As an adoptive parent, I have a serious issue with gay couples adopting. It is very difficult to adopt in this country. My husband and I have 3 beautiful children through adoption (2 from overseas), but we had 4 failed adoptions as well (birthmoms changing their minds, etc.). It seems that if you have money, you are considered to have a “good home”. I remember an interview with Rosie O’Donnell when she said that her oldest son was sad one day, asking why he didn’t have a father. She reportedly told him if he had a daddy, then she couldn’t be his mommy. The interviewer thought that was a great answer. I was so sad for her son. I pray for Rosie and her children every day. I just wonder if the birth moms of these children know that gays are adopting their children. In my experience, the birthmoms want a better home with a mommy and daddy for their children. I know of at least one lesbian who adopted from China as a single mom and never disclosed that she had a “partner”. I’m sure that if you have enough money you can hire an attorney to find a child for you if you want one. It’s despicable.