Bishop calls for new AIDS theology

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Black women in South Africa have significant problems in trying to find mates who are not infested with AIDS.

This is because the custom prevailing there among blacks encourages pre-marriage teenaged male homosexual promiscuity which spreads this virus .

This I have learned from personal documentation.
Oh my goodness!!! Never have I seen so many mis-informed posters who know nothing about HIV. This is **evil **in the worse way. I am sickened.
I know. So many badly informed folks who do not know that condoms prevent HIV infections. And worse, believe that people who do not share their faith should be exposed to the AIDS virus. Because some folks of another faith believe using condoms is somehow against their version of God’s will. I wonder how many of these brave Christians will also refuse vaccinations. Because the good folks who believe in Christian Science do not believe people should be vaccinated.

“Christian Scientists believe that God formed humankind in His image with no room for error. Therefore, humankind can stay healthy without the use of medicines and surgeries”

I guess this article of faith also applies to non Christian Scientists. So no vaccines for anybody, right? Otherwise, that would disobey the teachings of the Christian Scientists. Which all people are obligated to follow because otherwise that would be insulting the Christian Scientists faith.

I guess the Christian martyrs in Roman times were wrong. Better that they offer up an innocent pagan to die instead of the being themselves being killed for the Christian faith. Wonder why they did not do that?
This thread is becoming uncharitable and some posters are distorting Church teaching to strengthen their arguments. If things continue in this vein, the thread will be closed and suspensions may be handed out.

Clean it up, folks. Thanks.

And worse, believe that people who do not share their faith should be exposed to the AIDS virus.
The commandment against bearing false witness applies to everyone. Even you.
I guess the Christian martyrs in Roman times were wrong.
No, MikeinSD, you’re wrong.
Better that they offer up an innocent pagan to die instead of the being themselves being killed for the Christian faith. Wonder why they did not do that?
Because they understood it was better to die than to violate God’s law on any point, which is more than pro-condom advocates seem to understand.

– Mark L. Chance.
Oh my goodness!!! Never have I seen so many mis-informed posters who know nothing about HIV. This is **evil **in the worse way. I am sickened.
Do you think having sex with a condom when one has HIV infection is sound reasoning?
Sexual activity is a choice people make. You speak almost like sexual activity is as uncontrollable as breathing or a knee jerk reflex. I have a really good hunch that these very same people who lack discipline enough to know they can and should refrain from sex also lack the discipline to use measures that would help prevent AIDS. I can’t see how condoning condoms would solve the dilemna. I feel very sorry for these many many people afflicted with AIDS. The choices they make are crucial to the lives of others. They need to choose abstinence.
Both the Bishop and many others present a very degrading view of Africans-implying that since they cant control their sexual urges they must be allowed to sin.
I know. So many badly informed folks who do not know that condoms prevent HIV infections.
Actually they dont-they lessen the chance but it is misleading(and even deadly) to believe that one can be HIV positive and have “safe sex” if they use a condom.

This thread seems to focus on only one part of Catholic Teaching-the ban on using condoms. It ignores the other part-the teaching that sex is reserved for married , mongamous couples. If Catholic teaching were observed there would be no AIDS epidemic.

I agree with the Church-we are not sexual animals that can not control our sexual urges. To compromise Catholic teaching to accept this fallacy would be wrong.
AIDS is a voluntary disease.
This has to be the most unfeeling observation I have seen lately. Do wives who are infected by adulterous husbands volunteer to get
AIDS? Did HIV babies born to infected mothers volunteer in utero to be so infected? Are people infected through blood transfusions (remember Arthur Asche) volunteers? Are women and girls in Africa who are infected when raped by marauding soldiers and guerrillas volunteers? How about the rare case of AIDS transmission to medical personnel by accidental deep needle sticks? Volunteers?

