agree, and I agree that it will take some effort to understand one another. Part of that effort is to stop repeating past insults, maybe even seeking to understand what was being said in what you took as an insult.
What is the difference between saying “ a unity message they disavowed for the last 4 years with great hatred, violent rhetoric and actual violence, less than zero attempt to unify” and calling them “haters and deplorables and uncaring people”?
Because I described actual “ACTIONS” not merely words in the description of the last four years and the action offered was absolutely NOT unifying … unless you think things like promoting impeachment the day after the election in November 2016 and things like manufacturing evidence to obtain FISA warrants is unifying … sheesh

Its a fact that Hillary stated 50% were in that basket of deplorables … Its a fact that the #metoo movement died once Biden had a far more credible accusation of sexual assault levied against him than the far fetched unsubstantiated allegations against Kavanaugh …

So it is insulting in many ways for people who tried to impugned teenagers in DC at the March for Life as being racist and attacking people - a LIE … threatening to blow up the “White House”, vandalizing public and private property, bashing Trump supporters and even assaulting young children and labeling millions of people as racist and other despicable names … to now call on those thus maligned to come together.

We wont be become arsonists and murders as we have witness in the temper tantrums of the last few months - as I noted - I wont debase myself to their actions and rhetoric … but I wont cave in to their - lets all hold hands and sing kumbaya either
Topics of expanded access to abortion and an increase in measures to curtail religious don’t resonate with half the posters on Catholic Answers. I look forward to their silence on these matters as Biden attempts to step on the throat of actual religious people in the coming years.
This is so true, it seems to speak for themselves that some will want to talk about possible prosecution after leaving the presidency but hey, defund abortions in Africa via International Planned Parenthood, not a peep.
Topics of expanded access to abortion and an increase in measures to curtail religious don’t resonate with half the posters on Catholic Answers. I look forward to their silence on these matters as Biden attempts to step on the throat of actual religious people in the coming years.
. . . . No one will try to curtail your freedom to worship. Or your freedom to be a Catholic. Or your freedom to carry your pregnancy to term, if you so choose.

There will be no forced abortions, no prosecution of the clergy. Chill off.
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You have totally missed my point but at least most of the other posters got it. I have been called a hater and probably fall under the category of Hilary’s “deplorables”. My point being, I am NOT a hater. God gave us guidelines to follow so ALL our lives would go well while here on Earth. He also gave us freewill to choose right from wrong. I get labelled a hater and a “deplorable” because I profess that and I am trying to help others from making bad choices. I’m not forcing them to do things the way God intended them but I’m letting others know the problems that show up when choosing the wrong decision. But yet I and millions of others in America are labeled haters and deplorables. Like for instance, the person who has a Confederate Flag on their car or truck is automatically labelled a bigot. Or a person who doesn’t agree with all of the climate change beliefs is labelled ignorant. Or a person who believes marriage (created by God) is between a man and a women only is labelled a hater. It all comes down to whether you truly believe God’s Truths and His Church.
This would be a moot point after the SC overturns the ACA. The insurance companies will cover what they want.
Isn’t that the way private industry works?
But this could be remedied. If large associations of free individuals were permitted to form across state lines and negotiate with companies about what is and isn’t covered at what price, pre-existing conditions and everything the association wants would be covered.
Get government out of the way of people exercising their right to accessing healthcare.
Get government out of the way of people exercising their right to accessing healthcare.
Agreed. But this necessitates corporations being cut off from their welfare. A truly free market in health care would, I don’t doubt, see prices fall and more people covered. But this necessitates getting big business and big government out of the way.
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