Please Lizzie, give this some thought! Many sufferers of sexually transmitted diseases are truly victims, not people who are receiving divine retribution for their sexual missteps.
This is an excellent article and, if read with an open mind and a heart towards Christ’s Church, ends this debate:

The Church’s Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition

Some excerpts:

**Double Effect and Lesser Evil Do Not Apply to Condom Use **

*Moralists present a series of conditions that justify the use of these two principles, but the general rule is that one may never desire an evil end or use an illicit, morally condemnable means to achieve a good. In the former case, one would be choosing evil for evil, and in the latter, one would be accepting that the end justifies the means. In both cases one would be violating the fundamental principle of natural law, “Good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided.”11

Moreover, one would be rejecting the explicit teaching of Revelation that one may not do evil in order to draw some good from it. Saint Paul teaches: “And why not say – as we are accused and as some claim we say – that we should do evil that good may come of it? Their penalty is what they deserve” (Rom. 3:8).

Choosing an action as the lesser of two evils is not licit if it means choosing between two moral evils, two sins. In the case of physical evils, one may opt for the lesser.12

Thus, the principles of double effect and lesser evil do not apply to the use of condoms, such use being “intrinsically evil.”13*

**Forsaking a Single Moral Teaching Would Destroy Morality **

*However, the truth about the procreative purpose of the sexual act was established not by the Church but by the Author of nature Himself. Thus, the Church has no authority to change this teaching, since She is the guardian and interpreter of natural law, not its author. John Paul II emphasizes this in his document on the Christian family in the modern world:

The Church is in no way the author or the arbiter of this norm. In obedience to the truth which is Christ, whose image is reflected in the nature and dignity of the human person, the Church interprets the moral norm and proposes it to all people of good will, without concealing its demands of radicalness and perfection.17

Furthermore, were the Church to abandon even one principle of the natural or revealed law, She would be rejecting the very foundation of moral law, which is the authority of the legislator, in this case, God, of whose wisdom and will every law is but a reflection, be it through nature or through Revelation. “All laws, in so far as they partake of right reason, are derived from the eternal law,”18 explains St. Thomas Aquinas. “The eternal law is nothing else than the type of Divine Wisdom, as directing all actions and movements.”19 *
Do you think having sex with a condom when one has HIV infection is sound reasoning?
I just feel bad, for the women and young girls who don’t have a choice in the matter. And the orphans, and the rape victims…I pray for them.
I just feel bad, for the women and young girls who don’t have a choice in the matter. And the orphans, and the rape victims…I pray for them.
I think it is O.K. to “feel bad” and pray for all victims of AIDS, regardless of the cause.
I just feel bad, for the women and young girls who don’t have a choice in the matter. And the orphans, and the rape victims…I pray for them.
That is truly commendable, but what does it have to do with condoms? Are we to believe that the victimized women and young girls would not have contracted HIV because their rapists would have been considerate enough to don a condom?

– Mark L. Chance.
South Africa to have gay weddings
South Africa’s highest court has ruled in favour of same-sex marriages, which are banned under current legislation.

The Constitutional Court ordered that parliament amend marriage laws to allow gay weddings within a year. The constitution outlaws discrimination against gays and lesbians, but social attitudes remain more conservative. The court ordered that the definition of marriage be changed from a “union between a man and a woman” to a “union between two persons”.

:hmmm: and this is going to help the AIDS situation?
“The Catholic Church has played a major role in containing the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa,” contends Steven W. Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute. “Without its message of sexual abstinence before marriage and fidelity in marriage, the epidemic would have been arguably worse, not only among believers but among the general population.”
Another scientist published findings that confirmed that “the greater the percentage of Catholics in any country, the lower the level of HIV.”
Actually latest statistics show that the rate of heterosexuals acquiring AIDS has now overtaken those of homosexuals greatly.

The opinion that AIDS is specially homosexual is old and out of date.
Statistics or not…
any sexual immorality does not help the AIDS epidemic…
"Pan-sexual culture" undermines AIDS efforts, Vatican says

Vatican, Dec. 01 (CNA/ - The Vatican released today a message by Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, on the occasion of the World Day against AIDS.

Cardinal Barragan reaffirmed that “the best cure is prevention to avoid infection by HIV/AIDS, which we should remember is transmitted through the triple route of blood, transmission from mother to child, and sexual contact,” and stressed that sexual transmission remains the most important pathway through which the disease continues to spread. “This is greatly fostered by a kind of pan-sexual culture that devalues sexuality, reducing it to mere pleasure without any further meaning," the statement read. "Radical prevention in this field must come from a correct conception and practice of sexuality, where sexual activity is understood in its deep meaning as a total and absolute expression of the fecund giving of love,” he said. Read more
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